Didn't know you boxed. That's pretty cool, I love boxing!
I went to a Mu Duk Kwon class twice, actually. Once again, it's popular, more than most people think. But, on the second day, the "leader" (can't remember what they want to call them..Sifu? Kyoshi? Master? What?) anyways, the leader modified one of the taught techniques. Right in front of me, he said "Why don't we do this instead?" That instantly tells me he isn't loyal to the art. What I liked about it is they improved a lot on basic kicks and punches from TKD.
And the 2nd degress that sparred me that knew TKD (by the way, only purple belt if it really matters to you...why do people ask it so much? Belt dosn't matter.) didn't stretch, niether did I, didn't have any problem. Guess it's because Kenpo realize that when you get attacked, not only will you be ganged up on, you'll also don't have extra time to stretch. We stretch most the time, though. Lol weird, isn't it?
Lol, makes it sound like I'm all about kenpo when I'm more of a Tai Chi man.
Jujitsu/Judo = good stuff too. Cool you know it.
To justify why I don't like TKD much, is a little story.
About four months ago at Tracy's Karate Studio, a few minutes after my privite lesson, three Tae Kwon Do (Two Korean style, one American from what I know) students entered our studio. They apparently are mad because of the news segment that ironically my dad and I did on the Local News a few weeks earlier, doing a Tai Chi form while Tony (our Kyoshi/Sifu/Sensei/whatever you want to call him, he dosn't want a title really) explains the benefits from Tai chi. They're mad because they a couple of thier students started rumors that we're talking bad about other martial arts, and others they left permantly from thier school, and they blamed us. Tony asked them to leave, all three of them, and they refused to. Well, one of them got really angry and started throwing kicks on Tony. Tony blocked and did a move that made him end up by me, on the other side of the room face down. The second guy noticed that Tony defended, and attacked him with a roundhouse. Tony blocked and backfist, hard, right into his groin. The other younger looking guy was sweeting, but didn't do anything.
Turns out the guy that got smacked in the nuts resulted in internal bleeding, and was sent to the hospitol. His legs looked funny when they put him in the ambulence. The other guy was arrested, as Tony is a deputy of Greene County.
Bad luck, I tell you.
But, I don't treat all TKD's like I hate them. Like I said, I respect them. And got a lot of friends that are them. We just have our differences...they're an Olympian sport, we're a war-art self defence.