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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Post your long term physical injuries
Post your long term physical injuries
2004-10-21, 8:21 AM #41
Originally posted by Matthew Pate
Not permanent, but I tore a ligament in my leg, and couldn't walk for six weeks, after slipping in a heroic attempt to spare others from "My Heart Will Go On". This was when you couldn't swing a cat without hitting a radio playing it.

At least my howls of pain drowned out Celine's.

good man, you took a hit so others might be spared. that makes you a hero, although you didn't really succeed.
2004-10-21, 3:31 PM #42
No real injuries, although I can do pretty freaky things with my fingers.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-10-21, 10:15 PM #43
I used to be in perfect physical condition (yeah, right). Well, no serious injuries, that is. Then, back in February, I was playing basketball at church, and the floor is not wood or concrete, it's some kind of grippy, hard surface. So I went up for a rebound, got the ball, but when I landed, my right foot turned under, and the bottom of my foot got turned 90 degrees so it was facing my other foot. And it was stuck that way.

The official diagnosis was traumatic dislocation, and two ligaments were torn. Miraculously, no bones were broken, so no surgery was needed, which saved a lot of money (although that wasn't discovered until x-rays were done after being in the hospital for enough hours to rack up a nice tab). In a way, broken bones would have been better for the long-term, because they are stronger after they heal. The torn ligaments will always be weaker. :( So now I usually wear an aircast when I play hard.

It doesn't hurt me much anymore. But man was it ever swollen. It was so swollen that my toenails stopped growing for a couple months (seriously). It's been 8 months now, and my big toenail is still only halfway grown out since it happened; you can see a line from where it stopped growing. And I couldn't walk for about two or two and a half months. But I'm pretty much over it now. :)
Just dancin'...and singin' the Force.

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