Gah. MBeggar, you are making the huge fallacy of letting your emotions, the so-called "common sense" get in the way of intelligence. I knew people that died in those attacks as well; lots of us do. It pissed me off perhaps more than anybody at Massassi; on that day, I knew what level of malicious intent was fueling the terrorists, and what kind of gesture it was. However, just saying that "oh, it was tragic, it makes me mad, so don't probe into it!", is just plain ignorance. It is not disrepectful at all to suggest that it was far more sinister than we thought, in fact it is more respectful. I think the best thing that can be done is to find the true answer as to what happened then and there. I find it rediculous that you think it respectful to those dead to try to be ignorant as to exactly what killed them, as well as how and why. I think this is an America-wide ailment that the sensationalist media has inflicted... It saddens me, as it is turning the whole country into mindless, unquestioning sheep, regardless of who they side with.
As for the proposed hypothesis that you seem to favor, could you provide any REAL scientific evidence to back it up, not just anecdotes? (which are all I've seen for it are in the past 3 years) I mean something like the article I linked to, but one that calculated that the tower would collapse roughly an hour after collison, due to heat from the jet fuel.
Moral of the Story: There is no proven answer yet. I'm just trying to throw ideas out there. We need to find out the answers, for the respect of those who died in the horrific events of 9/11, and for the sake the people of America, and the world.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...