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Posts: 526
imho, as much as i see the differnet points you guys are trying to argue in this thread, the ones trying to slander bush (i am not pro-bush by far so dont even start on me or i will stiletto-heal you in the face) are no petty than he was, at his bad moments. People are dead, dying, missing, countries are wrecked, people are homeless and starving, and all you guys seem to be doing here right now, is point a finger at who hasnt helped. he helped in some way, im sure it wasnt a piece of pie trying to get the rest of the gov't to agree to give that much freaking money and send that many soldiers in that area for relief aid. im hereby changing this thread. theres too much f***ing negativity about something that is already negative, and its taking away from whats happened. why dont we all start posting how each of us have helped, if you want to compete at something, lets compete at that. im not triyng tos ound friggin hippyish but its really disappointing seeing some of the behavior coming up in this thread. it isnta bragging thing, but if you want to brag, sure go ahead, if you want to top something someone else has given, go ahead. atleast it'll be progress rather than pointless.
i donated 55 to redcross and gave blankets and bottled water.
[teletubbie voice] BIG HUG!!!! [/teletubbie voice]