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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Resident Evil 4 - "You don't own it. It owns you."
Resident Evil 4 - "You don't own it. It owns you."
2005-01-12, 9:39 AM #41
Originally posted by MechWarrior
Yes but it's still not as fun cause the controls are all wrong.

Final Fantasy was never about the controls and I found it just as fun.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2005-01-12, 9:41 AM #42
Final Fantasy might not be but Resident Evil is very control dominated.
2005-01-12, 9:46 AM #43
Originally posted by HCF_Duke
Ok, to all of those who actually hate the controls, Capcom has explained in the past for the Resident Evil 1 remake and future titles that they are keeping the controls the same to instill a bigger sense of fear and to make you rush more.

I haven't played any Resident Evil game enough to have an opinion on the controls, but that excuse seems ridiculous to me. If their game needs controls that feel limited and awkward to be more scary, they suck at scaring people.

Traditionally, there's nudity in zombie movies, but none in the games...what's up with that? :(
Looks like we're not going down after all, so nevermind.
2005-01-12, 9:55 AM #44
Krok & Mech: I feel the same way. I would like better controls and their excuse is lame. To me, their just lazy and want to watch people suffer.
No sig.
2005-01-12, 1:18 PM #45
After reading the reviews for this I really hope it isn't the last RE game. They should definately finish the series with Chris, Jill, and Barry. They set up the whole thing with Resident Evil CV and 3. At the end of CV Chris and Claire are talking about how the war has just begun, and at the end of Resident Evil 3 you get all of the little things talking about how everyone is going to be in this last big fight. Where everyone is basically joining up and making one last big fight. I want to play THAT game!
>>untie shoes
2005-01-12, 1:46 PM #46
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
Again, the above is STANDARD in today's video games. RE is always going to be 2 years behind, if they keep astonishing themselves by updating their teams concept of "Video Game" once a new system comes out.


What are you talking about? You are complaining about a game you haven't even played that has received an average 96% review score in sites and publications stating that the game is almost completely different from previous installments.

I would also like to add that the point of this thread is to talk about Resident Evil 4, not to talk/complain/***** about some other game or why this game "obviously must suck because the series has always sucked". You are free to moan about whatever you want (simple because you have the freedom to do so), but I'd appreciate it if you could voice your opinion on this game (good or bad) once you've played it. Thank you.
2005-01-13, 6:26 PM #47
RE4 to any other RE game made
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time to Zelda SNES or NES.

This game rocks.

I've been playing it. At first it seems stupid, just another mindless shooting game, might as well be brute force or some other 3-D shooter. However, it isn't. When you get into hte game, you realize it's the gameplay experience that makes the game so awesome, not necessarily better graphics or what not.

The story, and the scares, and the playing keeps the game uptight and rigid. It's definately a great game.
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2005-01-13, 8:22 PM #48
I was commenting from a position BEFORE the game was released. I didn't see how anyone could be THAT excited for a game that, as far as the spoken 'features' went, seemed like a subpar game for today's standards. That doesn't mean I was condemning it. I'll play it, and then make a final opinion. but I'm not in any rush, since every other game has the exact same features, but a hook which interests me far more than conspiracy theories and zombie hunting.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-13, 8:39 PM #49
Kirb, I think you're being a little unfair here. The first RE is very old and was very good at the time. RE2 advanced the graphics immensly and basically added much needed polish to the game. 2 had a lot of good features. Three, to me, started to get old. I never played CV. Nintendo welcomed 0 and the remade 1 and basically just polished the games to the best levels yet seen. If you look at it over the period of time, I think the first two deserve praise and the 0 and 1 Nintendo games deserve some praise.

Now 4 addresses all of things that people like you have complained about. I don't think you should knock it. Resident Evil created a genre and stayed in their until gamers tired of it. They've moved on now and maybe you'll like the results.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-15, 5:02 PM #50
Well, has anyone played enough of this game yet to give us some detailed opinions?
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-15, 5:11 PM #51
i'm like 9 hours into the game and not even halfway through. this is a LONG game.
All your bacon are belong to me

< robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant
< bawss> Right click.
2005-01-16, 7:15 AM #52
so likeeeee

Snake Eater


2005-01-17, 9:57 AM #53
Originally posted by Wookie06
Well, has anyone played enough of this game yet to give us some detailed opinions?

I completed the game 20 minutes ago and what more can I say? The game is amazing. I'm more of a PC player myself (I've played every major PC action game in the last 7 years) but this game stands out as the single greatest action gaming experience I've had in ages. Overall, I liked it more than Half-Life 2, and can't remember the last time a game won me over like this.

If you own a Gamecube, you must absolutely buy this. Now. I mean it.

EDIT: And if you're asking why exactly this game is so great, well,

-some of the scariest, most badass enemies to ever grace a videogame ("We're going to need a bigger boat." comes to mind with just one of them)
-amazing and realistic visuals, with lifelike characters, great lighting effects and lots of detail
-almost flawless level design, with each area representing a new challenge
-great arsenal of weapons (they feel and sound just right, I love the sniper rifle)
-a whole bunch of moments where you just have to sit back and say "this is damn great"
2005-01-17, 10:12 AM #54
Originally posted by Wookie06
Three, to me, started to get old. I never played CV.

