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ForumsDiscussion Forum → WoWers (and other MMORPGers)
WoWers (and other MMORPGers)
2005-01-25, 5:06 PM #41
Originally posted by Mort-Hog
So, once it becomes possible, can Tauren then ride Steeds and whatnot? Because that'd look quite silly. Also, can Warlocks and Paladins get mounts, considering they can summon them anyway?

The Warlock mount is so cool I dont think they'd ever want anything else ;)
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-01-25, 5:22 PM #42
So I joined a guild (love the tabard) and got a new pet:
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-01-25, 5:30 PM #43
Originally posted by Joren DarkStar
Well, since it says other MMORPG'ers...

My SWG Char:


What armor is that? They must have added it since I quit.
I miss SWG, I really got into actual role-playing in that game...
How's the role-playing aspects in FFXII and WoW? Once I get more income I'm going to get back into either those or SWG, but RP is a big big aspect of the game for me.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-25, 5:32 PM #44
I dunno which version of my char looks cool...

Pre-guild (Pretty old though)
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-01-25, 5:32 PM #45
I was wrong, taurens are only able to get a kodo as a mount.

Finally got my horse, decided to take her for a run on the beautiful beaches of Stranglethorn ;)

"Honey, you got real ugly."
2005-01-25, 5:33 PM #46
Or guild
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-01-25, 6:16 PM #47
Love this game so much:

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
2005-01-25, 6:31 PM #48
Cygnus, your rogue shots just inspired me to get that stupid game.
ARGHASDFJA:Sj I'm a sucker for rogues....mmmtastyrogue
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-25, 6:51 PM #49
Hahaha, sweet. Yeah, my character is a badass, isn't he?
Rogues rule.
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
2005-01-25, 6:52 PM #50
Originally posted by Compos Mentis
Cygnus, your rogue shots just inspired me to get that stupid game.
ARGHASDFJA:Sj I'm a sucker for rogues....mmmtastyrogue

Wow, I am also a sucker for rogue, and those shots also make me intensely desire the game.

What are your skills/stats/eq/etc Cyg?
2005-01-25, 10:35 PM #51
Originally posted by Mikus
Wow, I am also a sucker for rogue, and those shots also make me intensely desire the game.

What are your skills/stats/eq/etc Cyg?


Now are you asking from a standpoint of someone who is interested in getting the game and wants to know what rogues are like, or are you asking what my exact talent build and skill sets are?

I'll assume you meant the former, and if not, clarify the question.
Rogues in WoW are fantastic damage dealers. I consistently find myself doing more damage than the other classes in my party, with the exception of a mage.

I've built my rogue so that I'm pretty self-reliant, and I can solo easily. I picked up leathercrafting, so I can make my own armor, and skinning, so I can gather materials myself. I'm dual-wielding daggers, because there are several rogue skills, including backstab and ambush, that require you to have a dagger in your main hand. However, rogues can also use one-handed swords and maces.

I primarily play with one of my friends who is a priest, and talking to him I've realized that the versatility of the rogue's skills allows them to overcome many obstacles in ways that other classes cannot. Here are some of our skills. This is a sampling of some of the skills I've gotten so far at level 40:

Saving your own *** skills:
I frequently find myself alive and safe even when my party blunders into something that gets them all killed.
- Flee: allows the rogue to run faster than normal for a short period of time. I use it to run out of the aggro radius of a mob that's about to kill me.
- Evasion: increases the rogue's chance to dodge attacks, preventing them from getting hit from behind as they flee, or even allowing them to tank for a short period of time without getting hit.
- Vanish: This is the big one that's saved me so many times. Normally you can't enter stealth mode while you're engaged in combat. Not so with vanish. At a certain level (I forget which), you gain the ability to use flash powder, allowing you to vanish in a puff of smoke. This immediately breaks all aggro and puts you in stealth mode so you can sneak away. Also useful for using stealth-based attack in the middle of battle.
- Feint: The opposite of provoke, this skill reduces your threat, making the monster less likely to attack you and more likely to attack one of the other party members (hopefully the tank). Because I do so much damage, the tank sometimes has trouble keeping aggro off me, so I use this skill to help him out.
- Sap: This is crowd control. It only works when you're stealth, and when the enemy is not in combat. If I come across a group of enemies that looks like more than I can handle, I can sap one of them, rendering him unconcious for a certain amount of time, usually enough time for me to dispatch his friends.
- Detect/disarm traps: I actually haven't come across any traps, aside from the one that's part of a rogue test after you get the skill. I assume this will be useful in the future... maybe. Maybe in higher-level dungeons I haven't been to yet.
- Kidney shot: This move stuns the enemy for a few seconds. The best use I've found for this is for keeping enemies from running away. Often when I'm in a dungeon, I'll be fighting someone and when he gets low on health, he'll run away. If he runs into any other enemies, they will aggro me. This is bad. Therefor, I stun enemies as soon as they get low on health and finish them off while they sit there helpless.

