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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I'll be the bad guy.
I'll be the bad guy.
2004-10-12, 3:24 PM #81
Who the hell cares..... Either way, it's still JUST A FORUM.
2004-10-12, 3:25 PM #82
Originally posted by Warlord Every modern forum is easier to administrate than the old UBB was. PHPBB2, for example, or invision. THOSE two are free.

instead, we (brian) buys a what, $300 forum system? and what does he do? he disables all the useful, interesting features. we could've gotten this amount of functionality for free.
PHPBB is constantly full of security holes and on the sites I've used it on in the past, we were hacked repeatedly. Also, neither invision nor phpbb have importers for the the old version of UBB that we were using. Dropping some cash in order to save years worth of history is worth it. It was never an issue of cost -it's an issue of TIME. We can do all these features in a way that won't be annoying on the various boards, but it takes experienced programmers time to implement them. I picked vb because it had the importer and it actually ran decently fast. If you look at PHPBB and invision board, it literally takes DOZENS of sql queries to generate a single page. It's insane, and on a popular board, it will bring the server to its knees.

I'm still scartching my head trying to figure out why people can't just turn sigs off themselves. This is ridiculous.
This is another one of those issues for non-logged in users. I don't login every time I visit the forums, and I shouldn't HAVE TO unless I'm going to post. So unless we get an option to turn signatures OFF BY DEFAULT and force the people who like them to manually turn them on, this isn't a viable option. Massassi didn't get where it is today by ignoring the folks who don't feel like signing up for an account or logging in.

BTW: I did this only after a discussion on the admin forum - someone said that turning off vbcode would allow urls still, but obviously that isn't the case.

Why is it that so often when a few people do something the admins don't like, they take it out on the entire community instead dealing with the people who were the problem?
I'd honestly like an answer for this.
Because it often takes less effort to disable an option than spend hours every day moderating something. And don't suggest "hire more admins" because it's hard enough to manage the number we have already.
2004-10-12, 3:26 PM #83
A monkey and a banana
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2004-10-12, 3:34 PM #84
Only 14 people are being honest.
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2004-10-12, 3:49 PM #85
I personally think that a little bit of colour, or boldness, in a sig can actually make it easier on the eyes to read. However, what I hater are people who have 6+ lines of signature in colour. If you want colours in sigs, I think it should be something to the ordrer of, "The Massassi Temple," etc. Not, " MASSASI LOL "
Massassi's Official Chatroom: #massassi
2004-10-12, 3:50 PM #86
Originally posted by Brian
Because it often takes less effort to disable an option than spend hours every day moderating something. And don't suggest "hire more admins" because it's hard enough to manage the number we have already.
If the admins are involved in the first place, they're already aware of a problem. I wouldn't expect them to go through and read everything, but just to deal with it as they come across it instead of letting it all pile up. I would imagine problems become overwhelming if not dealt with as soon as possible.

However, what I hater are people who have 6+ lines of signature in colour.
Well, I'm not in color, but I have 6 lines. But thanks to vB, I shrunk it down to the equivalent of somewhere betwee 3.5 - 4 regular sized lines. So it's not like we all abuse the size feature in our sigs.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-10-12, 3:59 PM #87
Also, instead of just fiddling with all these options to disable features, can't we just flick one "Disable annoying members" option? ;)
Massassi's Official Chatroom: #massassi
2004-10-12, 4:05 PM #88
if i made mine smaller would people be happy?
Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.
2004-10-12, 4:22 PM #89
Originally posted by GhostOfYoda
Also, instead of just fiddling with all these options to disable features, can't we just flick one "Disable annoying members" option? ;)

I approve :D
"NAILFACE" - spe

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