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ForumsDiscussion Forum → You've got good taste, right? Of course you do!
You've got good taste, right? Of course you do!
2005-01-10, 10:27 PM #41
Garden State
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Spider-Man 2
The Bourne Supremacy
Kill Bill: Vol 1 & 2
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2005-01-11, 3:23 AM #42
Originally posted by Echoman
Has the movie come out on DVD yet? :confused:

Uhhuh... A good point. According to Amazon, Sky Captain should be out January 25, so this suggestion has some weaknesses, true.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-01-11, 1:04 PM #43
I suppose I should've mentioned the ones I already own, but there's only 4 so I didn't see the point at the time. Anyway, I've already got:
Spider-Man 2
Pitch Black
Chronicles of Riddick
Pirates of the Caribbean

Anyone who suggested these has great taste :o

(The two Riddick films were awesome, in my opinion. They both did exactly what I wanted from them)

Chaz: sadly, I'll be saving up a while for all of these. My Saturday job pays £20 a week. So, no money for you :D

So far I have 24 movies on my list. I knew I could count on you guys :D Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions.

Originally posted by sugarless5
Phantom of the Opera even though it's still in theaters if you want a bit of culture to wash down with all of these action movies :)

Never! :p
2005-01-11, 1:11 PM #44
Be sure to check out "Run, Lola, Run" (or as its official title is 'Lola Rennt'). It might be a german movie with English subtitles, but believe me, it's one helluva ride.
The answer is maybe.

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