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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Chances of getting caught?
Chances of getting caught?
2005-01-09, 6:19 PM #41
Enough Yoshi I don't want to hear one more thing out of you honestly I've had enough I am not an idiot, and I am getting sick and tired of you calling me names. A joke is one thing and thats fine but I'm getting sick of it. I don't care if your life is hard okay bud I really don't everyones life is hard but I'm sick of you taking that out on me. You can just pack up and ship out as far as I am conserned. I'm gonna make this very clear even a 5 year old could get it.

2005-01-09, 6:20 PM #42
User CP -> Edit Ignore list.

Quit whining.
2005-01-09, 6:29 PM #43
Right... let me make this easier...
2005-01-09, 6:30 PM #44
Originally posted by MechWarrior
Enough Yoshi I don't want to hear one more thing out of you honestly I've had enough I am not an idiot, and I am getting sick and tired of you calling me names. A joke is one thing and thats fine but I'm getting sick of it. I don't care if your life is hard okay bud I really don't everyones life is hard but I'm sick of you taking that out on me. You can just pack up and ship out as far as I am conserned. I'm gonna make this very clear even a 5 year old could get it.


Who said anything about life being hard? What the hell?

I'm just laughing right now though, so hey this doesn't phaze me.

sugarless--I suppose I could, but I hate him too much to get my point across without quipping him.
2005-01-09, 6:31 PM #45
come on, people, let's all try and be civil? again, is this all really necessary?

Do I have to treat you guys like my 6 year olds at camp? Okay now, I want you two to apologize to each other, Come on. Do you want me to go to an administrator? [/very feeble attempt at humor]

But seriously, come on guys. arguing does no good exceot make everyone even madder

[edit] heh- see my sig
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-09, 6:35 PM #46
Unfortunately, it is.
2005-01-09, 6:55 PM #47
I'm really getting tired of seeing you insulting people too, especially Mech. It's really getting old and making this community incredibly unenjoyable. Please drop it, it's childish. He's asked you to leave him alone so please do so. If not for him, for the rest of us who get headaches reading pages of this crap in every thread.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-01-09, 6:58 PM #48
anyone care to join me in the cha-cha?
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-09, 6:59 PM #49
*dances with sugarless*

I'm gettin' jiggy wit' it!
2005-01-09, 7:07 PM #50
Originally posted by Crimson
I'm really getting tired of seeing you insulting people too, especially Mech. It's really getting old and making this community incredibly unenjoyable. Please drop it, it's childish. He's asked you to leave him alone so please do so. If not for him, for the rest of us who get headaches reading pages of this crap in every thread.

Oh yes, so when he insults me, or says something HIGHLY erroneous, I should just do nothing? He says "OMG QUIT IT PLEASE"...and in the same post calls me an ignorant child. Sorry man, but I'm not laying down and taking it, especially not from him.
2005-01-09, 7:11 PM #51
*continues dancing with shintock*
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-09, 7:11 PM #52
Either leave him alone or get banned.
The same goes to you Mechwarrior.

Now, get back on subject.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-01-09, 7:17 PM #53

Ok. Mechwarrior, I thought you left. It would be a lot better if it had stayed that way. DJ Yoshi was being sarcastic and such yes, but you and a couple others decided that mikus wasn't going to high school, and started talking about collage.

"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-01-09, 7:19 PM #54
I need a little black dress. not that I ever have occasion to wear one, but I still tihnk I should have one. maeve, what do you think about this?
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-09, 7:22 PM #55
Everyone should have something that makes them feel pretty.
2005-01-09, 7:23 PM #56
Pretty eh?

*dons a frilly pink cape*
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-01-09, 7:29 PM #57
Originally posted by sugarless5
I need a little black dress. not that I ever have occasion to wear one, but I still tihnk I should have one. maeve, what do you think about this?

A dress is a necessity when dancing the cha-cha!

*gives sugarless a nice and classy black dress*

*keeps dancing*
2005-01-09, 7:31 PM #58
Let me refresh your memory.

The punishment for getting caught is high but the risk is moderate I think. Just be careful that you don't do it to much.

The punishment is -10 points. Whoop-dee-doo.

So your penalty is different, big deal. No need for the attitude.

Yeah DJ Yoshi you might not have a high punishment cause you aren't high enough in the school system yet. When you get to college they don't put up with that **** anymore it's an automatic faliure and if you get caught 2 times they kick you out and your money is gone.

Still being quite civil, no insults at all. He's telling you WHY there's a difference between your penalty and his. And he's right, big difference between college and high school.

Wow, you guys went to strict-*** high schools. That's all I can say. The only time you'd actually fail the course is Senior year, when you should already know how to write papers. At least here, and my old HS too.

Most Public schools have bigger concerns than someone who made up sources.

Nothing wrong here, IMO.

Yoshi we aren't talking about HS.

Yes and no, the discussion was mainly about the differences between high school and college penalties. Nothing to warrant this:

If you would've read one of my posts, it states that, if I remember correctly, Mikus is in High School.

