They do have it in their blood. You can't supress natural instinct. DIDNT YOU WATCH JURASSIC PARK?!?!?!?!?
That would explain why the dog attacked me.... In the middle of a park, while I was just standing there.
This is what makes them different from other dogs. They have to be raised differently than other dogs... You don't simply just go out and buy them at the store, bring them home, awe at their cuteness and then everything's good. And a lot of people don't know how to raise them right, which is why they turn on people. Which is why they want them banned. The statistics speak for themselve's. Pitbulls were bred back in the day to be fighting/guard dogs. They were even forced to fight eachother. Even dog book guide's say this, and they even say it's in their blood to be agressive. When was the last time you ever heard on the news, that a lab or golden retriever, or husky attacked someone? Sure as hell not as often as a pitbull. If at all.