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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Examples of your odd behavior <i'm insane>
Examples of your odd behavior <i'm insane>
2005-01-30, 12:23 PM #41
I pace a lot. I used to spend lunch hours walking around in circles continuously.
I'm just a little boy.
2005-01-30, 2:05 PM #42
When I eat people I can't stand the stringy things. So I rip 'em out.
2005-01-30, 2:16 PM #43
Originally posted by saberopus
When I eat people I can't stand the stringy things. So I rip 'em out.
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2005-01-30, 2:49 PM #44
I scream "doggy" in a girly voice whenever I see a dog.

I pick random people will stare at them without moving a muscle, only stopping when my contacts start to dry up and fall up. I will literally be as still as a station and have the most emotionless stare ever. Creeps people the heck out.

I drink glow in the dark stuff (It makes you want to puke, but its cool, your mouth [mainly teeth] GLOW)

If someone hands me a peice of paper that I don't want I'll eat it.

I'm sure there are more, but some things are so instinctive I can't even think of them.
2005-01-30, 3:01 PM #45
Oh yeah, - when I am sitting in a public place, eating out, etc, I start to mentally catalogue all of the people around me, by appearance, behavior, so on. Then I assign a name to each one.

And I automatically come up with a mental counter arguement for each arguement I make.
The man in black fled across the desert, and the Gunslinger followed...
2005-01-30, 3:09 PM #46
Ha. I do that too. I hold mental dialogues with myself, sometimes lasting for hours.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-01-30, 3:15 PM #47
-that one doesnt count but Ishi, Brad and JediGandalf say i am a pedo because my Girlfriend is 15...

-I listen to metal...(for me it is strange because normally i only listen to hip-hop...)

-I'm chatting with the crazy guy who opened this thread via MSN xD
STFU n00b...>.<
2005-01-30, 3:29 PM #48
-I pace alot.

-I USED to do this, not anymore: Before I went to bed EVERYTHING had to be perfect, kinda like I was OCD every night before I went to bed, and only then. I would fix everything up perfect, then somtimes just stand by my bed for a mintue to make sure everythign was good.

-I can't go for more than 3 hours without hearing some type of music, or I start to lose consentration and freak out.

-I sway bake and forth when I stand.

-When I turn a corner, I sometime just let my sholder hit the corner of the wall...for whatever reason.

-Whenever chew gum, I take it out of the wrapper, crinckle it up, chew the gum and it bugs the hell out of me is I don't un folding the wrapper and making it flat and staright again.

-I can't stand having more than one light on in my room at once.

-I hate sleeping with my window open.
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2005-01-30, 3:33 PM #49
at school i once got a sharpie and played tic-tac-toe against anyone who wanted to on every square inch of my body that wasn't indecent or covered in hair. playing on my back was tough.

it was fun having 2 girls play a game right above my genitals.

it took 4 days to wash it all off (2 showers per day too <.<)
Hazard a company one process.
2005-01-30, 4:02 PM #50
I go into deep thinking when I'm reading something, losing all focus on things around me and my mind starts "playing" the book in my head, like a trance I spose. And I have double jointed thumbs :D...

"Ours is not to question, but who is to question us" -Me
2005-01-30, 4:08 PM #51
if i'm eating something sloppy and someone is looking at me, i start to get panicky.
2005-01-30, 4:23 PM #52
I can wiggle my ears. I also trace the lines where the joints are on my fingers with my thumbs all the time, usually I don't realize when I start doing it.

I really like to chew on pens, but I have been cutting back on this lately. I also have abnormally flexible shoulders.
"I'm only civil because I don't know any swear words."

2005-01-30, 4:24 PM #53
Oh, and both my thumbs are double jointed. And I can pop my shoulders out of their sockets. And my left elbow is really screwed up. And with a combination of the last two, I can rotate my left forarm at least 270 degrees, sometimes closer to 300-330.
2005-01-30, 4:29 PM #54
My room is messy as hell. I can't walk anywhere except my bed without crushing something! The weird thing is, I am such a messy guy, but if I see something messy or out of place anywhere else it bugs the hell out of me until I straighten it out.

