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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Your Favorite 5 Games In the Last 5 Years
Your Favorite 5 Games In the Last 5 Years
2004-10-11, 8:24 AM #41
Jedi Outcast
Jedi Academy
Deus Ex
2004-10-11, 8:25 AM #42
All in no particular order..

1) Deus Ex
2) Warcraft III and expansion
3) Fallout 2 (does that fit in the timeframe?)
4) Kohan - Ahriman's Gift (also possibly the new Kohan 2 - Kings of War, but I've decided to play Ahriman's gift first to get the backstory. And dammit, it's a hard and complex game. I can see that it's the sort of game that would take years to master.)
5) Freespace 2


1) Beyond Good and Evil (like Zelda, but better)
2) Anachronox (like Final Fantasy, but way, way better and funnier, but with fewer hot guys that look far too much like girls)
3) Legacy of Kain: Defiance (like a generic action game but with batting people with swords, vampires that speak all pretentious and over-wrought like, and insane, byzantine stories that require a personal staff just to follow.)
2004-10-11, 9:08 AM #43
WC3 + Expos
NWN + Expos
Soul Calibur 2
[Edit: Metal Gear Solid 2 OMG OMG OMG]
Chrono Trigger...
2004-10-11, 9:41 AM #44
Remember peoples, HL and was 1998, and JK and SC were 1997. I personally don't like this restriction to the last 5 years (my all-time favorite was from 1995) Anyway, here's some lists for you, in order of release (I think):

PC Games:
  • Unreal Tournament (1999)
  • Freespace II (2000) (only because I can't put Freespace here)
  • GunBound (2001)
  • The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (2002)
  • Unreal Tournament 2004 (2004)
Console Games:
  • 007: Goldeneye (1999)
  • Super Smash Brothers (1999)
  • Perfect Dark (2000)
  • Conker's Bad Fur Day (2000)
  • Super Smash Brothers: Melee (2002)
Earlier PC Games:
  • Dark Forces (1994)
  • He X en (1995)
  • Descent Freespace: The Great War (1997)
  • Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight (1997)
  • StarCraft (1997)
Earlier Console Games:
  • Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (1988)
  • The Legend of Zelda III: A Link to the Past (1992)
  • Breath of Fire II (1994)
  • Final Fantasy VI (1994)
  • The Legend of Zelda V: Occarina of Time (1998)
Please, also remember that I don't spend loads of money on games, so there's a large number of games that aren't on at all because I haven't played them (such as F-Zero GX and Metroid Prime). Also, the list is by no means definitive... I can't think of all the games that I have played...
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-10-11, 9:50 AM #45
Also in no particular order...

  • Aliens Versus Predator ][ (2001) (aka "AVP2")
  • Unreal Tournament (1999)
  • Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (1999)
  • Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (2002) (aka "MoH:AA")
  • Age of Mythology (2002) (aka "AoM")
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2004-10-11, 9:58 AM #46
Metroid Prime
Unreal Tournament
Thief 2
Everquest (minus the expansions)

would hafta be the standouts. I'm also enjoying Rome: Total War alot, but I'm going to exclude it until I actually beat it. ;P
2004-10-11, 2:11 PM #47
In particular order:

1.) Call of Duty
2.) Homeworld (i think 1999)
3.) Star Wars Galaxies
4.) Knights of the Old Republic
5.) Ground Control
You could no more evade my wrath than you could your own shadow.
2004-10-11, 2:24 PM #48
Originally posted by FullMetal
• Star Wars: Galaxies


...oh wait, you're serious?

Call of Duty
Deus Ex
Metroid Prime
Zelda: Wind Waker
2004-10-11, 2:35 PM #49
PC Games:
1) Planescape Torment (1999) - Quite possibly my favorite game ever

2)System Shock 2 (1999)

3) Deus Ex - (2000)

4) Max Payne 1/2 (2001/2003)

5) Warcraft 3 (2002)

Console Games

1) Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (2002)

2)The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2003)

3)Metroid Prime (2002)

4)Super Smash Brothers Melee (2001)

5) Viewtiful Joe (2003)
"I'm only civil because I don't know any swear words."

