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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Being you
Being you
2005-01-30, 6:47 AM #41
It seems that everything I was planning on saying has already been said at one point, so - in true internet style- I'm going to say them all again!

The Undesirable Stuff
  • I am very very not outgoing, even when I want to be
  • I naturally have reasonably not-good acne
  • I rarely have the motivation to practice things I take up
  • I have absolutely no motivation for doing stupid things, and will often completely blow them off, even if my grades really suffer.
  • I'm too self-critical. I will get mad at myself for saying or doing things that I said or did long periods of time before.
  • I'm socially paranoid (e.g. I hear people laughing and think they are laughing at me)
  • After the ideas for this section have stopped flowing, I'm sitting here trying to think of more.
  • I would rather suffer than work (even a little bit) to avoid that suffering

Pretty Darn Cool Stuff
  • I have kick-*** hair. Really. My hair is better than your hair, period.
  • I have nice eyes, apparently.
  • I have a good sense of humour
  • I use the British spelling of words though I am American
  • I think I am a pretty good friend.
  • If you haven't me off, I am very willing to help you out.
  • I am graceful (in the athletic way)
  • I can jump awesometastically.
  • I tend to be very naturally talented in almost everything I take up.
  • I'm sensitive to others' feelings
  • I think people who have strong, emotional opinions about things are funny, along with people who get up-in-arms about stupid stuff.
  • I'm quite intelligent.

I like myself most of the time, I think. Maybe 80-90% of the time.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2005-01-30, 12:47 PM #42
Why I suck:

I am way too critical of myself.
I'm kinda shy
i procrastinate too much, but i'm seriously working on that. its mostly with housework though, not schoolwork.
i tend to miss out on participating in conversations because i dont like to interrupt people, and tend to get interrupted myself.
i'm afraid of people. or really afraid of people thinking of me badly. and as such tend to avoid them when possible. but i'm working on that too.
i have problems with authority that tend to get me in trouble.

Why i rule:

while i may be overcritical of my work, this quality sucks and rules, because it forces me to produce only my best.
i like to write, and when it suits me i'm good at it.
on the whole i am a friendly person, i wont go out of my way to avoid talking to yoy. just dont me suprised if i'm monosyllabolic and dont say anything of substance. i'm probably trying to avoid offending you.
people like me, i've come to realize. mostly without effort on my part.
i learn very quickly, and enjoy the process.
i refuse to put up with bull****.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2005-01-30, 8:20 PM #43
Originally posted by Gebohq

and while you might think that you say unforgivably stupid things, I bet you that you can't top "What's in a rum and coke?"

I don't know, how about "what's George short for?" :p (while watching the inaguration)

I haven't written creatively in quite a while but I'll definitely look into it if I have the time, it actually does sond like something I'd like to do. thanks, I feel special :D
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-01-30, 9:29 PM #44
Originally posted by sugarless5
I don't know, how about "what's George short for?" :p (while watching the inaguration)

I haven't written creatively in quite a while but I'll definitely look into it if I have the time, it actually does sond like something I'd like to do. thanks, I feel special :D


Besides what I said about there being plenty of help via the workshop thread, there's also plenty of help via e-mail or IM not just from me, but certainly other writers as well I'm sure. That, and to say right out front: reading the previous material is NOT a requirement. In fact, it's only even reccommended that new writers look over the last page or 2 for current events and general style. And if you get interested, you can help me with getting happydud to post, and the Maryland stronghold on the ISB will reign once again!

Er... nevermind my plotting >_>
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-01-31, 5:44 PM #45
Originally posted by Ford
people like me, i've come to realize. mostly without effort on my part.

You know, I see this as a blessing and a curse. Partly it's reassuring when I feel crappy to know that there are people who care, but then if I'm feeling really low I end up either doubting that they actually do care, or resenting them for liking someone so crap.
<spe> maevie - proving dykes can't fly

<Dor> You're levelling up and gaining more polys!
2005-01-31, 10:28 PM #46
Originally posted by maevie
I can quite easily spend hours or even days berating myself for something I've said which I know deep down everyone else has already forgotton about.

I do exactly this. I replay stupid situations in my head where I said something seemingly stupid or whatever. And like you said, I know nobody else really cared and they forgot about it, but I just can't seem to stop myself.

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