Ach, agreed with seeing more cameos. Way I see it, Master Zhar(or however the twi'lek master in KotOR) could've easily been called Doneeta and kept all his dialogue the same. For those who haven't read the graphic novels, it would've been just another master. For those who had, it would've been a neat cameo. Sunrider et all would've been nice to see as well. I'm glad Bindo at least mentioned her at some point.
But for them not appearing or barely mentioned, as well as the not-all-too-ancient look of things... my reaction is pretty much meh. Most of it would've been basically done so that the folks who haven't read all that old-old-old-Republic things could easily connect with it. I know I still could.
As for the whole Force business... I actually like it. The Force is (the way I see it) meant to be something mysterious and something that can't easily be explained... so don't. Make it mysterious. Make it so that it can't be explained. Add new things to it. Do strange things with it. Contradict things. Make people who don't have the Force anymore still dissapear. Have folks who have never trained at all show up in a spirit form.
Have wounds in the Force.
Way I mostly see it, the Exile wasn't drawing up the Force within himself, but rather that of those around him. It can't be a coincidence that all sentient beings in your party, aside from Mandalore, are Force sensitive.
Also, I don't think that the Mass Shadow thingy had anything to do with creating the actual wound. When it was activated, there were so many deaths on an incredibly large scale, especially Jedi-wise, that it created the usual disturbance in the Force that the Exile felt too much pain, and almost without knowing, cut the Force away from him/herself.
In a way, it's pretty much what happened to Ulic in the TOTJ. But instead of making it impossible for the victim to touch the Force, the Force can't touch the victim. And somehow, on instinct, the Exile was still capable of manipulating the Force by using that of others.
That's what I also about Darth Ni when Visas first told about what he had done. Coupled with his odd voice, he definately was not your average Sith Lord. Could've STILL used a bit more work tho'.
(which is also why it seems that Darth Traya was with the Exile for so long. She wanted to find out just WHY or HOW he/she did it)
Heck, Darth Traya wanted to bloody destroy the Force. Although I'm very skeptical about wether it would have actually worked or not with the whole 'wound in the Force' angle. Now, she definately has a different goal, but it's a bit different than the usual 'conquer the galaxy' spiel. That's what I like about Traya, she's quite different than the "Muhahaha, I'm gonna conquer the galaxy while spouting all kinds of evil things" video game baddies that we've seen so far in Desann, Jerec, possibly Mohc(although he had style) and the other baddies I can recall at the moment. Traya was quite the manipulator(Palpy would've still been proud) and had her sights on something quite different, albeit possibly stranger than the average villain.
But in any case, summed up, I enjoy these new things for the Force. Keeps things interesting.
The answer is maybe.