Morons who get on coms and start humming or what ever it is that they do.
Two morons who get on coms and think that their really cool for downloading a couple of hacks, and so they talk constantly. They say that they're "strategizing", but they really are just describing every thing that is on their screen, something that none of us need to know. They also stink even with hacks.
It was pitiful.
When I'm on CS and I'm pounding away on a guy with a rifle on zoom, and he turns around and pops a head shot on me with two shots from his SMG.
Emotional manipulators.
People who somehow think it is cool to swear constantly. "Oh, ***************** I got ************* killed lol,*******. " Little do they realize that they're actually just immature.
People who try to fake that know allot about computers. "We wanted to upgrade, but we had to buy DirictX and that was about 200$."
(Someone actually told me that once)
People who are taught something and then turn around and act too arrogant to help anyone else who has the same problem.
Celebrities who think that they are somehow experts on how the world would be just be cause they can act, or in most cases have "perfect" bodies.
People who start whining about how rich people are crushing the little man, ect. but have millions in their bank accounts.