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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Ashlee Simpson does it again
Ashlee Simpson does it again
2005-01-08, 11:14 AM #41
We're all hoping for option A.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-01-08, 11:21 AM #42
If she likes to sing I say let her sing... but she does need to practice it a bit more I think.
2005-01-08, 11:31 AM #43
Sure, she can sing all she wants. Just not in front of people.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-01-08, 11:32 AM #44
Originally posted by Mr. Stafford
she is hot

If by hot you mean ugly with a distended nose.
2005-01-08, 11:32 AM #45
I'd tap that.
2005-01-08, 11:35 AM #46
[edit] wow, whole heap of posts got in before me.

Originally posted by JediGandalf
a) She needs to abandon singing career and go for something else (no shame in that) or b) she needs to fade out of spotlight to work on singing. There is no shame in option a.

Oh, totally agreed. The fact is, if she didn't have the famous sibling, there is no way she'd have even got on TV, never mind playing the superbowl or whatever that was.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2005-01-08, 11:37 AM #47
If only I could have a famous brother then I could get on TV... and unlesh my mind control device.
2005-01-08, 11:52 AM #48
I think it's ridiculous that people think the crowd was being mean. Celebrities have to expect this kind of treatment, especially if they suck. Thats the price of being famous...shes not some little girl singing at the school christmas concert, shes a celebrity who people PAY to go see. I mean, she could be replaced by half the girls you see on the street. Shes not really that attractive and she has no singing voice...She shouldn't be a celebrity. I just hate all these idiots cashing in on their symblings hard earned success (another one is lindsay lohans sister)
2005-01-08, 11:56 AM #49
Originally posted by Raoul Duke
Shes not really that attractive and she has no singing voice...She shouldn't be a celebrity.

That made me laugh. :D
2005-01-08, 1:51 PM #50
Originally posted by maevie
For me, the kind of ridicule she has been subjected to would be more than enough for me to turn into a total recluse.

Well, where did she even come from? What achievements did she do to get where she was? From the tone of even her pre-recorded voice, she just started singing. Why? To give the music execs something to whore off of jessica's fame? Well...what would you expect? I wouldn't care if she turned into a recluse, she knows what happens if you suck complete and total butt.

Look at Kelly Osbourne, her pre-recorded stuff sounded a little better but she didn't last long.

I really don't think it's "admirable" she had guts to go on stage- tons of people could've easily gone in her place. Maybe I couldn't of, but one friend of mine has constantly done concerts since before she was 12 and she could beat ashlee simpson's vocals all over the place.

Hell, I've got a recording of my friend singing "My Immortal" and she gives Amy Lee a run for her money.

Just because people on this board probably wouldn't have had the courage to go on that stage, there are thousands of people who would. Just because you act like a stupid pop star on a stage means you're getting paid well. They probably had to warn her with the pay beforehand due to what happened earlier anyways.

If you haven't guessed, I am very hostile towards this issue. Why? Because alone I'm sick of hearing about people like britney spears, jessica simpson, jennifer lopez and any other crap pop star that's out nowadays. What's worse than a pop star? One that's trying to milk their fame from their sister when they have no talent.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2005-01-08, 2:03 PM #51
Originally posted by maevie
[edit] wow, whole heap of posts got in before me.

Oh, totally agreed. The fact is, if she didn't have the famous sibling, there is no way she'd have even got on TV, never mind playing the superbowl or whatever that was.

Actually, there is no way she would have got on TV if some producer wasn't trying to milk the Simpson name for more money. There's nothing wrong with using whatever connections one has to their benefit. If she sucks so bad, which truth be told I don't think I've ever heard any of her songs besides the short clips regarding this and SNL, the only reason she's even singing is because somebody's trying to make money out of this.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-08, 2:35 PM #52
Originally posted by Echoman
Probably no one here has the guts to go on that stage.

