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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Bottled water vs. tap water
Bottled water vs. tap water
2004-10-16, 6:31 PM #41
If I have the option, I'll usually buy something flavoured instead of water, because it's usually the same price or cheaper, and contains sugar in addition to water. <3 sugar.
2004-10-16, 6:43 PM #42
Originally posted by MentatMM (truth about bottled water)

that sounds biased to me. while it offers facts, it also seems to try to persuade you to buy some sort of alkaline ionized-water thing.

Besides, if the guy has terminal cancer, why does he even care whats in his water? He's going to die anyway.
2004-10-16, 6:49 PM #43
Personally, I drink spring water.
2004-10-16, 6:53 PM #44
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS
that sounds biased to me. while it offers facts, it also seems to try to persuade you to buy some sort of alkaline ionized-water thing.

2004-10-16, 6:57 PM #45
I drink water out of my toilet. Does that count as tap water?
2004-10-16, 7:14 PM #46
Yea, I buy the 24 packs, or whatever the large packs are. I'll either have it in my room so I don't have to walk a minute and a half to a decent water source in my dorm hall, or you can always go around selling the bottles a dollar a peice. At 4 dollers per 24 pack... that's a nice way to make money. Yes, I will go to a beach with a cooler offering to sell bottles. Yes I will go around in school selling bottles. Yes I will do anything to sell stuff like this (buy in bulk for cheap, sell individually for a rip off)

As of recent though, I've found myself eating and drinking alot healthier. The only soda I will drink now is Mountain Dew. Simply because it is the nectar of life. Alot more water and (real) fruit drinks, etc.
2004-10-16, 7:17 PM #47
Originally posted by money•bie
I drink water out of my toilet. Does that count as tap water?

Shut up
Pissed Off?
2004-10-16, 8:02 PM #48
Originally posted by Mikus
If I have the option, I'll usually buy something flavoured instead of water, because it's usually the same price or cheaper, and contains sugar in addition to water. <3 sugar.

2004-10-16, 8:03 PM #49
Originally posted by Echoman

Coke = $1
Water = $1.25

Coke = water + sugar
Water = water

Yay Coke.

Gatorade = water + salt
Gatorade = $2.25

GG Gatorade.
2004-10-16, 9:13 PM #50
There's salt in gatorade? That's funny.
2004-10-16, 9:18 PM #51
Originally posted by JediHunter_X
Tap. Bottled water tastes like plastic.
Hazard a company one process.
2004-10-16, 9:45 PM #52
Originally posted by MentatMM
We only have well water at my house, and it has a very high sulfur content. It smells like eggs, and tastes like...something dead? We buy bottled water, mainly because we have to. (truth about bottled water)

His opinion is obviously wrong... do you really trust a man who uses ASP????
2004-10-16, 10:12 PM #53
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS
that sounds biased to me. while it offers facts, it also seems to try to persuade you to buy some sort of alkaline ionized-water thing.

Besides, if the guy has terminal cancer, why does he even care whats in his water? He's going to die anyway.

He's a terminal cancer survivor.
I'm just a little boy.
2004-10-16, 11:26 PM #54
Both in Arizona and recently, Oklahoma, we have been told that it's probably best not to drink unfiltered tap water if we don't have to, so we buy some bottled water, and also, our refridgerator filters water so we use that, too.

Bottled water definitely tastes better than the tap water I'm used to.
2004-10-17, 12:18 AM #55
When I hiked the alps in Switzerland there was a continuously flowing drinking fountain filtering glacial water directly from the mountains. Maybe the atmosphere had everything to do with it, but that was the best water I have ever tasted.
"...Those living for death will die by their own hand, Life's no ordeal if you come to terms, Reject the system dictating the norms..."
2004-10-17, 8:30 AM #56
Originally posted by JEDI-Salvation
When I hiked the alps in Switzerland there was a continuously flowing drinking fountain filtering glacial water directly from the mountains. Maybe the atmosphere had everything to do with it, but that was the best water I have ever tasted.

2004-10-17, 11:43 AM #57
I like the bottled water with the chunks of fat floating in it, that's the good ****.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-10-17, 11:55 AM #58
Originally posted by Lewis Black
I like the bottled water with the chunks of fat floating in it, that's the good ****.


And as far as I am concerned... I'll drink tap water until the day it kills me... or until the day when I'm still just fine from drinking tap water. If it's good enough for me to shower in, it's good enough for me to drink.
>>untie shoes
2004-10-17, 11:56 AM #59
I wasn't trying to quote him.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2004-10-17, 12:19 PM #60
Then I guess you failed :p
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2004-10-17, 5:53 PM #61
People that have or have had cancer are incapable of lying. In all seriousness, I didn't post the link as if it were true, I just posted it because it was an interesting read. I agree, it's always suspicious when someone bashes things and then tries to sell you something that is supposedly better. Either way, still an interesting read.
2004-10-19, 2:10 PM #62
I'm going to take a page from my Chemistry professor and say:

I pay 91 cent/Litre for gas and I get angry. Where as I pay $2 a litre for water! WATER! Gaoline is a non-renewable resource. Water makes up 70% of the Earth's surface.

Also, bottled water tends to have more chemicals in it than your tap water. Perrier water, is famed for having a distinctive taste, that has a lot to do with the fact that it has Benzene in it. That's not a problem, if you don't care if your kidneys fail!

Anyways, I drink tap water. In the case of here in the city, filitered (gets rid of the chlorine taste). In my home town the water is some of the best you can find anywhere (seriously).

Also, flouride is put in your water by Communists to steal our essence!
In Pride,
I had a disclaimer here, but the man said it was too long.
2004-10-19, 2:16 PM #63
Originally posted by Avenger
Shut up
No, seriously. Is that the same as tap water? As in, does it have fluoride in it?
2004-10-19, 8:34 PM #64
Originally posted by money•bie
No, seriously. Is that the same as tap water? As in, does it have fluoride in it?

Flouridization is a commie plot. Everyone knows that.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-10-19, 8:50 PM #65
/drinks water
Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.

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