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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The height/weight thread
The height/weight thread
2005-04-04, 9:19 AM #41
Really short
Underweight, but really fat chin
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-04-04, 9:20 AM #42
325 lbs
2005-04-04, 10:58 AM #43
I'm starting to wonder if age should be included, as some of the numbers I've seen here look rather odd...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-04-04, 11:02 AM #44

2005-04-04, 11:02 AM #45
Height: 6'3"
Weight: approx 174 lbs
Build: Medium
Age: 23

I go running every now and again, walk a mile to work and a mile back (nearest free space to work :D ) and go kayaking when I can so I've got well built leg muscles and not bad back and arms muscles. I can eat basically anything I want with just minor changes in weight. I have built up a small belly recently but once the weather gets better and I can start taking the dogs on long walks without the fear of getting soaked I'll soon lose it ;)

Originally posted by money•bie


You sound like a pole with legs, arms and a head :D

Originally posted by Elana14
umm, 5'9 though i tell people 5'11 to whom i can get away with it; ~150, curvy, but not fat. say someitn, i dare you

and what? there's a new smilie?


You sound good to me, what you moaning about :confused:
2005-04-04, 11:26 AM #46
6'1", 200 lbs.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-04-04, 11:55 AM #47
6'1" 190lbs
2005-04-04, 11:57 AM #48
Originally posted by Macro_Roshuma
Hieght: 4' 11" :eek:

Wieght: 90 lbs.

build: Ultra Scrawny and Pale with Too Many Freckles and Acne on my Forearms which are only 1 1/2 inch diameter!!!

What are you? 12?


Just scrawny
2005-04-04, 1:01 PM #49
155 lbs
Normal build, not incredibly skinny, but not stocky or fat by any means. Just normal. :cool:
||Arena of Fire || Grand Temple of Fire ||

The man who believes he can and the man who believes he can't are both right. Which are you?
2005-04-04, 1:06 PM #50
185 lbs.

Thick and stocky/buff
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2005-04-04, 2:08 PM #51
*Attacks Berlick for saying sometin abtou it!* :P
i donno. *shrugs*
Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.
2005-04-04, 2:09 PM #52
Curvy but not fat... good enough for me
2005-04-04, 2:11 PM #53
188 cm
about 100 kilos
built somewhat like a football player (not that I play football of course)
2005-04-04, 2:16 PM #54
140 lbs

About average (for my height). I used to have a better build, but it's tough to work out in college.
2005-04-04, 2:22 PM #55
160 lbs.

I've gained some muscle weight since I've been at college, since the gym here has more equipment than my basement, and I suppose I decide what I eat here more than at home in terms of protein, etc.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2005-04-04, 3:39 PM #56
height: 5'4

weight: 115 lbs

build: built for a girl but nothing really seems to show unless im playin sports or something with out a shirt and that never arms do seem big when i wear tanktops tho..hence i dont. *shrugs*
[teletubbie voice] BIG HUG!!!! [/teletubbie voice]
2005-04-04, 3:43 PM #57
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2005-04-04, 4:10 PM #58
Height: 55 Meters
Weight: 22,679,618.5 Kilograms

Plus or minus a gram.
2005-04-04, 5:25 PM #59
Like Vincent said, we seem to have alot of tall people at Massassi...

Age 17
Height: 5'7''-5'8''
Weight: 125 lbs
27'' men waist size
Muscular build: average, although it seems more with my shirt off

Originally posted by quesadilla_red
Height - 5'9"
Weight - Female :p

Don't worry, it's not like we're going to condemn you for your weight.
2005-04-04, 5:39 PM #60
Height: 6'1" (give or take some number)
Weight: 140 lbs.
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2005-04-04, 6:01 PM #61
Height: 6' 4"

Wieght: ~170lbs

Build: Fairly skinny, which gets danged annoying in basketball. I go down low to set up or get a rebound, and usually get knocked out by bigger, fatter guys.
2005-04-05, 3:52 PM #62
6' 2" or so -- the nurse was a little short and couldn't tell for sure ;)
Around 205-210 lb

I'm supposed to be around 185... gotta lose some weight...
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-04-05, 4:10 PM #63
5'8 - 5'9
125 pounds
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2005-04-05, 4:14 PM #64
Like 5-11. Like 135. I haven't checked in a while. Always been thin (insane metabolism still, which I do not abuse food-wise [no junk!]) but fairly in-shape (bike/walk everywhere etc.) And no my post was not formatted well (so ya-ok).

Also, here is a picture of me standing next to the bird clock. You will see that the bird clock is substantially heavier but roughly the same height as I am.
2005-04-05, 4:15 PM #65
6 Foot 5 Inches
250lbs (Give or take 5lbs, I keep losing and gaining weight in an endless battle.)
Think while it's still legal.
2005-04-05, 4:26 PM #66
Originally posted by JediGandalf
You may all point and laugh at my anorexic nature

5' 10"
120 lbs.l

I would, but I'd have to laugh at myself too.

I am also 5' 10", about 120-130 pounds. All muscle.
2005-04-05, 4:39 PM #67
Originally posted by SAJN_Master
6 Foot 5 Inches
250lbs (Give or take 5lbs, I keep losing and gaining weight in an endless battle.)

Holy! You're more than twice my weight! Muscle or fat?
2005-04-05, 4:49 PM #68
Height: 6'7"

Weight: 180 or so pounds.

Build: Skinny, obviously. But I'm stronger then I look, and the Jiu Jitsu I practice helps a lot to keep fat off. Of course, when you've only got 4 percent body fat in the first place...;)
Life is beautiful.
2005-04-05, 4:49 PM #69
6'5" 185 lbs. I'm thin, but I want the hot abs too!
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you"?
2005-04-05, 5:08 PM #70
Originally posted by FastGamerr
Really short
Underweight, but really fat chin

Hmm, I think Ive found a picture of you...

And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2005-04-05, 5:36 PM #71
16 y/o


150 lbs

"strong body" build. Go to the gym almost every day, and love it.
2005-04-05, 5:46 PM #72
Height: 5'7
Weight: 145

Build: Strong, buff, could lose a pound so u could see my abs better. workout 3-4 times a week. eat anything i want to and to much most of the time, but dont gain crap of fat
2005-04-05, 6:41 PM #73
6'2 at 160 lbs

Build: 'Lean.' Yes, that does sound good:) . I could stand to gain a few pounds
2005-04-05, 10:14 PM #74
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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