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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Special abilities
Special abilities
2004-10-18, 1:03 PM #41
I think it would be cool to be able to control how fast I travel through time. Every one else could be going at normal, but I would be going 500,000 time faster, so it would seem like I had put the world on pause, and I could move through it like I would normally. Sort of like that scene in Matrix one where Morpheus says "freeze it!" during the program. But, to every one else it would just seem like I was moving incredibly fast. (if they could even see me) Or I could slow myself down just a bit for cool fight scenes.
2004-10-18, 1:03 PM #42
Telekinesis. The lazy man's super power. I'd never have to stand up. Just lift whatever I'm sitting on, and float around on that. I could use it for travel too. Wouldn't have to worry about traffic or gas.

I want to create fire too, like in Witch Hunter Robin.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2004-10-18, 4:29 PM #43
I'm changing my powers...I definatly want the power that Robin has in Witch Hunter Robin.

My second power would be the high charisma thing
I suppose I can go without undead Nazi zombie slaves.
2004-10-18, 5:11 PM #44
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2004-10-18, 5:13 PM #45
Originally posted by Master Tonberry

Cheat Commandos rock rock on!

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