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ForumsDiscussion Forum → State of Massassi Thread
State of Massassi Thread
2005-01-11, 12:06 AM #41
I don't mind debates, just not lame pseudo-debate where people end up either yelling or making sarcastic remarks about each other's intelligence.

This isn't a crisis or anything to get worked up over, just keep the hostility levels down... and if you have a problem with someone either tell an admin or PM the person and work it out like adults. Which a large portion of us are now days.
2005-01-11, 12:41 AM #42
it wouldnt be an attack to say [yes it would be, cya]
"Angel of the Lord, what are these tortured screams?" And the angel said unto me, "These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots! You see, Reverend Maynard, tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust."
2005-01-11, 1:22 AM #43
Pissed Off?
2005-01-11, 2:45 AM #44
Originally posted by Wookie06
... Now, TACC is all but dead and this place has actually taken a little bit bigger place in my heart.

Massassi never wanted your heart, just all of your soul... :)

I have been registered here for only about a year, and I have little to complain. The Discussion Forum continuously provides links to all kind of interesting stuff, more so than any other forum I visit. And the Showcase forum provides not only mapping showcases (few these days) but many high quality drawing / animation showcases, and those are a joy to behold.

I think Brian and his crew of merry admins/mods have done terrific job keeping this going for so long.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2005-01-11, 5:36 AM #45
Look, I didn't mean this thread to suggest that something is horribly wrong here. Some people are over-reacting to alot here and taking things too personal. That detracts from the forum. Also, there seems to be an increase in spammers and those that like to prey on others feelings. That detracts from the forum.

I just think that some people need to take this place a little less seriously and others need to stop jumping on those who do seem to get a little too personally attached to this place. Also, moderators need to mercilessly attack those who seem to be purposely trying to incite hostilities and I think Brian should totally delete pointless, flamebait threads.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16

2005-01-11, 7:36 AM #46
The decline in JK/MotS editing has had an effect on my feelings towards Massassi, but hopefully Republic Commando, or some other game will come along and pick things up. For me, Massassi has always been about the editing. I never bothered with the Discussion Forum until the JK/MotS decline. I haven't really noticed an increase in anything around here, besides people complaining alot more (probably sad about the decline in JK/MotS editing). Did I mention that there has been a decline in JK/MotS editing?
2005-01-11, 7:38 AM #47
A new catching Star Wars game might spark interest but to be perfectly honest JK is 8 years old... it is getting alittle well old. It's not anything agenst it... it's simply the fact that it is too old.
2005-01-11, 9:19 AM #48
Somehow I doubt Republic Commando is going to have a very large impact on Massassi. JO was supposed to be our holy grail. How many tutorials were submitted for it? Like 5?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-11, 3:26 PM #49
Jaiph's a bloody stupid seagull.
2005-01-11, 6:47 PM #50
But a lovable one. Or else.
2005-01-11, 10:45 PM #51
Originally posted by CaveDemon
People have become hostile, massassi isn't the same friendly place it used to be, almost daily i hear that once again one of the "good guys" get banned from the chat for the most stupid reason. The operators have become more hostile than they ever were (thanks os, you haven't changed :D). People at the forums are not like they used to be, sure, we... you have a lot new members, but even most of the old members have become mean. 6 months ago things were a lot better. then suddenly everything changed.

And this was in June 2002!

You people never change.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-01-11, 11:21 PM #52
Originally posted by FastGamerr
And this was in June 2002!

You people never change.
Thanks for the update.
2005-01-11, 11:28 PM #53
Now, Brian! I thought that sarcasm was outlawed?!

>>untie shoes

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