Sometimes if I am listening to loud music with headphones on and there are people around me I get nervous. It sounds weird, but sometimes I will get so into a song I'll like skip a breath or something and then I'll breathe deep. Of course it doesn't make a sound and noone notices, but I am worried that I will breath weird and someone will hear me...The thing is when I am listening to music I can't hear myself breathe, sniffle, or I always think I am doing it too loud!

I chew on things and I don't even notice. I am chewing on the plastic things at the end of the strings on my hoodie right now. I've ruined headphones/phonecords by chewing on them without noticing. That is why I carry gum or jerky or something to chew on wherever I go.

I eat chips really weird. If I am eating a chip I will always put it on my tounge the side that has the flavoring stuff on it and then suck all the flavor out. Then I just nibble at the flavorless chip.

If I am sitting still I notice that my right leg (sometimes my left) will just start a nervous twitch or something.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-01-30, 4:35 PM #55
Wow, apparently we have some rather weird people here at Massassi.... I seem to be the only person with a strange habit that is detrimental to his health (and tooth enamel).
2005-01-30, 6:48 PM #56
Originally posted by Ric_Olie
Ha. I do that too. I hold mental dialogues with myself, sometimes lasting for hours.

Mental dialogues are awesome.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2005-01-30, 7:00 PM #57
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
My room is messy as hell. I can't walk anywhere except my bed without crushing something! The weird thing is, I am such a messy guy, but if I see something messy or out of place anywhere else it bugs the hell out of me until I straighten it out.


I eat chips really weird. If I am eating a chip I will always put it on my tounge the side that has the flavoring stuff on it and then suck all the flavor out. Then I just nibble at the flavorless chip.

If I am sitting still I notice that my right leg (sometimes my left) will just start a nervous twitch or something.

I'm the same for those things, my room is a mess, but I get incredibly annoyed when someone else's mess gets in the way of me doing things (ie housemates not doing the washing up, or worse doing the washing up badly).
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-01-30, 7:37 PM #58
Originally posted by BurrBoy

-I USED to do this, not anymore: Before I went to bed EVERYTHING had to be perfect, kinda like I was OCD every night before I went to bed, and only then. I would fix everything up perfect, then somtimes just stand by my bed for a mintue to make sure everythign was good.

I do that. Sometimes I get perfectly comfortable in my bed, ready to sleep, and then I get up to make sure I've turned my computer off. Sometimes I spend a full minute repeatedly making sure I've properly set my alarm.
I'm just a little boy.
2005-01-30, 8:41 PM #59
I just leave my computer on. It's not that loud, and it saves me the trouble of waiting for it to boot up again later. I am, however, slightly paranoid and I always lock the OS when I'm going to be away from it for more than 30 minutes. I don't have any reason to be paranoid since virtually no one will touch it, and the only be who would are family, but I still do it.

I've grown to like the sound of my computer on when I sleep. Whenever it's off now, it's just eerily silent... I hate that... The sound of the fans quietly running and humming to themselves is nice.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2005-01-31, 6:05 AM #60
Mental dialogues are awesome.
"It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener."
"Rationality is the recognition of the fact that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it."
2005-01-31, 8:59 AM #61
-I can't bring myself to walk normally. I will jump down stairs, spin around people, jump up on a ledge to avoid people, kick doors open (or open it in some other wierd way) and many other wierd things. I have too much energy.

-I'm really co-ordinated, but I'm always tripping doing mundane things like standing up or walking down stairs.

-I love staring at people to make them squirm. I used to be bad at staring people down, but now I've gotten good at it.

-I can't sleep without some kind of low background noise, unless it's really inconsistent.

-Sometimes when I fall (I do this a lot) without actually hurting myself I'll sit or lie on the ground for a while.

