
"You Would Have Been BALEETED..."
Posts: 3,897
You don't HAVE to take care of your character. I have my copy alrady from a good friend of mine at Best Buy/Gamestop. you don't have to eat three times a day. Hell, I don't eat hardly at all. Eating is really there when you are low on health, and you can stop at a pizza place for energy.
And what do you mean "now I can drive and shoot in a bigger area". The GTA games have some of the best voice acting in any game, the best stories in any game, some of the best graphics for console games, and the best gameplay.
Also, last I knew, whole freaken states can be quite large. It is supremely unrealisitic if a state that is supposed to represent Los Angeles, San francisco, and Las Vegas, only takes 1 minute to drive through.
There are so many more gameplay elements in San Andreas than you can wink an eye at. It's hardly an expansion back to the Sims, like you so described. There's such an extreme amount of stuff that you dont' have to do, but it's so freaken fun to do.
The freedom to drive around and shoot abyody you want is what makes the game so great. I hate games that confine you to small areas and you can only do what will make progress in the game's story.
In san Andreas, you can do pretty much anything you want, whenever you want, without having to worry about missions to be comleted. I dont' see why that makes a game so awful...
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"
"None knows what the new day shall bring him"