You know what's sad? You're the one in Uni, and yet I'm having to tell you how to read a friggin forum post.

Annoying, but I don't think it's a BLATANT insult.

Atleast I'm not the one running around saying this is a non serrious slap on the wrist.
And that explains why he is the way he is.

Starting to lose patience, but he's much cooler-headed than I would be at this point.

You really are an idiot, aren't you? Can you not comprehend IN HIGH SCHOOL. Said out there, plainly, simply, IN HIGH SCHOOL, before senior year, they don't do much for it. Why? Most of the time you don't have more than a few research papers a year. I know I only had 3. BS'ing a source would get 0 points for what it's worth on the final grade for sources (which is usually ~10 points) and probably a nasty note from the teacher. Because it's not plagiarizing, it's making something up. Plagiarizing would get a 0 on a paper, and possible expulsion, probably suspension.

Jesus people, read READ please.

[Edit] Thanks Avenger, Rogue, and sugarless for reading. Props.

Way, way over the line IMO. Obvious insult. The irony is that if YOU had read you would realize that Avenger and Rogue Leader are also talking about college and that sugarless didn't say either way.

I think that's as much as I need to post, it proves who started what I think. Nothing personal Yoshi, but please stop. I'd really hate to put someone on ignore, I've never had to before.

Oh yeah:
I insult Mech because he's very belligerent.
Admitting to breaking the rules? Looks like it.

And now to end the longest post I hope ever to make... This is getting rediculous. I ask again, nicely, please stop.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-01-09, 7:34 PM #59
you're right, mikus.

*dons nice and classy black dress and keeps dancing*
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-09, 7:36 PM #60
Mech shouldn't have come back. He's a very annoying person.

But there are more annoying ones out there *coughbillcough*
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-01-09, 7:37 PM #61
Avenger and Rogue both said that High School carried lesser penalties, as did sugarless. That's why I thanked them.

And you forget, this isn't the only thread we've traded words on.
2005-01-09, 7:42 PM #62
Originally posted by Rogue Leader
Same thing at my college. Plagarism is punished much more heavily then simply failing to cite a source. Though my teacher last semester in English basically viewed the two as the same thing, his logic being that if you failed to cite your source, its because you were claiming that you wrote it yourself.

Originally posted by Avenger
That's the way it is at my college. If you don't have a source for something, you generally get marked off for not being able to back up your statement or point. That's not the same as plagarism.

Originally posted by sugarless5
as far as I know, the punishments for making up sources aren't as high as not citing sources (aka plagarism). I think failure or suspension would be more for the latter than the former, but it would depend on your school I guess.

Like I said, Avenger and Rogue Leader are talking about college and sugarless doesn't say.

No, I didn't forget. That's my whole point, it's an on-going tirade with you. For the past few months it's all I seem to read here.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-01-09, 7:45 PM #63
Originally posted by Crimson
Like I said, Avenger and Rogue Leader are talking about college and sugarless doesn't say.

No, I didn't forget. That's my whole point, it's an on-going tirade with you. For the past few months it's all I seem to read here.

Er sorry, they talked about plagiarism not being the same as citing a non-existant source. My mistake.

And there's a good, good reason for it Crimson. If you're curious, I'll share tomorrow.
2005-01-09, 7:46 PM #64
Or you could... just stop... you can "lie down and take it" or you can stand up and take it. That's called "being a man".
2005-01-09, 7:46 PM #65
On topic:

My college will kick you out of the school altogether if you are caugh plagiarising. If you don't cite correctly it's up to the professor really. He can give you a zero on the paper, in the class, kick you out of class, or recommend you for expulsion.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-01-09, 7:47 PM #66
Originally posted by Mikus
Or you could... just stop... you can "lie down and take it" or you can stand up and take it. That's called "being a man".

Thing is, on the internet, there is no difference between lying down and taking it and standing up and taking it.
2005-01-09, 7:50 PM #67
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi
Er sorry, they talked about plagiarism not being the same as citing a non-existant source. My mistake.

And there's a good, good reason for it Crimson. If you're curious, I'll share tomorrow.

Yes, please share. I doubt any reason you have I would agree with, but you think it's good enough so who knows? Maybe you ought to PM it so MB doesn't ban you?
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-01-09, 7:54 PM #68
hmm...well at least this whole thing is calming down. does anyone mind if I re-hijack this already hijacked (times like 5) thread? Would ayone care to wish me luck in my audition for Carousel? It's my senior year and so I REALLY want a decent part and [edit out obnoxious sounding stuff], but everyone says I'm going to get Neddie, so good vibes would be helpful thanks. I would create a thread about it, but I don't feel like it. that'll come later, if I end up getting the part :) I have to get some sleep.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-09, 8:03 PM #69
Very, very good luck. Don't ever kiss anyone's butt. I hate that.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-01-09, 8:06 PM #70
:) thanks
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-09, 8:10 PM #71
Best of luck to you. I hope you get the part. :)

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