You didn't like RE 3!? I thought it was really good giving the player a greater sense of urgency. Besides, to me, Nemesis was one of the greatest villians (besides Wesker) in all of RE.

*sigh* Until December....
No sig.
2005-01-17, 5:18 PM #55
It's not that I didn't like three. I played it through but I don't remember much about it. I do know that I was abit disappointed because I really liked the replayability of two. You could start as one character then play through from the perspective of the other character. And you could do that for both of them, if that made any sense. Essentially there are four different ways to play through Resident Evil 2. What I really meant about three getting old, though, was that the same formula started to feel stale to me then. And at the time I played it, two was the only other RE I had played.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-17, 6:30 PM #56
So i finally finished Resident Evil 4. And i have to explain why in this review


So its finally here! The giant, the one and only, the Resident Evil 4. Many fans have been waiting a long time to see this game on the store stands, and as of Januray 11, 2005, their wish came true. When asked about how scary Resident Evil 4 would be, director Shinji Mikami stated that we would simply, "Pee our pants". The question is, will we pee our pants from being scared, or will we pee our pants because the game is so damn beautiful.

Story: Now, I will be sure to put anything that is spoilerish in the tags, but I think for the first time ever, I have been completely in love with the story in a Resident Evil game. The story is long, well thought out, and the flow of the story is very nice, keeping the player on his toes when he needs too, and relaxed when the player needs to. However, relaxed isn't a good term, because unlike past Resident Evils, Resident Evil 4 is filled with enemies. There aren't many periods in which the player can relax. Which is good, because it really fits the story.

The story starts off with a cutscene describing how the events of the game take place six years after the events of Resident Evil 2. It explains how Raccoon City had to be nuked because of the infestation of the T-virus amoung its population. It then goes on to explain how over the next 6 years, how Umbrella went down the drain because the goverment condemed it. Jump 6 years later. We seen Leon Kennedy in a car. He's on assignment, because he has been promoted, to an US Goverent agent. He has been sent to Europe to locate the President's daughter, Ashley, who has been kidnapped by a mysterious group. When he arrives, he can sense the village that he has arrived at is different. And thus starts the glorious story which will scare you indefinatly. Not to mention, this is helped a lot due to the graphics.

Graphics: Ahhh yes, the graphics... Not only is this the BEST looking Gamecube title, it would give Halo 2 a run for its money. You see, gone are the ways of the old prerendering graphics. Everything in Resident Evil 4 is 3D. This makes the envirenments so erriely realistic, it'll just creep you out when you look at a forest. I know what you all are waiting for though. Enemies. Yes, I do have ESP. Lets get this straight, the enemies are NOT zombies. They don't mindlessly wander towards you with their arms outstreched. They can talk to their fellow beings, and communicate. They can set up strategies and trap you, cause, they aren't zombies. If you are in a building, they will retireve ladders and make their way to the upper floors and come down at you from the upper floors. This element really increases the scare factor, because now the enemies are unpredictable. Of course, since the enemies get more help, does the player?

The answer of course is yes. Leon can now wield pistols, magnums, shotguns, machine guns, RPGs, knifes, sniper rifles. The Aresonal in Resident Evil 4 is of course, needed. All of the guns look realistc, (theres even a gun named Killer7, named after the upcoming Gamecube game!) they look good, preform good, and kick *** when combat comes around. Of course, gone are the days of no ammo!!! Ammo is plentiful this time around. That doesn't always mean that you won't be short of ammo however, but the addition of more ammo really works well in this game.

Sound: Sound...Sound...You cannot see. You cannot taste it. Yet, you can't paint a picture without it. Sound is a crucial element that is needed in every game. This game is obviously based around sound. The sound design in Resident Evil 4 is amazing. Every word of dialog is believable, every sound that the foreground makes is amazing. When you blast an enemy with a shotgun, the effect that it has on the player is unbelieveable. The sound is probably the best I have heard in the videogame. The music, like in all Resident Evil games, can really set the mood. The howls of dogs, the groans of villagers, the roaring of the bosses is all fantastically done.

Of course the biggest change in RE4 is the camera. The change in the camera style is probably the best decision ever. The past Resident Evil games were amazing, but if they used the style of camera that RE4 used, they would probably be as good as this is. instead of the traditional top down camera, RE4 uses a over the shoulder camera style. The camera sits over the right shoulder of Leon, and zooms in when he readies his gun. Another new feature is the ability to aim where you want. go for the head? sure. Legs? go for it. Crotch? If your really want to... This actually comes in play later in the game, where enemies adapt to your headshot technique

Ahhh better wrap this up!!! Resident Evil 4 owns. Better inventory, better camera, better story, better aiming, better sound, better graphics, better EVERYTHING!!!

All your bacon are belong to me

< robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant
< bawss> Right click.
2005-01-17, 8:07 PM #57
oh yeah, and my final stats were:

Hit Ratio: 67%

Enemies killed: 917

Number of Times killed: 45

Clear time: 14:27'53"
All your bacon are belong to me

< robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant
< bawss> Right click.

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