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ForumsDiscussion Forum → GameCubes are...
GameCubes are...
2003-12-15, 1:06 AM #1
...Only $119 at K-Mart this week. Which is insanely cheap. Give me reasons I should go out and buy one tomorrow.

I have a PlayStation 2, and I love it. Is there good enough reason I should no longer be a one-console man?

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2003-12-15, 1:12 AM #2
99.90€ in finland, beat that []

(1e = $1.02 usd [or was it 1.20?])

Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2003-12-15, 1:40 AM #3
Yeah, that's dirt cheap for Australia.

SSB:Melee will keep you and friends busy for hours upon hours...

<kyle90> i got my SAT scores back
<kyle90> according to the sheet i got sent in the mail, I did "better than 99% of all college-bound seniors"
<kyle90> of course, thats comparing me to americans
<kyle90> so its not really a fair assessment
That painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.
2003-12-15, 2:01 AM #4
Gamecub is $99.00 everyday in America, and it come with Super Smash Bros Melee free []

One ring to rule them all. One to find them. One ring ti bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
Flipsides crackers are the best crackers to have ever existed
2003-12-15, 2:05 AM #5
Metroid Prime is the best game on that console, IMO. Mario Sunshine is fun but it got really hard pretty quickly (at least for my brother and I, we're not exactly super gamers). I have a playstation 2 as well and although there are a lot more games to pick from, I always see more games on the GC shelf that actually interest me. It seems like PS2 is like the NES, a lot of good games, but an EXTREME amount of crappy ones. Also great on GC is the SSX series (tricky & 3) which looks better and loads about twice as fast as the PS2 counterpart.
2003-12-15, 2:18 AM #6
$119 Australian is $88 American, or 72€ Euros. That's cheap []

I dont really go in for those.... 'cutisie' Mario games, for want of a better word. Unless it's exceptionally good, I like my games to be a little bit further up the maturity scale. See that's the thing holding me back, really, the GC seems to be a console designed mostly for kids. I cant think of that many games which would really interest me, and which I cant get on PS2 or PC.

Here's my PS2 games, to show you what kinda games I like:
Gran Turismo 3
FIFA 2003
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
Tony Hawk 3
Medal of Honor: Frontline
Metal Gear Solid 2
Enter the Matrix

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2003-12-15, 2:19 AM #7
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by CaveDemon:
99.90€ in finland, beat that []

(1e = $1.02 usd [or was it 1.20?])


Spork is probably talking Aussie dollars, in which case 119 would be ~72€.


<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>Wnav "Xebxb" Ghbzvara
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2003-12-15, 2:25 AM #8
Too slow. []

<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>Wnav "Xebxb" Ghbzvara
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2003-12-15, 2:26 AM #9
Gamecubes rock, and this one comes with Zelda Classisc so its the best!!! Theres also tons and tons of great games that you would like it isent just for kids, i know lots of adults that play it and there are mature games for it!! get one today []

All is fair in love and war.

[This message has been edited by Diego (edited December 15, 2003).]
All is fair in love and war.
2003-12-15, 2:30 AM #10
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Arkon11:
Gamecub is $99.00 everyday in America, and it come with Super Smash Bros Melee free []


right now they come with '4 Classic Zelda Games' i want to get one...

" You killed me. That wasn't very nice."
Noble Gases
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2003-12-15, 3:01 AM #11
I got the GC with a free Mad Katz steering wheel and the 4 Zelda classic games for $139.
Then i also bought 3 more controllers, a 251 block memory stick, Mario Kart Double Dash and Need for Speed Underground.

I can't wait for Christmas.

To artificial life, all reality is virtual.
2003-12-15, 3:08 AM #12
Hey Diego, I see you finally came to your senses and wandered over here from those dead Serious Editing forums. [] Welcome!

Have a good one,
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2003-12-15, 3:19 AM #13
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. For this you need a Gamecube.

My work here is done.

(Zelda and Metroid are OK, too).
2003-12-15, 4:13 AM #14
a friend of mine got gamecube for 75 bux, american bux.

all i can say is good deal. but *shungs* i prefer pc anyway

Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
Echoman: If I can create energy from stupidity, the world's power supply will never end...
2003-12-15, 4:32 AM #15
Spork: Metroid Prime is one of the greatest video games ever. Ever. It's a perfect 2D->3D conversion of the Metroid series, which is - itself - the best 2D adventure series possible. Worth the price tag alone.

There's also Wind Waker, which is a really great Zelda game (even if the graphics look a bit funny). If you played Ocarina of Time or Link to the Past, this is a must-have. Actually it's a must-have either way. If you get the Zelda pack you'll also grab the first two Zeldas and both N64 Zelda games (in case you missed them with your silly PS2 antics []).

