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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Gamecube or X-box?
Gamecube or X-box?
2005-01-19, 7:46 AM #41
Ok I have all 3 systems right now I am in love with my Gamecube. Why? Because of Resident Evil 4 its AMAZING. But its going to be ported to the PS2. Well I think the Gamecube is more capable of handling Resident Evil 4. I used to never would have said ANYTHING bad about a PS2 until I got my Cube. The Xbox is great for games like Fable, Halo, Halo 2, The Cube is great for games like SSBM, The pacman thats multiplayer....cant think of the name now. And lots of other fun party games.
Oberfeldwebel says: ..... You are the epitome of idiocy.
2005-01-19, 8:50 AM #42
Get PS2. Forget XBOX. Forget Gamecube.
2005-01-19, 9:15 AM #43
Go to this location and create a check list of games you might be interested in on each system (choose the console and 30 results):

And make your decision from there.

Personally, I was in the same situation a while ago (getting a console) and got a Gamecube. And I've been a happy camper.

The primary problem with the X-Box is that you can play most of the top games on the PC. This is a good thing if you aren't willing to spend a lot of cash on a good system, but a bad thing if you already have a reasonable good machine. After all, X-Box games that are also on PC:
Halo 1? Check. KOTOR? Check. Riddick? Check. GTA? Check. Prince of Persia? Check. Splinter Cell? Check.
Some of these games can also be bought at a much cheaper price on PC.

Other than being a good console for people with subpar PCs, it also has some interesting exclusive titles or games that aren't on PC (Burnout 3, Halo 2, Fable, Ninja Gaiden) as well as X-Box Live which is fun in Halo 2 and offers some new content from time to time (although some companies, like Ubi Soft, are starting to charge money for it).

Gamecube has a sizeable amount of fantastic titles that you won't find anywhere else or if you do, they either haven't been released yet or will be downgraded some (as will be the case with Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe also had performane issues on the PS2). In order of awesomeness:

Resident Evil 4
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Zelda: Wind Waker
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (hard game)
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Viewtiful Joe
Pikmin 2

Note that I didn't list any racing or sports games, as I honestly don't care for them very much (and they can be found aplenty on the PC), also there are exclusives like that too, F-Zero GX.
2005-01-19, 4:57 PM #44
I count Halo PC as a separate entity from Halo X-Box. There's features missing, CRAP (emphasis on CRAP) added, and it's not nearly as fun to play.

Not to mention, it took like...what...3 years to come out for PC? If Halo 2 follows suit, and is anywhere near as bad as the first, you may as well stick with the 'Box.

MechAssault. Basically mechwarrior dumbed down, LOADS of to mention the fighters (DOA, MvC2, Soul Calibur 2), though most of those are on the cube. Hell it's just up to what you're into.
2005-01-19, 7:40 PM #45
Honestly I have no idea why people are listing Fable with the Xbox. The game is terrible.
2005-01-19, 7:47 PM #46
GC or PS2

I wouldn't trade my PS2 ( In my humble opinion, MGS3 is one of the greatest games I've ever played, along with San Andreas), but I have come AWFULLY close to buying a GameCube.

I would want GameCube for MGS: Twin Snakes, Zelda (no damnit, not Windwaker), and RE4. I am not a fan of Metroid at all, I really hated the controls. I've become so use to using dual analog sticks on Xbox and Ps2, that using one analog stick just feels weird to me. Plus, I didn't think Metroid:Prime was all that great.

GC or PS2. If you are looking ahead towards the future, I would lean towards the PS2, as it has been confirmed that the games are compatible with PS3. You never know what the hell Nintendo will start using, whether it be cartridges, DVDs, mini-DVDs, etc.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-01-19, 8:37 PM #47
n00bs! You have defiled yourselves on teh consoles! Shame! Come back, that you may be clensed in the restorative powers of teh PC! Ph32r, ph32r, teh PC Fanboy!!1

You knew it was coming. :p
2005-01-19, 11:17 PM #48
Originally posted by mscbuck
Plus, I didn't think Metroid:Prime was all that great.


2005-01-20, 1:33 PM #49
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet
Ph32r, ph32r, teh PC Fanboy!!1

At least you finally admitted what you are.

I like my Xbox. It saves me the pain and annoyance of configuring gobs of settings and updating loads of software just to make a program work.

Plus I know everything will work on the first try and look just the way it was intended to.

I still like my PC, but some days, simpler is better.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2005-01-20, 2:52 PM #50
I think that X-Box has the best Linux support.
2005-01-20, 3:53 PM #51
Originally posted by mscbuck
GC or PS2

(no damnit, not Windwaker)

You. Suck.
2005-01-21, 11:14 AM #52
These days the Xbox is turning out to be the far better machine, but the gamecube has most of the best games and what isn't on GC is on Xbox. I suggest you plan accordingly and perhaps get one after the other.
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