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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Poor mice :(
Poor mice :(
2004-10-17, 10:38 AM #41
It is just frikkin sad what some kind of people do. Just let little animals suffer...*********, if i hate some kid on school. do i feed him poison or do i cut his head off. NO!!! Do i throw him of a 100 feet tall buildings so 'he will not suffer'. NO!!! We may not harm people but killing defensles animals are done every day. WE LIVE IN A SICK WORLD:mad:
2004-10-17, 10:43 AM #42
Originally posted by Chaz Ghostle
If I remember correctly, she can't help it. Think about it. With all the times she's been yelled at for her spelling, don't you think she would have learnt by now?

She made a post about it a while ago, I think. I couldn't find it though.

If I remember correctly she does it on purpose...
2004-10-17, 10:51 AM #43
If I remember correctly she has dyslexia.

Spelling and grammatical mistakes are a dime a dozen, here, so it's not like Elana's a stark contrast to the otherwise literary and verbose Massassi Temple...

It's poor form to point out the foibles of everyone else, too. Or should we just start banning people who don't use subjunctives correctly, or split infinitives? Pfft. It's not like it matters that much.

As long as people are doing their best with regards to spelling and such, that's fine by me. It's the "it's only the internet, so I don't have to even try to spell!" attitude that irritates me.
2004-10-17, 11:26 AM #44
"Bad spelling is a sign of genius." - Ron Gilbert

"It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word." - Andrew Jackson.
I'm just a little boy.
2004-10-17, 12:26 PM #45
Originally posted by need help
It is just frikkin sad what some kind of people do. Just let little animals suffer...*********, if i hate some kid on school. do i feed him poison or do i cut his head off. NO!!! Do i throw him of a 100 feet tall buildings so 'he will not suffer'. NO!!! We may not harm people but killing defensles animals are done every day. WE LIVE IN A SICK WORLD:mad:

Then again mice aren't human... Still it is sad that they have to suffer, but if you think the world is messed up because mice suffer, stay away from the news, and try not to learnin about current events. If you don't you'll probably have a nervous breakdown.
2004-10-18, 9:29 AM #46
That is not exactly the meaning of the post. Because i know what kind of fricking ****ing *****es humans are. They just cant act normal. The meaning of my post was. That people (normal people, that wont make war) make "non-suffering" traps for mice because there irritating, but if you shoot some guy on street in the head because he is irritating, you get in jail.

And that was the meaning of my post *:rolleyes: jeez, long and pessimistic story*
2004-10-18, 9:34 AM #47
We had rats in our old house ... luckily we live no where near where we used to live, and so the occupants of it now cant track us down.

... I hope.

Magrucko Daines and the Crypt of Crola (2007)
Magrucko Daines and the Dark Youth (2010)
Magrucko Daines and the Vertical City (2016)
2004-10-18, 11:14 AM #48
Well, yes. Humans > Mice. Are you saying it's just as bad to kill a mouse as a human? :confused:

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