Hmm. There's also F-Zero GX, which is a great racing game. SSBM is great if you play a lot of MP. Soul Calibur 2. Rebel Strike (Which includes Rogue Leader as a coop campaign). I hear Pikmin is good, though I've never tried it. Mario Party 5 is really fun (again, if you have a huge group). Luigi's Mansion is a bit cartoonish, but it's still an amazingly fun game (you'll probably be able to get this one in a bargain bin). Eternal Darkness deserves mention. Then there's Mario Kart DD, which is a must-have if you do a lot of multiplayer. Starfox Adventures was enjoyable, although short. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles early next year... hmm.

Lots that I could mention, but I'm not entirely sure what games you'd be interested in. The Gamecube's software lineup is obviously designed to make SNES owners feel nostalgic. []
2003-12-15, 4:45 AM #16
I've never played a Zelda game, and never enjoyed playing a Mario game.

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2003-12-15, 5:50 AM #17
So I should get Metroid Prime? It's $32 at Costco.

To artificial life, all reality is virtual.
2003-12-15, 6:03 AM #18
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Spork:
I've never played a Zelda game</font>

2003-12-15, 6:15 AM #19
You're not missing much, Spork.

Have a good one,

[This message has been edited by Freelancer (edited December 15, 2003).]
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2003-12-15, 7:32 AM #20
Then you've obvously never actually played GC for any period of time and you've obviously neve played any of the good games.

The Rogue Squadron games are great too.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2003-12-15, 7:56 AM #21
It's kind of a shame that the Zelda Classic collection doesn't include Zelda 3: Link to the Past. I would rather have THAT game instead of the crappy Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. That game is so crappy it's sad.

-- SavageX

"...and if you don't like that, then you need to be slugged in the face repeatedly, until my hands are soaked in blood. Have a nice day!"
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2003-12-15, 9:03 AM #22
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Darth Evad:
So I should get Metroid Prime? It's $32 at Costco.


Hell yes.

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I'm a schizophrenic
and so am I
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2003-12-15, 9:21 AM #23
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Spork:
See that's the thing holding me back, really, the GC seems to be a console designed mostly for kids. I cant think of that many games which would really interest me, and which I cant get on PS2 or PC.

Eh-chem. Resident Evil 1 2 and 3? Exclusive or Resident Evil 0 and 4? Eternal Darkness?

MadQuack on Military school: Pro's: I get to shoot a gun. Con's: Everything else.
"I'm going to beat you until the laws of physics are violated!!" ! Maeve's Warcry

RIP -MaDaVentor-. You will be missed.
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2003-12-15, 9:28 AM #24
Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes is coming out exclusively for GC. Also SSBM brings many laughs when you're with your friends.

Formerly Rogue_22 and Bubbleman :O
2003-12-15, 9:47 AM #25
I hated Metroid Prime. Respawning enemies are dumb. Maybe I need to go back and play it some more, but I doubt I'll ever get very far..
2003-12-15, 9:50 AM #26
I'm the loser with 42 gamecube games... Eternal Darkness is 10 dollars some places! 0_o (and thats new)

Games you need!
Eternal Darkness
Metroid Prime
Zelda: The Windwaker
The Return of the King
Viewtiful Joe
I once knew a man from Nantucket....isn't that just dandy?

[This message has been edited by SAJN_Master (edited December 15, 2003).]
Think while it's still legal.
2003-12-15, 9:53 AM #27
Personally, I thought Rebel Strike sucked. SSB: Melee and Metroid Prime are my most played games.

I have a signature.
I have a signature.
2003-12-15, 9:56 AM #28
Smash Bros. Melee is good, as are Metroid Prime and Eternal Darkness. I didn't care much for Wind Waker, and Rebel Strike was flat out boring. Soul Calibur 2 owns, though.
2003-12-15, 9:59 AM #29
I know it's a kiddy game..but Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg....and yes Soul Calibur II does PWN.. VIEWTIFUL JOE! /me goes off to streak.

I once knew a man from Nantucket....isn't that just dandy?
Think while it's still legal.
2003-12-15, 10:00 AM #30
||||Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness, and Resident Evil 0 spoilers!!!!|||||

Before I get into the games, I'd like to note that I just rented Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, it's a VERY decent game, IMO it's very worth playing through, it's attracted me more than these other 3 games I own.

I liked Metroid Prime, I really did, but it seemed to be lacking something...I actually enjoyed Metroid Fusion (GBA) more.
What exactly was Metroid prime? If it created phazon, then why is it called a 'metroid', seeing how there is no phazon in other metroid games.

Resident Evil 0 was pretty good, not quite as much story, but the transition from the new locations to the RE2 environment was absolutely FABULOUS, I loved it. The main bugs I have with it include the dropping system...going back to find something you dropped over and over adds an extra hour or two overall to gameplay, and the lack of importance to the two characters to the overall RE story was a little unfortunate.

I'm quite a ways through eternal darkness, and I must say, it's taking effort to keep playing it...I don't quite see why it's hailed as the great game it is. I mean sure, it's got a fairly decent story, the progression, new chracters, is nice, but after a certain point you can't take it, you NEED some completion in the story, and the gameplay is not the best, graphics are just ok, and the idea of a new character in a diff time period can just get old after 5-6 chapters. Hopefully it'll pick up.