-I will occaisionally (when nothing interesting is happening) slip into a state where I can only assume I am completely unaware, as I cannot even remember when I slipped into the state or what I was thinking. I think my mind goes totally blank because I snap out of it when I think about it. It's really cool but unfortunately, since it is a state of no thought, I cannout think about doing it.

-I can be looking at you and have just asked a question or been participating in a conversation with you and miss what you are saying to me.
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2005-01-31, 9:41 AM #62
I hang out on these forums.
2005-01-31, 10:01 AM #63
Originally posted by Squirrel King
I drink glow in the dark stuff (It makes you want to puke, but its cool, your mouth [mainly teeth] GLOW)

You realize the reason that stuff glows is because it contains radioactive material, yes?

As for my oddities (which I don't consider odd but I'm sure many of you do):

- It is not uncommon for me to go weeks without saying much of anything at all.

- I /hate/ telephones. I get extremely annoyed when people call me, and will do anything to get rid of them as quickly as possible, short of hanging up.

- If I have to make a phonecall, I plan for a long time in advance, sometimes for an hour or more, thinking of possible dialogues. I get extremely panicky just before making a phone call. It's not so bad with just friends, but if I have to call like an insurance company or some other stranger, the anxiety beforehand is almost unbearable.

- So, as a result of the anxiety, I'll plan out in advance exactly what I'm going to say. Since I often try to anticipate what they will say, usually I'll inadvertently create an entire branching tree structure for the possible flow of the conversation. This doesn't just go the for telephone, though. It goes for everything. Every time I want to say something to a stranger or a anyone else less than a friend, I do the same thing. Usually the conversation is completely over before I'm ready to say something. I always miss my opportunity to ask a question or offer an idea in a classroom or group setting as a result of this.

- My favorite sitting position is kinda like you know how men sit with one leg resting on the other (kinda like women crossing their legs, except more perpendicular)? I sit like that except I cross the leg UNDER the other one. I love sitting this way and do it all the time.

- Like SAJN, my room is a dump, but I'm OC about things lining up in my computer area. The edge of the mousepad has to line up with the edge of the base of the monitor, the keyboard must be centered along the keyboard tray and it must be parallel to the base of the tray, the monitor must be tilted at just the right angle, the satellite speakers must be inclined such that when I look at them, they are perfectly perpendicular to my line of sight. Every time I sit down at the computer, I take a minute or two to straighten everything up in such a manner. But like I said, my room is a total dump, and I am generally disorganized in every other aspect of my life.

- I just watch people and observe things and kind of "zone out" from my surroundings. People will address me and I don't even notice.. at all. It's weird, can't really explain it. Happens somtimes.

- I have an outright phobia (worse than a phobia, like a mortal fear) of administrative and maintenance stuff, like papwerwork, taxes, applications, bills, contracts, having to go get emmissions tests, jury summons, etc. Anything like that, it scares the **** out of me. Sometimes I'd rather jump off a cliff than deal with it. I don't know what it is, but I get panic attacks from that kind of stuff. As a result, my external world is as clutter-free as possible from that crap. As such, I never fill out applications for ANYTHING. Job-searching is my own personal hell. I'd rather jump in a cauldron fo boiling water. You'll also find that as a result of this phobia I try to put those things off as long as possible, sometimes I successfully put them out of my mind altogether due to the anxiety, which as you can imagine creates problems...

- Plenty of other stuff, I'm sure...
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-31, 10:08 AM #64
- As previously stated, mental dialogues.

- My leg also twitches randomly.

- I sometimes feel awkward walking in public, like I'm not walking the normal way.

- We have a coal burner downstairs, and somtimes I just sit in my bed and then I get up and check to make sure the vent door isn't open. This may not seem strange, but I do it more than once sometimes. I guess it's because I'm worried about the house burning down.

- I sometimes eat candy or chips in pairs and don't think about it.
No sig.
2005-01-31, 10:09 AM #65
Whenever I lie, I have every single dialogue option maxed out to full, even really random stuff (Person comes at me with a knife, what do I do). I have a complete knowledge of everything a person might say, and how I should react to it, even though most of those dialogue options should never occur.