I would, and I wouldnt lip-synch.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-01-08, 2:42 PM #53
I could do it too. I'd sound God awful, but for the money I could go on that stage and sing along to whatever song you want me to.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-01-08, 2:47 PM #54
Originally posted by MechWarrior
If she likes to sing I say let her sing... but she does need to practice it a bit more I think.

yeah right. let's pour in more and more money in this talentless *****.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2005-01-08, 2:59 PM #55
Originally posted by Wookie06
Actually, there is no way she would have got on TV if some producer wasn't trying to milk the Simpson name for more money.

True, but she's still the one getting on stage. That takes guts. Or stupidity.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2005-01-08, 3:21 PM #56
And she has both...
Ma tana ka aha...
2005-01-08, 3:58 PM #57
I couldn't get up infront of all those people... expecially if I knew that I wasn't a great singer.
2005-01-08, 3:59 PM #58
Originally posted by maevie
True, but she's still the one getting on stage. That takes guts. Or stupidity.

Guts? I think anyone would do that. Just imagine how much money she is making.
2005-01-08, 4:05 PM #59
Not much if she keeps having public appearence like that... her music isn't even going to get download illegally if she keeps this up.
2005-01-08, 4:57 PM #60
Originally posted by Raoul Duke
Guts? I think anyone would do that. Just imagine how much money she is making.

I can honestly say there is no realistic amount of money that would make me do that.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2005-01-08, 5:20 PM #61
I say I would do it for around $100,000
2005-01-08, 5:47 PM #62
Originally posted by maevie
I can honestly say there is no realistic amount of money that would make me do that.

Wow, why? Who cares what a bunch of strangers think? I'd be laughing all the way to the bank.
-El Scorcho

"Its dodgeball time!" -Stormy Waters
2005-01-08, 6:31 PM #63
Originally posted by El Scorcho
Wow, why? Who cares what a bunch of strangers think? I'd be laughing all the way to the bank.

Way I see it, it's a whole lot easier to say/type that than to actually do it.
The answer is maybe.
2005-01-08, 7:00 PM #64
It's even easier if you have good ol Mr. Benjamin to cajole you into doing it. Hell, for a mere 10000 or so I'd be happy.
2005-01-08, 7:11 PM #65
Christ if you said "Scott, we will pay all your bills while you are out here and give you a 20 oz Mountain Dew" I'd do it. I'd just do it to be a goof ball.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-01-08, 7:32 PM #66
Well that's my point. There are plenty of people who are happy to mess around in front of a huge amount of people, and there are people who crave attention like Ms Simpson, and then there are people like myself who would have a paralysing panic attack if they were forced to do that.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2005-01-08, 7:40 PM #67
Do you know how much it sucks to get booed? So what if you made a few mistakes or whatever, it still really really really sucks.

I would go up on that stage for free and expect an enthusiastic crowd, or a crowd that doesnt have any energy. I would not expect to be booed off the stage.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-01-08, 7:43 PM #68
The difference is: I'm paying for a show, instead I'm receiving crap, thus I shall express my displeasure by booing.
2005-01-08, 7:45 PM #69
Mikus, you are paying for a football game. The half time show just goes with it. Seriously, who the hell goes to a football game to watch the half time show? Maybe if someone you idoloize is going to perform. Just sit at home and watch that crap.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-01-09, 1:03 AM #70
Originally posted by THRAWN
Christ if you said "Scott, we will pay all your bills while you are out here and give you a 20 oz Mountain Dew" I'd do it. I'd just do it to be a goof ball.

I'd do the same...but Mountain Dew? I'll take crab juice...

[/Unnecessary Simpsons refrence]
2005-01-09, 1:12 AM #71
Originally posted by Raoul Duke
Guts? I think anyone would do that. Just imagine how much money she is making.

You don't have horrific stage fright then. I do. I'm absolutely petrified to go on stages.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2005-01-09, 11:51 AM #72
Originally posted by Spectrael
[/Unnecessary Simpsons refrence]

Hahaha! Simpsons! Get it? Simpsons! Hahaha.... *achem* :p

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