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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Your Favorite 5 Games In the Last 5 Years
Your Favorite 5 Games In the Last 5 Years
2004-10-12, 2:14 PM #81
I can't really compare 'System Shock 2' to 'The Pitch Black Room' errr...'Doom3'


DUN DUN DUN! Yes my pretties flame away, you know you want to protect Carmack. He'd be sad if you didn't.
Think while it's still legal.
2004-10-12, 3:53 PM #82
No specific order.

1. JO/JA
2. Return to Castle Wolfenstein/Enemy Territory
3. UT2k4
4. Deus Ex
5. Half-Life (1999, right?)
2004-10-12, 5:37 PM #83
Morrowind Game of the Year
Knights of the Old Republic
Full Spectrum Warrior
Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free

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