Tetris is perhaps the most devastating weapon ever unleashed in the Cold War... I can't remember how much time I've spent playing it, on numerous systems... Their words speak of their utter ignorance. It's a shame what the new generation of gamers is turning out to be. I remember back around 1999, when I was truly enraged when kiddies like them thought that "3D" made games instantly better than two dimensional games, especially when the engines then could not compete with beautifully drawn sprite-based graphics.
Also, most of today's games are too pathetically easy, and short. I don't care how "realistic" a game looks, I'm not dropping between 30 and 60 dollars on a game that will take less than 10 hours to beat, and on my first try, I will beat it flawlessly, with my eyes closed, and could still do it with one hand tied behind my back, and the other cut open and immersed in Dave's Insanity Sauce.
Nes digs around in the trash can.
Nes finds a hamburger!
Nes puts the hamburger in his backpack.
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...