Hello. I am an advocate for free software and for open hardware standards. It pains me that I have to use Nvidia's binary drivers. Using non-free software, as RMS puts it, allows the user to be dominated by the owner. Like most people, I want to be set free from that domination. In the silicon graphics world today, companies such as Nvidia and ATI do NOT release specs anymore, because they are afraid that competitors will steal their innovations. New and powerful graphics cards with open specs and FOSS drivers are becoming harder and harder to find.
However, hopefully that will soon chance. The Open Graphics Project, sponsored by TechSource, is developing a 128 MB 3D and 2D accelerated card. The design puts an emphasis on open specifications and free, open source drivers! It will be able to handle most 3d games adequately. The emphasis is not on cutting edge performance, however. It is instead on stability and documentation of the specifications. Do not get the wrong idea, however. This card will follow the OpenGL 2.0 spec, and support OpenGL 1.3 and some of OpenGL 1.4.and onward. While this card will not directly compete with the latest from ATI and Nvidia, it should be more than enough to run most games at great speeds!
An optimistic release date is this summer, June 2005.
They need our support!
Please tell your friends to sign this petition, which will indicate to the Open Graphics Project and TechSource that we are a viable consumer market!
Here is the link to the petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/3dc4rdlb/petition.html
Here is the link to the article on LinuxDevices.com: http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS9659653361.html
Here is the link to an interview with Timothy Miller at KernelTrap: http://kerneltrap.org/node/4622
Here is the mailing list: http://lists.duskglow.com/mailman/listinfo/open-graphics
Feel free to copy this and post it on other boards! If we want this project to succeed, they need all the support they can get![/i]
However, hopefully that will soon chance. The Open Graphics Project, sponsored by TechSource, is developing a 128 MB 3D and 2D accelerated card. The design puts an emphasis on open specifications and free, open source drivers! It will be able to handle most 3d games adequately. The emphasis is not on cutting edge performance, however. It is instead on stability and documentation of the specifications. Do not get the wrong idea, however. This card will follow the OpenGL 2.0 spec, and support OpenGL 1.3 and some of OpenGL 1.4.and onward. While this card will not directly compete with the latest from ATI and Nvidia, it should be more than enough to run most games at great speeds!
An optimistic release date is this summer, June 2005.
They need our support!
Please tell your friends to sign this petition, which will indicate to the Open Graphics Project and TechSource that we are a viable consumer market!
Here is the link to the petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/3dc4rdlb/petition.html
Here is the link to the article on LinuxDevices.com: http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS9659653361.html
Here is the link to an interview with Timothy Miller at KernelTrap: http://kerneltrap.org/node/4622
Here is the mailing list: http://lists.duskglow.com/mailman/listinfo/open-graphics
Feel free to copy this and post it on other boards! If we want this project to succeed, they need all the support they can get![/i]