Rejection/Failure. I view them as the same thing. And I don't mean it in a strictly romantic sense. I don't want anyone to think negatively about me. There's no reason anyone should think negatively about anyone, short of one person acting negatively upon another.
I also fear that people are lying to me, just to avoid hurting my feelings. People do it to other people all the time. "How does this look?" "That looks greeeeaat!" Where the **** has all of the honesty gone? If I make a piece of art that is bad, I want someone to tell me. I don't want to think that they like it. I'll continue to make more crap that way. Sure, my feelings might be hurt if something that I've put so much time into making turned out badly and someone told me so, but I'd get over it. Crap begets crap.
Strangely enough, I was thinking about making a huge post outlining my exact fear in the second post, so I was surprised when I saw this thread. But you get the small version.