I'm going to go out and do stuff, like besides work. Call up ben, hang out. Maybe see the last samurai, go skydiving, whatever.
Get back into the gym...
I want to do stuff that prevents me from playin video games so I can only play them a few hours a day, basically.
(Formally Veger, who died when he lost his e-mail adress, and his password. Veeger still looks for his old pass...)

[This message has been edited by Veeger (edited December 15, 2003).]
I'm going to go out and do stuff, like besides work. Call up ben, hang out. Maybe see the last samurai, go skydiving, whatever.
Get back into the gym...
I want to do stuff that prevents me from playin video games so I can only play them a few hours a day, basically.
(Formally Veger, who died when he lost his e-mail adress, and his password. Veeger still looks for his old pass...)
2003-12-15, 10:08 AM #31
The reason Eternal Darkness is considereds so good, is because Resident Evil is so damn boring. I kept walking into room after room after room expecting zombies or something! I think I killed 4 zombies total by the end of the game (Not really, but it was still boring and slow)..and in Eternal Darkness it has a sveeeet story, and the graphics are good enough, and the gameplay is just plain sexy. ED was origionaly planned for the N64...but then they were like "OMG LIEK TEH GAMECUBE"

P.s. Resident Evil has horrible controls, almost as bad as Silent Hill...ED has sexy controls!

P.s.s. SEXY!
I once knew a man from Nantucket....isn't that just dandy?

[This message has been edited by SAJN_Master (edited December 15, 2003).]
Think while it's still legal.
2003-12-15, 10:19 AM #32
I like resident evil alot more than Silent Hill. I couldn't get into Silent Hill, too much fog...

I liked resident evil because it was all about atmosphere and exploration. You could be in a mansion and end up in an underground lab by the end of the game. Silent hill was all about going into every single room of every single building...I got completely bored after I got totally stuck at one point.

And Eternal Darkness...meh. It's a little more upbeat than the Resident Evil games, but after awhile it's all the same thing. Find a spell, use it for the next trick, find the key, use it on the door to find the next spell...oh look kill another zombie, kill the main character, put his story in the book, and go to the next one, and call it 'progression' in the story :P.
I'm going to go out and do stuff, like besides work. Call up ben, hang out. Maybe see the last samurai, go skydiving, whatever.
Get back into the gym...
I want to do stuff that prevents me from playin video games so I can only play them a few hours a day, basically.
(Formally Veger, who died when he lost his e-mail adress, and his password. Veeger still looks for his old pass...)

[This message has been edited by Veeger (edited December 15, 2003).]
I'm going to go out and do stuff, like besides work. Call up ben, hang out. Maybe see the last samurai, go skydiving, whatever.
Get back into the gym...
I want to do stuff that prevents me from playin video games so I can only play them a few hours a day, basically.
(Formally Veger, who died when he lost his e-mail adress, and his password. Veeger still looks for his old pass...)
2003-12-15, 10:36 AM #33
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Brian:
Mario Sunshine is fun but it got really hard pretty quickly (at least for my brother and I, we're not exactly super gamers)...... Also great on GC is the SSX series (tricky & 3) which looks better and loads about twice as fast as the PS2 counterpart.</font>

Ah Mario Sunshine - The Environmentalist Crusades

Anyways, if you're going to get SSX, I would still get it for PS2. With the extra shoulder button, you can pull of a ton more moves. Plus, I'm pretty sure SSX 3 has Online, which by the way, all EA games (including this one) are only online for PS2, and PC.

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"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2003-12-15, 11:31 AM #34

When you expect the pain - nothing left to ascertain
When you respect the lie - Deadly chasm open wide
---Circle of Dust "Chasm"
He's Watching you
…( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : : o`-, ….
2003-12-15, 11:57 AM #35
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Freelancer:
You're not missing much, Spork.

I haven't played any Zelda games except Link's Awakening on the Gameboy, but I somehow doubt that you're not missing much by not having played the highest ranked game ever.
2003-12-15, 12:08 PM #36
When I read the title I was expecting a list of quotes from googlism. []

2003-12-15, 1:59 PM #37
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Jipe:
I hated Metroid Prime. Respawning enemies are dumb.</font>

The creatures respawn because the world would get very empty, very fast.
2003-12-15, 2:18 PM #38
I noticed that too. But the respawning is just like the original games []

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)
2003-12-15, 2:24 PM #39 AHAHAHAHHAHAHA MAX PAYNE ON GBA AHAHHA! I want it..

I once knew a man from Nantucket....isn't that just dandy?
Think while it's still legal.
2003-12-15, 2:25 PM #40
I got mine for $79.87 for Walmart on Black Friday. I want to badly get Rogue Squadron II, but I can't find it anywhere. I'll probably ask for Super Smash Brothers for $24.99 at Circuit City.

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