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ForumsDiscussion Forum → and i thought she was gonna cry about a boy...
and i thought she was gonna cry about a boy...
2005-01-15, 8:52 PM #41
girl: i played AC for like 4 years

Run. Run as far away as you can.
2005-01-15, 9:51 PM #42
i cannot belive im actually linking you guys her pic, but she has it online for all to see, so it doesnt make it that bad. for proof's sake, since apparently you guys dont think such a girl exists:

2005-01-15, 9:51 PM #43
2005-01-15, 9:53 PM #44
^ exactly why i didnt wanna ****ing do this
2005-01-15, 9:57 PM #45
Don't worry, Cazor. Ty must like boys or something :-P. Hell, I like boys, and she's absolutelly shwank.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-15, 9:58 PM #46
k, i think your posts are enough to validate that she's real. im taking the pic out.
2005-01-15, 9:58 PM #47
2005-01-15, 10:01 PM #48
*psst PM me for the pic pssst*

[See Signature.]
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-15, 11:34 PM #49
girl: I definitely would LOVE to play with you sometime
CazorFett: okay awesome
girl: we should have a sleep over and play games all night like Half Life and ****
girl: *drools*

OK, is the **** a noun that starts with 'S', or a verb that starts with 'F'? Cus if its the verb, that seems a little forward to me, and she's not good for you.... send her my way. unless she's not legal, which I doubt she is, cus your like what, 16 now?

I almost forgot all about that Tide drinking thing, makes me laugh out loud just thinking about it, which causes my dog to get excited because she thinks im laughing at her and giving her attention.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2005-01-15, 11:42 PM #50
No fun to post the pic for just a couple minutes then edit it out! ;)
Life is beautiful.
2005-01-15, 11:43 PM #51
My long time girlfriend was/is a hardcore gamer, 't was/is nice.

Zoink, missed the pic. :( :rolleyes:
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-01-15, 11:44 PM #52
that'd be the noun there, big shooter. :)
2005-01-15, 11:48 PM #53
Put the pic back in! Common!! :(
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-15, 11:56 PM #54
I fail to see why people want to see a picture of some random person Cazor knows...

2005-01-16, 12:02 AM #55
He claims she's cute. I wish to validate that claim.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2005-01-16, 12:02 AM #56

"Staring into the wall does NOT count as benchmarking."

2005-01-16, 3:36 AM #57
So what exactly is a grl? Some kind of cabbage?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-01-16, 7:01 AM #58
When she sleeps over ask her if she wants to explore your world of warcaft..

What server does she play btw? =P(just kidding...)
2005-01-17, 4:16 PM #59
update: she's sleeping over thursday night. no school friday.

...oh my god.
2005-01-17, 4:21 PM #60
Originally posted by Cazor
update: she's sleeping over thursday night. no school friday.

...oh my god.

nojefneeniopjmngpoi iomnjioni mnion o nio nn oin oinoi ngr rg ngrobi n no inon ogri nn oieneo neoi neionv ijviej jj89efuw3fwefuuv8j u8 u 89uf89 ue8 ue f e h 89yh 8e9h 9eh e h

Whoa. :eek:
2005-01-17, 4:21 PM #61
Originally posted by Cazor
...oh my god.

Thats exactly what I thought to myself too when I read this thread.
2005-01-17, 4:28 PM #62
Alright, Cazor. Make sure to clear your history before you let her on the computer. She must not see this thread.
2005-01-17, 4:29 PM #63
2005-01-17, 4:33 PM #64
hahaha yeah i never though of that... will do, heeb.
2005-01-17, 4:44 PM #65
she may know how to do things to your computer too... might want to go for a full format
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-01-17, 4:46 PM #66
Originally posted by Hebedee
Alright, Cazor. Make sure to clear your history before you let her on the computer. She must not see this thread.

That and the pr0n.
2005-01-17, 5:12 PM #67
Originally posted by Cazor
update: she's sleeping over thursday night. no school friday.

...oh my god.

Dear lord Caz... you really ARE one lucks son of a *****. It's times like these that make me want to go on a rampage and kill a bunch of people.
2005-01-17, 5:22 PM #68
come on caz, we need validation of her... i think its just a guy in a girl suit, anyone else agree?
All your bacon are belong to me

< robT> Name ONE thing that your windows comp can do that my MAC cant
< bawss> Right click.
2005-01-17, 5:49 PM #69
I think it's a bunny in a man suit.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-01-17, 5:53 PM #70
Hide the computers when she comes over!
.................................................. ........
.................................................. ....rock!
2005-01-17, 6:00 PM #71
Originally posted by Schming
I know several girls that are really really into video games.... but never met a girl into Half-Life, usually Age of Empires and stuff like that.

You know girls that are into AoE? Hook me up.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2005-01-17, 6:59 PM #72
I was not aware of the fact that it's hard to find chics that like gaming. Most of my friends that are girls play the games you listed. But congrats on findin the cool girl. Isn't it going to be a little weird to have her sleepin over if you like her as more than a friend? (..... Which I assume you do.)
2005-01-17, 7:40 PM #73
Originally posted by Shintock
That and the pr0n.

she doesnt mind porn.

Originally posted by LonelyDagger
Hide the computers when she comes over!

haha the whole point is that she likes computers, and she's bringing her's over to have a one on one lan party. i dont wanna hide them.

Originally posted by Arianrhod
I was not aware of the fact that it's hard to find chics that like gaming. Most of my friends that are girls play the games you listed. But congrats on findin the cool girl. Isn't it going to be a little weird to have her sleepin over if you like her as more than a friend? (..... Which I assume you do.)

maybe they're common around there, but here its hard to find a girl who plays more than the sims. and in this case... HL and CS... WC3, diablo and star craft... im freakin out. and i dont think it'll be too weird. unless we like... end up sleeping on the same sofa or something. speaking of which it does have a massager in the seats... ahem.. <.< >.> im done.
2005-01-17, 7:53 PM #74
Originally posted by Cazor
she doesnt mind porn.

Marry her.
2005-01-17, 8:09 PM #75

By the way, Cazor, when we one day might have the MNBBQ, you will bring his girl. And she will play hl2. And I will watch her play it. It'll be like porn; but not wrong.

On a serious note: It seems you might have a similar case as with some guys and sporty girls. Maybe she thinks of you as a video-game friend, not a video-game guy. I don't know, she just seems to quick to want to come spend the night to want you bad. More than likelly, she wants your ram bad.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-17, 8:12 PM #76
Originally posted by jEDIkIRBY
By the way, Cazor, when we one day might have the MNBBQ, you will bring his girl. And she will play hl2. And I will watch her play it. It'll be like porn; but not wrong.

2005-01-17, 8:13 PM #77
Originally posted by Run
Marry her.
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2005-01-17, 8:39 PM #78
envy meter exceeding maximum capacity..bbbbrvvvvvvvvnneneeowwwww
2005-01-17, 8:56 PM #79
This girl seems way too good to be true. I don't think she exists.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2005-01-17, 9:22 PM #80
How can you be so blind!? She's toying with your emotions man! Get out while you still have a chance! She's showing all of her friends your chat logs! They're laughing at you! What's her phone number?
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you"?

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