i think the ideal of america has been corrupted into an environment of greed and 'it's all about me'.
if you look at posters and commercials from the 50's and stuff, you get the idea from the ideal (get it?) that if you come to america and work hard you can be and do what ever you want. and millions have. and that's what makes america such an incredible country.
the trouble started when people lost the ideal and started becoming more and more greedy thinking only of themselves.
helthcare is the one outstanding example of this (i know, i know, i won't shut up about this). the general attitude is, 'if you can't afford it, then either get a better job or suffer. you ain't gettin' any of my money.' even when a neighbours child is suffering from a disease that may be curable.
i feel good knowing that the children that my children play with are healthy due in part by the high taxes i pay. i know none of them have to worry and i know that none of their parents, be they widowed stay at home mom's or rich suv driving idiots, don't have to worry about mounting hospital bills.
i truely feel good knowing that we all get taken care of because we all pitch in to help.
yeah, i'm a socialist commie. whatever...
anyway, my personal opinion is that america, as great and innovative and generous a country and it's citizens are, has to stop putting money before the welfare of people worldwide.
quit beeing so ****ing greedy! drop the lawsuit for the hot burrito burning your tongue resulting in mental trauma...
if you look at posters and commercials from the 50's and stuff, you get the idea from the ideal (get it?) that if you come to america and work hard you can be and do what ever you want. and millions have. and that's what makes america such an incredible country.
the trouble started when people lost the ideal and started becoming more and more greedy thinking only of themselves.
helthcare is the one outstanding example of this (i know, i know, i won't shut up about this). the general attitude is, 'if you can't afford it, then either get a better job or suffer. you ain't gettin' any of my money.' even when a neighbours child is suffering from a disease that may be curable.
i feel good knowing that the children that my children play with are healthy due in part by the high taxes i pay. i know none of them have to worry and i know that none of their parents, be they widowed stay at home mom's or rich suv driving idiots, don't have to worry about mounting hospital bills.
i truely feel good knowing that we all get taken care of because we all pitch in to help.
yeah, i'm a socialist commie. whatever...
anyway, my personal opinion is that america, as great and innovative and generous a country and it's citizens are, has to stop putting money before the welfare of people worldwide.
quit beeing so ****ing greedy! drop the lawsuit for the hot burrito burning your tongue resulting in mental trauma...