Money making skills
- Stealth: When you enter stealth, enemies can't see you unless you bump into them or they are a way higher level than you. It also reduces your movement speed. I maxed out my stealth talents so that now it only reduces my movement speed to 80% normal, and enemies are far less likely to detect me. As such, I can cruise through dungeons looting chests and whatnot without being attacked.
- Pick pocket: While you're stealthed, you can pick-pocket humanoids for money or whatever items they're carrying without killing them.
- Pick lock: Rogues are the only class that can pick locks, so if a party comes across a locked chest, guess who gets the loot :D (seriously though, I try to share :p). I can also open doors that other classes have to find keys for.

Damage-dealing skills
- Poisons: Rogues gain the ability to brew all kinds of nasty poisons, which we apply to our weapons. There are many different status effects associated with the poisons, including weakened spellcasting, slowed movement, etc. but I mainly just use the ones that deal damage. It makes a big difference and lets me kill things much faster.
- Ambush/backstab: These both require daggers, and you must be stealth and behind the enemy. They do a crapload of damage.
- Expose armor: Reduces the enemy's armor, letting you do more damage.
- There are tons of other skills in this catagory, but the bottom line is: daggers > blood splatters everywhere > enemies die hard.

Well that's all I can think of to say at the moment. Feel free to ask any specific questions. Oh, and if you do get the game, join my server! (Elune) I'll hook you up.
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
2005-01-25, 10:48 PM #52
Trying to get in on a friend's account, going to make a gnomish rogue. I don't want to waste time on useless skills, perhaps you could point out what you DIDN'T get? Awesome :)
2005-01-26, 6:37 AM #53
I trained all the skills just for completeness sake, but I've definitely put more talent points into some than others.

Ambush vs. Garrote: Both of these skills require you to be stealthed and standing behind your victim. Garrote does damage over time, and ambush does a lot more damage in one shot, but requires you to use daggers. This is no problem for me because I found two daggers that are better than most other weapons I find, so I use ambush exclusively because it does way more damage. I think the damage-over-time aspect of garrote might prevent you from stealing aggro away from the tank, but I'm not sure.

Slice & Dice and Rupture: I never use these. They're both finishing move- slice & dice increases your attack speed by 20% for a short time (sounds cool, but doesn't noticeably affect damage output), and rupture deals damage over time. I usually opt for eviscerate, which deals a crapload of direct damage, kidney shot, which stuns the enemy, or expose armor, which decreases enemy armor.

Poisons: I pretty much just use Instant Poison exclusively, which just deals nature damage. There are other poisons that do other fancy things, but they are things I don't find particularly useful, and you have to go hunting for herbs to make them. The ingredients for instant poison can be purchased from the shady dealers.

I find that all the other skills have uses in certain situations.
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
2005-01-26, 9:33 AM #54
My Warrior, we arent gimps, Pallies are just overpowered. :P

2005-01-26, 6:34 PM #55
Started a few days ago. I LOVE this game.
That painting was a gift, Todd. I'm taking it with me.
2005-01-26, 6:48 PM #56
I beat the internet. The last guy was hard.
2005-01-26, 6:51 PM #57
Well, this isn't a shot of a char, but.. WoW is so pretty

I beat the internet. The last guy was hard.
2005-01-26, 7:51 PM #58
I really miss SWG, I stopped playing, I had a great character.

I recently started playing the Jump to Lightspeed trial, its fun. I had to start a new account, but I thought I'd post my boring charcter anyway.

2005-01-26, 7:58 PM #59
I dont have any posts of my main.

But lets just say it would make you all cry.

here are some old pictures of my mine, taken along time ago.


2005-01-26, 8:05 PM #60
Master Jack... post more of your character. He's awesome.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-26, 8:09 PM #61
How do you turn on the "you hit blah for x" and "blah hits you for x"
2005-01-26, 8:12 PM #62
2005-01-26, 8:36 PM #63
No, but really, how is the actual Role-Playing community in WoW? I need full immersion, people!!
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-26, 8:45 PM #64
It's entirely possible to play for many many hours without interacting with a single other human player, if you so wish.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-01-26, 10:10 PM #65
I have a level 34 Tauren Warrior, and I don't care what other people say on the Warrior forums, we are bad *** when dual wielding. I also have an Orc Shaman and a Night Elf Rogue on a completely different server(Cenarion Circle) that I work on when my main server(Silver Hand) is down or has a big que.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-01-27, 4:33 AM #66
Level 19 Tauren Druid on Skullcrusher here. Busy doing Wailing Cavern runs and some oddjob quests because 18-19 is a crappy level to be :P
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-01-27, 5:02 AM #67
So, for WoW, what are thoughts on PvE or PvP?

