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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Regarding the recent banning spree...
Regarding the recent banning spree...
2005-01-16, 1:07 PM #41
Originally posted by Lord Kuat
I can SMELL your fear.

Remember: Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. So fear away, muwhahahaha!

What you smell is the three bean chilli and sallad with raw brocolli that I ate earlier.
2005-01-16, 1:13 PM #42
2005-01-16, 1:13 PM #43
Originally posted by Rob
What you smell is the three bean chilli and sallad with raw brocolli that I ate earlier.

You know, I thought fear didn't smell that bad, so it musta been...

Jesus man, have mercy!
2005-01-16, 1:32 PM #44
Salas has one 'L' :p

*hides from the grammar nazi ban-police*
2005-01-16, 1:34 PM #45
Originally posted by Martyn
Salas has one 'L' :p

*hides from the grammar nazi ban-police*

Yeah. I don't think anyone's going to accuse you of being a grammar nazi anytime soon.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-16, 1:55 PM #46
Originally posted by Martyn
Salas has one 'L' :p

*hides from the grammar nazi ban-police*

Salad has a "d" at the end.

2005-01-16, 1:58 PM #47
This was done because there was a lot of flaming going on. I think this will really cut down on that. It was a good decision. It will also make people think twice before they post, which is never bad.
2005-01-16, 2:00 PM #48
Well I only think 1 and a half times before I post?

What are you gonna do about that?

You wanna go?

Cause I'll go right now!

I'm ready to go!

To the movies, I haven't been in ages!
2005-01-16, 2:00 PM #49
I think it's not appropriate to associate people who are anal-retentive about grammar rules with people who did far worse things.
2005-01-16, 2:07 PM #50
Originally posted by Mort-Hog
We've had lots of discussions about drugs, there's never been any problems with that. Considering this is a Star Wars forum, it's not surprising that 'sex' isn't a common topic of discussion. Swear filters are always silly, but it isn't really a problem. You can have some fun with asterixes.
we've had good discussions here on all of thoes topics, where people havent ended up flaming each other, and information/ideas are exchanged... i really love thoes threads
Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.
2005-01-16, 2:12 PM #51
Sometimes I think the way to make Massassi better is not removing bad members but bringing back some good members who never post any more because they're too busy with "life" or something awful.
2005-01-16, 2:22 PM #52
Originally posted by Martyn
Salas has one 'L' :p

*hides from the grammar nazi ban-police*

...or something.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-01-16, 2:40 PM #53
Originally posted by Rob
Salad has a "d" at the end.


He was reffering to it in plural, so it should have been: "Salads". I believe the previous sentence has been correctly written.

Edited Portion of Post: I changed a number of small grammatical errors I had previously not noticed.
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2005-01-16, 2:43 PM #54
That was an improper use of ellipsis.
2005-01-16, 2:45 PM #55
Originally posted by Oxyonagon
He was reffering to it in plural, so... Salads.

Still forgot the "d," plural or not.

2005-01-16, 2:52 PM #56
Yeah, so I've had two bottles of wine and then some....

whoops! :D

I love the fact that I'm a spaz sometimes!

Good times!
2005-01-16, 2:58 PM #57
I think everyone should stop whinning and getting caught up in this "forum drama".. which I find hilarious!
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"
2005-01-16, 2:59 PM #58
I have edited the post I previously had submitted so that it meets your satisfaction. Please forgive me for my grammatical errors as I am still learning to deal with this language, despite the fact I have been brought up with it.

Yours Truly,

P.S. If you spot anymore grammatical errors in my posts, feel free to report them to me via the personal messaging system.
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2005-01-16, 3:00 PM #59

You know, it might be chilly in London, I'm going to take the sweater.
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2005-01-16, 3:38 PM #60
2) Like medevil times posting the heads of evil doers on poles invoked fear in those who were thinking about it. The same applies.

If someone gets THAT scared to post what you like on a message forum, or post your opinions for that matter...As well as if you get THAT upset about someone saying something on the internet, then that person is officially a geek/nerd and needs to get outside more. A hell of a lot more. There is a big difference between posting on a message forum and getting banned for a day, and what they did in the medieval times to scare people by posting peoples beheaded heads for display.
2005-01-16, 3:51 PM #61
You know, people have been getting these little 1 and 2 day bans forever and no one really cared. Some of you are just reacting to the fact that it's now going to be public. That's the only reason some of you care.