2004-10-11, 2:35 PM #50
Quake III Arena (all time Favourite)
GTA: Vice City
Jedi Outcast
NFS: Underground
JK:DFII Editing
2004-10-11, 2:45 PM #51
Originally posted by Clueless_of_Morg
PC Games:
1) Planescape Torment (1999) - Quite possibly my favorite game ever

Are you sure that was 1999?
2004-10-11, 2:51 PM #52
  • Doom 3
  • Richard Burns Rally
  • Rome: Total War
  • Warcraft 3
  • Lock On: Modern Air Combat
.................................................. ........
.................................................. ....rock!
2004-10-11, 3:08 PM #53
1. Tribes 2
2. Unreal II
3. Far Cry
5. Rome: Total War
<Lyme> I got Fight Club for 6.98 at walmart.
<Black_Bishop> I am Jack's low price guarantee
2004-10-11, 3:22 PM #54
1. Jedi Outcast
2. Jedi Academy
3. Need for Speed Underground
4. Max Payne
5. Max Payne 2
2004-10-11, 3:44 PM #55
1. Starcraft
2. System Shock 2
3. Final Fantasy XI
4. Unreal Tournement (Orignal)
5. Final Fantasy VII

In that particular order.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-10-11, 4:33 PM #56
1. System Shock 2 (surprised this one hasn't been mentioned much)
2. Clive Barkers Undying (still surprised)
3. Far Cry
4. Hitman, 2/3
5. Max Payne 1/2
2004-10-11, 4:44 PM #57
Jedi Outcast
Doom 3
Neverwinter Nights
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
Far Cry
I bet you think that's funny, don't you.
2004-10-11, 4:53 PM #58
01. Dark Age of Camelot
02. EverQuest
03. Rune
04. Unreal Tournament
05. Quake III Arena

That was difficult for me. The above 5 games would probably all be in my top 20 of all time.
2004-10-11, 5:00 PM #59
Originally posted by tofu
Are you sure that was 1999?

I checked the CD for the date.
"I'm only civil because I don't know any swear words."

2004-10-11, 5:56 PM #60
Im seeing alot of newer games on this list and I ask, do these games have the staying power? In 4 or 5 years, will you still be playing these games? Or will they just be replaced by the "Next Great Game"?

I personally play starcraft and final fantasy XI all the time, I can run SC on almost any computer, so I play it everywhere, when I have the time, I pick up my old copies of System Shock II and FFVII and run through them, Ive beaten FFVII like 8 times.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2004-10-11, 5:58 PM #61
* Not Jedi Academy (Zelda: Windwaker)
* Not Doom 3 (FarCry)
* Not Quake III (Eternal Darkness)
* Not Doom 3 (Viewtiful Joe)
* Not Jedi Academy (Myst IV)
Think while it's still legal.
2004-10-11, 6:06 PM #62
Final Fantasy VII
Metal Gear Solid
Jedi Knight
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2004-10-11, 6:14 PM #63
ut 2004
The keyboard is mightier than the ion cannon.

Dangerous toys are fun but you could get hurt! ^.^
2004-10-11, 6:34 PM #64
Screw 5..
(no particular order)
Golden Sun
Paper Mario
Bomberman 64 2
Perfect Dark
GS II Lost ages

America's Army

Marvel vs. Capcom

And an extra just for froggy: Eternal Darkness :p\

Yes, I'm a nintendo/console whore.
There are more but I can't remember them.

Oh, pokemon gold/silver actually was quite fun.
2004-10-11, 6:48 PM #65
In no particular order:

PC Games:
1. System Shock 2
2. Max Payne
3. Deus Ex
4. Doom 3
5. UT2004 (I'd say the original, but I believe it's older than 5 years)

1. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
2. Metroid Prime
3. Resident Evil (GC Redux)
4. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
5. Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

PS Who the hell gave me this title?
2004-10-11, 7:18 PM #66

1. Raven Shield
2. Spearhead
3. IL2 Forgotten Battles + ACE expansion pack
4. Jedi Knight
5. UT 2004

JA was the biggest dissapointment. I knew it was going to stink, but I wasn't prepared for how bad it would.
2004-10-11, 7:23 PM #67
Pssssssst. Jedi Knight is more then 5 years old.
Think while it's still legal.
2004-10-11, 7:27 PM #68
Yes, but i played it in the last 5 years. And it was one of my favorite games in the last 5 years.
2004-10-11, 7:28 PM #69
Pssssst......witty counter-retort.
Think while it's still legal.
2004-10-11, 7:48 PM #70
Of all the games I got/was introduced to in the last 5 years, the following, not in any order, are my tops.