Is there actually any point in going PvE, because surely you can 'do' PvE just as well on a PvP server? Is levelling slower, or questing harder on PvP or what?

Also, I loved your post, CygnusX. Have you played any other classes, and can make a similar thing for them?
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-01-27, 7:59 AM #68
Originally posted by Glyde Bane
Level 19 Tauren Druid on Skullcrusher here. Busy doing Wailing Cavern runs and some oddjob quests because 18-19 is a crappy level to be :P

Are you kidding me? My horde char is level 21 and hasn't been without a full-to-the-brim-with-doable-quests since he was level 12 or 13.
I beat the internet. The last guy was hard.
2005-01-27, 8:28 AM #69

^Good guy^


^Bad guy^
2005-01-27, 8:30 AM #70
Originally posted by Compos Mentis
What armor is that? They must have added it since I quit.
I miss SWG, I really got into actual role-playing in that game...
How's the role-playing aspects in FFXII and WoW? Once I get more income I'm going to get back into either those or SWG, but RP is a big big aspect of the game for me.

RIS armor. Very rare, and hard to get the materials to make.
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 3-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*
2005-01-27, 8:41 AM #71
Originally posted by ******
Are you kidding me? My horde char is level 21 and hasn't been without a full-to-the-brim-with-doable-quests since he was level 12 or 13.

Well, I have done A LOT of quests, but most of the ones I have now are for level 22-27 characters. Trust me, I've tried some of them and I can't handle em :P
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-01-27, 9:08 AM #72
Originally posted by Mort-Hog
So, for WoW, what are thoughts on PvE or PvP?

Is there actually any point in going PvE, because surely you can 'do' PvE just as well on a PvP server? Is levelling slower, or questing harder on PvP or what?

I play on a PvE, just because I hate being ganked by some horde ****er 10 levels above me when I'm trying to do a quest. On PvE servers, you can turn PvP on whenever you want, which means that horde people can attack you, and if they do, you can attack them back. You also get flagged as PvP if you attack enemy NPCs, or aid someone else who is flagged as PvP. If I find a fair fight (ie, a horde player who's around the same level as me), I turn on PvP. They usually respond by attacking me. In this way, you can challange other players without fear of being ambushed constantly. One of my friends (level 40 Priest) got inadvertantly flagged as PvP recently, and then not one, but two level 50 orc Warlocks killed him, and the camped his corpse. Doesn't that sound like fun? On PvP servers, you have the freedom to do that whenever you want (in contested territories anyway).

Oh yeah, and you can also do raids, on both types of servers. I haven't participated in one yet, but the way I understand it is, you get a big army of guys together, you run screaming into a horde town, and kill everything that stands in your way.

Then there's Battlegrounds, which hasn't been implemented yet. But from reading the previews, it looks like you enter a special Battlegrounds zone, and then the game turns into a cross between an RTS and Tribes. Two bases at opposite ends of a valley, resource gathering, vehicles (mounts), alliance vs. horde, blood, pain, mayhem. This also will be available on both PvP and PvE servers.

So basically, the only thing you can do on PvP that you can't do on PvE is kill people when they're not expecting it, which really isn't my cup o' tea anyway.

Originally posted by Mort-Hog
Also, I loved your post, CygnusX. Have you played any other classes, and can make a similar thing for them?

Not really. I played Hunter to about level 15 in the beta. I thought it was really cool, but looking back on it, it doesn't compare to rogue. But maybe I'm just biased ;)

If you played FFXI, hunter is like a cross between a beastmaster and a ranger. They do the most damage with a ranged weapon (bow or gun) and get lots of abilities to make ranged shots do various things. You can tame various beasts as pets, and they pretty much do the tanking for you when you solo. While the enemy is busy with your pet, you can pick it off with ranged shots. I've found that because of this, a ranger can take on more enemies at once than some other classes. But like I said, I only played to level 15. Spork can probably tell you more.
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
2005-01-27, 9:36 AM #73
YOU don't like being ganked? But-but you're alliance! I'm ganked every single day by alliance because they think that since they outnumber the horde, they can raid splintertree and xroads constantly. Makes me sad :(
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-01-27, 10:48 AM #74
But surely you can just port to the spirit healer? The death penalty really doesn't seem very high at all..
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2005-01-27, 11:14 AM #75
Here's an outline of the information.

