This is like lightbulb jokes but better. The idea stems from my Physics teacher as he told the class, "Biology students like to kill a frog by using a large amount of ether, while physics students want to throw the frog off the roof." So this will be how the thread will go...
Like lightbulb jokes, the "how to kill a frog" comments will jump from different groups of people throughout the thread. So, the above poster will give a person or persons (such as feminists), the below poster will state how that person or person will do the killing of a frog in a wittty fashion (such as feminists will kill a frog by so and so...) and then continue the thread by giving a person or person for the next poster. Be creative and use logic.
So I'll start...
How will an NYPD officer kill a frog?
Like lightbulb jokes, the "how to kill a frog" comments will jump from different groups of people throughout the thread. So, the above poster will give a person or persons (such as feminists), the below poster will state how that person or person will do the killing of a frog in a wittty fashion (such as feminists will kill a frog by so and so...) and then continue the thread by giving a person or person for the next poster. Be creative and use logic.

So I'll start...
How will an NYPD officer kill a frog?