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ForumsDiscussion Forum → and i thought she was gonna cry about a boy...
and i thought she was gonna cry about a boy...
2005-01-17, 9:31 PM #81
not entirely relevant but worth a post
New! Fun removed by Vinny :[
2005-01-17, 9:38 PM #82
Originally posted by Bobbert006
This girl seems way too good to be true. I don't think she exists.

I'll second that. There's no such thing as a FPS/RTS gaming girl who doesn't mind porn. I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU. You hear me?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-17, 9:39 PM #83
Originally posted by Freelancer
I'll second that. There's no such thing as a FPS/RTS gaming girl who doesn't mind porn. I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU. You hear me?

i would make a bet with you that theres one on this forum, but i'm not goig to say who it is because she'd kill me. *hides*
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2005-01-17, 9:40 PM #84
I could say three names, and one of them would be right.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-17, 9:41 PM #85
oSiRiS wins!
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you"?
2005-01-17, 9:53 PM #86
This thread is funny.
2005-01-17, 11:38 PM #87
Originally posted by Freelancer
I'll second that. There's no such thing as a FPS/RTS gaming girl who doesn't mind porn. I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU. You hear me?

I know one in real life. I'm going out with one of her friends.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-18, 5:31 AM #88
Originally posted by Trige
oSiRiS wins!

Indeed, I love that thing.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2005-01-18, 5:35 AM #89
hahahaha that picture is great.
2005-01-19, 11:16 AM #90
I can list four girls that watch porn and are gamers..... you guys just need to move here I guess... :D
2005-01-19, 11:35 AM #91
Originally posted by Arianrhod
I can list four girls that watch porn and are gamers.

Sell them on ebay. You'll make a fortune!
2005-01-19, 12:17 PM #92
How much would you pay for me?
2005-01-19, 2:13 PM #93
Originally posted by Ford
i would make a bet with you that theres one on this forum, but i'm not goig to say who it is because she'd kill me. *hides*

haha is it really that hard? im almost positive i know as well.
2005-01-23, 6:04 PM #94
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2005-01-23, 6:53 PM #95
Originally posted by Arianrhod
How much would you pay for me?

How much do you charge per hour?
2005-01-23, 7:20 PM #96
*blinks* I can understand being excited about the girl being a gamer(though not to the extent some people here have shown)....but what's with the "OMG She's sleeping over! Pinch me!"? Just because you automatically think sex doesn't mean she is.

Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-01-23, 7:22 PM #97
since when did i automatically think sex? i didnt expect for that to happen. everyone else just did.
2005-01-23, 7:39 PM #98
yeah, sleeping over does not necessarily mean sex

but on the bright side, it means she trusts you, caz
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-23, 7:47 PM #99
then what was the "oh my god" for? Is a friend sleeping over something that's never happened to you and something that really excites you?

Note: I'm just trying to understand
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-01-23, 7:49 PM #100
correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's the idea that a girl like that exists and wants to hang out with him for an extended period of time.

though that's not what everyone else was thinking
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-23, 8:00 PM #101
Originally posted by Kieran Horn
then what was the "oh my god" for? Is a friend sleeping over something that's never happened to you and something that really excites you?

Note: I'm just trying to understand

well i never had a female sleep over. well ok a few times but that was with other guys and i wasnt attracted to her, but this is just one girl who wants to, i like her, and she wants to play video games as well. thats the source of the excitment.

[edit] and it didnt happen this weekend. her dad is a nazi. she actually had her pc unhooked and all and was ready to drive it over here after school and he grounded her for some lame reason. couldnt do it the next day cause my boss scheduled me on my weekend off without telling me until a few days before, but next weekend it's smooth sailing, cause if she schedules me on my weekend off again, im quitting there and then, because this has happened several times and more than half of the time i have had plans. it really ****s up my time for homework, too. im just so tired. it's not a sleepy tired, but a 'i cant do anything more' tired. either way im not working[/edit]
2005-01-23, 8:10 PM #102
lol I'm sorry and all that, but her dad can't be all THAT nazi-ish if he's letting her spend the night at a guy's house, unless he doens't know...
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-23, 8:46 PM #103
yeah i doubt he did. unless he does, and doesnt want her to spend the night... and just came up with an excuse to keep her home... i dunno. he made her clean so she wouldnt be grounded for longer, so maybe he just got lazy and didnt wanna do chores.
2005-01-23, 8:51 PM #104
Cazor: Don't quit your job. First try to put your foot down and stop taking crap from your boss. If you're unionized, this is extremely easy. At least call in sick or something, no reason to lose your job here.
2005-01-23, 8:58 PM #105
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-23, 9:07 PM #106
Wow, Cazor, you rule. I almost envy you, sir. :)
2005-01-24, 8:05 PM #107
Originally posted by Connection Problem
Cazor: Don't quit your job. First try to put your foot down and stop taking crap from your boss. If you're unionized, this is extremely easy. At least call in sick or something, no reason to lose your job here.

yeah i exagerated. havent called in before, but if she does... prolly will. or just tell her to take me back off right away because it's not happening.
2005-01-25, 4:08 AM #108
use a condom
2005-01-25, 5:49 AM #109
Yes, use a condom. Herpes is the path to the dark side.
2005-01-25, 7:55 AM #110
Then you can just call me Darth Vader baby. :p
2005-01-25, 11:56 AM #111
Pissed Off?

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