PvE/RP Servers and how to get flagged:

- Enter an enemy capital city
- Enter the FFA Battle Arena in Strangethorn Vale(technically this is a variation on normal PvP and this special flag disappears a few seconds after you exit the arena)
- Attack a flagged enemy NPC or player
- Heal or buff a flagged friendly NPC or player
- typing /pvp

PvP servers and how to get flagged:
- All of the above, plus entering contested areas instantly flags you. Usually the only places that aren't contested is the starting zone and and secondary zone of your race and friendly races.
- Entering Enemy territory instantly flags you(usually the opposing factions first and secondary areas)

How to get rid of your flag:
- Not do any hostile acts as described above for 5 minutes.

Death penalties:
- The max penalty for ressurecting at the graveyard(which is where you first appear when you die) is 10 minutes ressurection sickness(penalizes your stats to the point of uselessness) and 25% loss in durability of equipment.
- Some ressurection spells have ressurection sickness
- Running to your corpse and resurrecting there still causes you to lose some durability on your equipment. I'm not sure how much though.

Dieing isn't that bad when it's every so often, but when you start dieing consistently, it'll really hurt your wallet due to repair charges.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2005-01-27, 12:45 PM #76
Whoever asked about Role-Playing:

You need to play either Ragnarok Online (HEAVILY known for its Role Playing community) or FFXI.

Ragnarok Online, with its huge map, easy partying system, and unique but wholly beneficial jobs, works great for Role Playing. There are plenty of maps with hard bosses, yet no quests, which is perfect for creating your own quests.

The heavy focus on costumes also helps. Hats, glasses, special swords and other weapons, armors, and other things makes it possible for every character to look completely unique, without having horrible stats or having similar looks within the same job.

Ragnarok Online is also adding huge amounts of new areas very rapidly now, usually a few new areas a month. These areas always need to be explored. And of course, there are the monster controlled areas, which is where you will find the most Role-Players. The monster controlled areas are areas that are not visited often, either because they are far away from towns, or have odd/hard monsters. These maps are usually overflowing with monsters, making it very hard to fight in. This is why Role-Players love it so much. They make a unique quest, such as to reach the other side of the area and obtain some item, and then try to clear the map without losing any party members. These parties usually are up to 10 people, and they are as fun to be a part of as they are to watch.


And Final Fantasy XI:

While not as popular, FFXI is heavily leaned toward questing, which is great for role-players. There are hundreds upon hundreds of quests for each town, and plenty of missions too. (About 30 per town, so approximately 120 missions) FFXI's partying system is a bit harder to get going, simply because the game is a lot slower. But with the possibility of making alliances (3 parties together, each party with 6 people), you can have huge battles.

In addition, there is dynamis, which is Role-Players haven for FFXI. The only problem is it is focused around really high level characters, so you really have to level to get there. Dynamis is a seperate dimension where the monsters are incredibly tough. But parties can be bigger, since there is no ownership of monsters in Dynamis. (In other words, you hit a monster, it's not yours, anyone can help.) Sometimes whole linkshells will go into Dynamis to have fun. Most of the time people will join a role-playing linkshell (which is the FFXI equivalent of an invite-only chat room), and get together for a Dynamis quest. (Up to 64 people can go to Dynamis at once, and you can only spend a certain period of time in Dynamis.) This makes it incredibly fun also.

So that's my ideas on Role Playing. I don't know much about WoW, but I don't think the playing style will lend itself very well to role players. Anyone with experience in the field feel free to correct me on this matter.
2005-01-27, 1:01 PM #77
I've tried RO and it was mostly "OMG I'm teh noob with my sword teleport plzkOMG", plus it just wasn't that entertaining to me.

I beta'd FFXI but only for a week so I didn't have much time to get into anything.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-27, 2:34 PM #78
Originally posted by Mort-Hog
But surely you can just port to the spirit healer? The death penalty really doesn't seem very high at all..

Once you start wearing a lot of expensive equipment, repairing everything becomes rather very costly. Especially when you're trying to save up 100 gold for a mount at level 40.

PvP is currently very crappy in WoW. There's no XP and no loot for killing other players or NPCs. So, as someone above said, unless you like getting ganked by +10 corpse-camping jerks PvP is entirely worthless.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-01-28, 8:39 AM #79
I just got my mount, so of course I had to post pics :D

My brand new frostsabre!


And Booty Bay, just because I think it's super-cool looking. And pirates!
Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
2005-01-28, 8:48 AM #80
Booty Bay is nicely cliched. Love that place :)
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.

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