Doesn't know that mice use holes.
Posts: 2,517
Unfortunately the aboriginal Austrailians [to my knowledge] have no written records of, well, anything really. Lots of paintings and such which can be taken as similar i suppose.
However it does make it incredibly difficult to tell exactly how far back they really /do/ go, particularly since [again to my knowledge] they have been an isolated group for most of their history and so tehre are no other cultures to benchmark them against. [as opposed to say x culture being mentioned in y culture's records in relation to the reign of zed king]
Making it entirely possible that they are actually no older than the Sumerians for instance, and possibly quite younger. Also, i seem to recall they are transplants from elsewhere [viz Native Americans actually being of Mongolian stock and of relatively recent arrival], so they wouldn't really be an isolated culture and would have had contact with other ancient cultures beforehand or something.
Please correct me on any points i may be wrong on, i'm going to go dig up wiki entries on them now i think because theyre not my specialty.
[i realize those middle two paragraphs seem contradictory, but bear with me]
On further reading it seems to be fairly well accepted they migrated from SE Asia c 40-50,000 BP, mostly based on thermoluminsecent dating [which i had never heard of before]. Which seems fairly old compared to the Sumerians for instance where the earliest likely-real king was in the 23.C BCE. Shrug.
Also, I can kill you with my brain.