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ForumsDiscussion Forum → My secret, but most of you suspected this anyway.
My secret, but most of you suspected this anyway.
2005-04-02, 7:02 AM #41
Originally posted by Wolfy
Roll Charisma to seduce

1d20 + 1 = 1



Hey baby you want to- OOF *trips and smacks into a wall, rebounding and tumbling down a set of stairs then out the door, into the middle of the street and hit by a truck.*
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-04-02, 7:12 AM #42
Ruthven, you could easily pass as a girl, isn't that slightly worrying?
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2005-04-02, 9:38 AM #43
Originally posted by Oxyonagon
Ruthven, you could easily pass as a girl, isn't that slightly worrying?

giant coupon chickens > you
2005-04-02, 9:58 AM #44
Originally posted by Glyde Bane
Hey baby you want to- OOF *trips and smacks into a wall, rebounding and tumbling down a set of stairs then out the door, into the middle of the street and hit by a truck.*

2005-04-02, 10:02 AM #45
originally posted by Mikus

This is not the sig you are looking for. Move along.
2005-04-02, 10:06 AM #46
Originally posted by Macro_Roshuma

thats ralf wiggum - you both made mistakes hahahhahahahha

2005-04-02, 10:07 AM #47
2005-04-02, 10:08 AM #48
The prank has been defused.

Logic wins.
*insert some joke about pasta and fruit scuffles*
2005-04-02, 10:08 AM #49
There are 2 different spellings...
2005-04-02, 10:31 AM #50
I prefer ralhp:confused:
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2005-04-02, 11:33 AM #51
2005-04-02, 1:16 PM #52
Originally posted by Oxyonagon
Ruthven, you could easily pass as a girl, isn't that slightly worrying?

I couldnt care less what you think, I'm successful with women, I choose to have long hair, and I personally like my high cheek boned - thin face. I'm not exactly butch and rugged, but i dont want to be.

therefore, spin on my fat one, fellow britassaian!!!

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-04-02, 1:25 PM #53
Now now children, if you don't play nice you won't get any milk and cookies.

Who is that girl anyway? A girlfriend, sister, friend or an unknown stranger from the internet?
2005-04-02, 1:44 PM #54
Originally posted by Mort-Hog
Now I'm going to be thinking that you're all secretly women, posing as men.

Apart from gbk.

Well, I think we all know that GBK is secretly Sean Astin...
The top ten times in history when using the "F" word
was appropriate.....
10) "What the *&%# was that?" -Mayor of Hiroshima - August 1945
9) "Where did all these *&%#ing Indians come from?" - Custer 1877
8) "Any *&%#ing idiot could understand that." - Einstein 1938
7) "It does SO *&%#ing look like her!" - Picasso 1926
6) "How the *&%# did you work that out?" - Pythagoras 126 BC
5) "You want WHAT on the *&%#ing ceiling?" - Michelangelo 1566
4) "I don't suppose it's gonna *&%#ing rain." - Joan of Arc 1434
3) "Scattered *&%#ing a$$!" - Noah 2114 BC
2) "I need this parade like I need a *&%#ing hole in my head!" -
JFK 1963
1) "Aw c'mon, who the *&%# is going to find out?" - Bill Clinton 1997
2005-04-02, 2:13 PM #55
I'm actually a dolphin.
2005-04-02, 2:43 PM #56
the girl was my ex housemates sister
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-04-02, 2:54 PM #57
That's really awkward, why did you have pics of her? :rolleyes:
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2005-04-02, 5:01 PM #58
Maybe she's like 1/50th chinese...or something.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2005-04-02, 10:48 PM #59
I was playing in FFA on some serer in JA about a week ago.
Turned out, of 12 people playing, at least 7 were bots.

-Damn. The matrix has me.
2005-04-03, 10:31 AM #60
What does that have to do ith anything?
2005-04-03, 11:15 AM #61
Originally posted by gothicX
According to his dad, who I accidentally spoke to on Ruthven's MSN, he's a guy. :p

i've done that too, he's kinda cool
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-04-03, 11:44 AM #62
Well, I guess we have to tell his dad what Ruthven is trying to be online.
2005-04-03, 2:14 PM #63
Originally posted by Genki
i've done that too, he's kinda cool

Even I've done that! :eek:
Yeah, you stay here and take life seriously. I'll go and have some fun.
2005-04-03, 7:05 PM #64
Originally posted by Echoman
Well, I guess we have to tell his dad what Ruthven is trying to be online.

Hahaha. You just made my day.
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.

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