As for a stricter interpretation of the rules, it's up to the admins. Catching people early and slapping them with a short ban acts as a prevenitive measure to keep things from really getting out of hand.

Furthermore, if this doesn't allow you to "be yourself" then "yourself" is a person who's rude and insulting on some level.
Pissed Off?
2005-01-16, 3:53 PM #62
Originally posted by Avenger
Furthermore, if this doesn't allow you to "be yourself" then "yourself" is a person who's rude and insulting on some level.

Except not (necessarily).
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-16, 3:59 PM #63
All interesting points.. but when will it be too much? where do we draw the line?
2005-01-16, 4:03 PM #64
"Help, help, I'm being oppressed!"
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-01-16, 4:10 PM #65
OK, so this new policy kind of bites. What bites a whole hell of a lot more is that our beloved Massassi has come to the point where such a policy is needed. The past few months around here have been absolutely horrible and I hope this fixes our forums.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-01-16, 4:14 PM #66
Originally posted by Crimson
our beloved Massassi has come to the point where such a policy is needed.

How do you figure?? People must be seeing things, 'cause I honestly don't see what all the hubbub is about. Care to posta few links?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-16, 4:40 PM #67
I'm just curious - since when does 3 (not all of which are permenant) bans qualify as a "spree"?
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-01-16, 4:57 PM #68
Originally posted by Crimson
OK, so this new policy kind of bites. What bites a whole hell of a lot more is that our beloved Massassi has come to the point where such a policy is needed. The past few months around here have been absolutely horrible and I hope this fixes our forums.

My sentiments exactly. Things have been a lot better around here since Brian posted his announcement, I hope this trend continues.

Originally posted by Wolfy
I'm just curious - since when does 3 (not all of which are permenant) bans qualify as a "spree"?

Also a valid point. We havent really banned more people than usual... its just that its a lot more apparent because its listed publicly.
2005-01-16, 5:09 PM #69
Originally posted by Freelancer
How do you figure?? People must be seeing things, 'cause I honestly don't see what all the hubbub is about. Care to posta few links?

And so on.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-01-16, 6:11 PM #70
Originally posted by Freelancer
Except not (necessarily).

Were any of the people who recieved 1 and 2 day bans not deserving?
Pissed Off?
2005-01-16, 6:15 PM #71
Originally posted by MBeggar
"Help, help, I'm being oppressed!"

"See the violence inherant in the system!"
2005-01-16, 6:18 PM #72
The way I see it is, this is Brian's site, he owns it, he pays for it, thus he makes the rules, and I have to obey them if I wish to stay.
Founder of the Massassi Brute Squad (MBS)
Morituri Nolumus Mori
2005-01-16, 6:30 PM #73
When do we get to have microchips implanted beneath our skin? I can't wait for that, because I can mod it and play xbox games in me. YAY!
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you"?
2005-01-16, 6:35 PM #74
Man, I've gone six years without being banned; and I've made some insulting and poorly thought out posts, too! I feel like I'm missing out on an essential life experience, here.
2005-01-16, 6:51 PM #75
Originally posted by Avenger
Were any of the people who recieved 1 and 2 day bans not deserving?

The two banees that the mods didn't censor sure as hell were not even close to deserving.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-16, 7:14 PM #76
I'm suprised that it took this long to see Mikus on the list. Anyone want to put money down on who is next? I have a few predictions, but I guess it would be rude to announce it. :/

We should have a system like Survivor where someone wins immunity each day.
2005-01-16, 7:51 PM #77
I think the banlist is a good idea....but maybe we should have a deciated open site/forum admin discussion forum for it along with any other issues. That way it's still out in the open but not right at the top of the discussion forum.
2005-01-16, 7:54 PM #78
Originally posted by Freelancer
How do you figure?? People must be seeing things, 'cause I honestly don't see what all the hubbub is about. Care to posta few links?

ANY thread wherein DJ Yoshi and MechWarrior have both posted. I refuse to look up THAT MANY threads.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-01-16, 7:58 PM #79
[ Edited to ensure that a lighthearted joke is not taken seriously ]
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-01-16, 8:24 PM #80
I asked Brian to ban me for a day cause I wanted to see what message you get when you are banned.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.

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