That is about every college in America, sadly.
In my time, I have attended courses at 2 community colleges and 2 regular ones, and they all have had professors more interested in pushing their own agendas than teaching their cirriculums.
Where do you think the young, dumb people of america get their ideas from? It starts in H.S., but really hits its stride in college.
*Note - I am not saying anything bad about liberals in particular; I am speaking only to the "tow the line, freedom of speech only for everyone who agrees with me" liberals. Unfortunately, they make up the majority, but I have met some liberals out there, who have the same liberal views, but for very different and well-thought out reasons. I may not agree with them, but I respect them a heck of a lot more; mostly because they also respect people with viewpoints that dissent from their own.
The greatest hypocracy in America today is when you have a party that preaches tolerance, and yet acts horribly intolerant of people who view things differently.
*Joren, Legend, Alleged Egomaniac, Thread-Killer, 3-time Ban Recipient, and 6th Grade Spelling Champ*