Twisted Metal 3
007: Nightfire
One Must Fall Battlegrounds

No, JK/MotS aren't on here only because I've had them since around the time they came out (or at least the SE 3 level demo cds; couldn't get enough of them so I got the full versions a couple months later -- I was quite pleased :)) Obviously this was before 5 years ago.
And OMF2097 I've had since the full version was released (yes I paid for it -- worth every penny). 1991 is also well before 5 years ago.
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-10-11, 8:02 PM #71
Eh, it was supposed to be games released in the last 5 years, but oh well.

It's amazing how far we've come, technology wise anyway. From System Shock 2 too Doom 3. Simply remarkable.

Now we just need gameplay to catch up.
2004-10-11, 8:06 PM #72
From System Shock 2 too Doom 3. Simply remarkable.

Wait, how is downgrading remarkable. ^_^
Think while it's still legal.
2004-10-11, 8:09 PM #73
Originally posted by tofu
Eh, it was supposed to be games released in the last 5 years, but oh well.
Heh, as it turns out, mine are all '98 or later -- 6 yrs old max. Close enough :)
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-10-11, 8:52 PM #74
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
Wait, how is downgrading remarkable. ^_^

You think SS2 looks better than Doom 3? Get your eyes checked.
2004-10-12, 2:12 AM #75
Originally posted by fishstickz
Im seeing alot of newer games on this list and I ask, do these games have the staying power? In 4 or 5 years, will you still be playing these games? Or will they just be replaced by the "Next Great Game"?

I personally play starcraft and final fantasy XI all the time, I can run SC on almost any computer, so I play it everywhere, when I have the time, I pick up my old copies of System Shock II and FFVII and run through them, Ive beaten FFVII like 8 times.

Who cares for "staying power"? I read a book one time, I usually don't watch a movie more than two or three times and I play a PC Game one time. I still love Badlur's Gate II, but I played it only once. Than the topic was "of the last five years". The only games I play for a longer time are the once I edit. Or minesweeper.
My levels
2004-10-12, 5:13 AM #76
I don't think I'll ever find a game I would play forever.
Of course, there are games that I will still go back and play every now and again.
For me, the games with the most replayability of all the games I've played are recent ones anyway.

Smash Brothers Melee
Grand Theft Auto Vice City

Of-course, before Vice City, it was GTA3, and Vice City will be replaced by San Andreas, and the same deal for Smash Brothers, but thats not because the older games became stale, its because the next upgrade of it has come out.

Not that I'm saying sequeals are always better, sometimes the seqeal seems like nothing more then a cheap immitation of the original (Devil May Cry)

But anyway, in no particular order:

Smash Brothers Melee
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
UT 2k4 (and by that I mean as a basis for mods)
Devil May Cry
Max Payne 2
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2004-10-12, 10:21 AM #77
Just for reference, the release date for the original UT was october 30, 1999, almost 5 years ago, so it would fit in. However, instead of nit-picking by the day, I suggest simply any game released 1999 or later, since how would we know when in the year Super Smash Brothers (1999) was released?

Also, as one could see, I'm not too impressed with PC games from the last 5 years. That part took me some time. My all-time favorite game is He X en , for those who couldn't draw that from my post. I'd very much like to port it to a new engine, but I'd need a copy of Doom3 first to port it to... (and it would take a lot of work to translate it to a new engine without losing the amazing qualities in the game)
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2004-10-12, 12:32 PM #78
Doom 3
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Need for Speed: Underground
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2004-10-12, 1:51 PM #79
Originally posted by tofu
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
Wait, how is downgrading remarkable. ^_^

You think SS2 looks better than Doom 3? Get your eyes checked.
Remember that he's the only one who has a good monitor and keeps telling everyone else to get new ones ;)
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2004-10-12, 2:13 PM #80
[edit ]

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