I eat paper.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2005-01-31, 11:00 AM #66
Originally posted by Freelancer
You realize the reason that stuff glows is because it contains radioactive material, yes?

So that would explain why I have two tongues.....
2005-01-31, 11:01 AM #67
Everything Freelancer said.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-01-31, 11:27 AM #68
- I chase squirrels
-I'm kind of OCD. Lock doors twice, Close a car door halfway then open it and then close it all the way. Put on my seatbelt, even if I'm just getting something out of the glovebox. Start up the computer, run msconfig and turn off all startup processes I don't want then restart every time I want to use the computer. I eat 5 or 6 small meals because I like slicing things. I have to sharpen my pencils before I draw, or else it just won't happen. When I use a pen, I have to color my fingertips before I can focus on what I'm doing. When playing games, I have to have the volume at a deafening level or I'll lose interest within 10 minutes. ...

I'm gonna go ahead and just stop now...
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-31, 1:47 PM #69
Originally posted by DeTRiTiC-iQ
Everything Freelancer said.

Wow. :eek: Even the sitting thing?

And Compos, that's pretty bad. :p
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-01-31, 1:51 PM #70
What Freelancer said except the going weeks without talking, and the admin thing. (That's my favourite sitting position also)
2005-01-31, 1:55 PM #71
Well, I only go for weeks without talking when i'm alone for weeks. So i'm not sure if that counts, I don't not talk when amongst friends. Everything else though.
Detty. Professional Expert.
Flickr Twitter
2005-01-31, 3:54 PM #72
I can wiggle my ears
2005-01-31, 10:31 PM #73
I can wiggle my ears, and can control which one I do, whether it be the left or the right or both.
I can flare my nostrils (which isn't too weird) but I can also wiggle my nose like the witch on that Bewitched show. I'd really like to be able to flare one nostril at a time, but haven't figured out how to yet.
I also can wiggle my head like the manager guy on the partridge family.
My sternum dents in, so my chest is concave, and my ribs curve out.
I can do the wave with my stomach
I can partially take my shoulders out of their sockets.
I can make my shoulder blades abnormally stick out in numerous ways. (see picture below) I also can roll back and forth on with my shoulder blades out, which is kinda cool to see also.
I can make my self burp (or belch rather) whenever I want, and because of that, I can belch the entire alphabet, or the pledge of allegience, in a single belch.
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.

Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.
2005-01-31, 10:45 PM #74
Here's the nose thing. It's hard to hold still and take your picture at the same time, so I also have this head bobbing thing going on too. Sucky animated gifs
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.

Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.
2005-01-31, 10:50 PM #75
I make sure my blinds are shut at night always.
Thats about it
2005-01-31, 10:57 PM #76
Originally posted by Freelancer
- My favorite sitting position is kinda like you know how men sit with one leg resting on the other (kinda like women crossing their legs, except more perpendicular)? I sit like that except I cross the leg UNDER the other one. I love sitting this way and do it all the time.

This is the most comfortable way to sit I think! It kind of creeps people out though. I often get asked if it hurts. Another odd thing I never thought about, I can do this thing with my leg were I can twist my leg backwards (so the calf is facing the same way as the knee.) <- that is also a very comfortable position that I'm usually in.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-01-31, 11:03 PM #77
Originally posted by quesadilla_red
This is the most comfortable way to sit I think! It kind of creeps people out though. I often get asked if it hurts. Another odd thing I never thought about, I can do this thing with my leg were I can twist my leg backwards (so the calf is facing the same way as the knee.) <- that is also a very comfortable position that I'm usually in.

Me too. I was born pidgeon toed so my right leg can twist inwards more than 180 degrees. People think I'm crazy....
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-01-31, 11:23 PM #78
2005-01-31, 11:31 PM #79
Wow, I bet the ladies are all over you.
2005-01-31, 11:33 PM #80
Originally posted by Overlord
Wow, I bet the ladies are all over you.

Pun intended? ;) Once I get my digital camera, I'll take more pics of the weird things I can do with it...

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