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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Massassi MMORPG comprimised...
Massassi MMORPG comprimised...
2005-04-06, 12:54 PM #41
SF_GoldG_01: Terminate this account, take a month off, and come back and start all over. I know it can be difficult to fit in when you're younger, but lying isn't the answer. Good luck.
2005-04-06, 2:41 PM #42
I even feel bad for whoever wrote that business site.

Hell, one of their claims is HTML! And what do I see on their OWN SITE?
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Arachnophilia 4.0">
<meta name="FORMATTER" content="Arachnophilia 4.0">

Doesn't look like hard-coded, honest-to-goodness HTML coding to me!

In addition, it's quite possibly one of the worst site designs ever. Horrible color selection, poor coding (due to the WYSIWYG editor, most likely), and they can only give one example of something they've ever made, something that is wholly unimpressive.

" For example, we developed a small utility that aided a worldwide organization to splice .WAV recordings as part of their activity for which they won the prestigious (and also the largest global monetary prize) ... The Templeton Prize. For this, we produced a utility to SPLICE the normal .WAV files encountered in various sources. These include sound samples, lectures, explanatory pieces, etc. As a test, we linked 44 of Encarta 95's explanatory notes in less than 20 seconds for a whopping 40MB output file."

Whoop de do! I can tack .wav files onto the ends of eachother! Hell, you can do this in notepad if you feel abliged!

And a whopping 20 seconds for a 40mb file? It SHOULD take all of maybe 5. It's not rocket science.

As for their website:

That pretty much explains most of what you need to know. In addition to the errors set there, the page wouldn't even properly validate in hte first place until I told the validator to use settings other than those specified in the code.

Yes siree, quite a great business, and I'm sure you could make quite an MMO.
2005-04-06, 3:54 PM #43
Originally posted by Otterbine
Announcing new MMORPGLOLROFLMAOBRB! It's going to be based on the Da Vinci Cde series of novels by author J.C. Rowling and will be kickass! It will be hosted on the White House servers, (Right, GWB?) and will be able to support 4 Billion Users. It has AWESOME 64 bit graphicx. Bill Gates donated the original engine, but I can't mention the name. unfortuneately that Engine's source code got hacked by Kevin Mitnick and turned into a notepad-like word processor. But that's ok, because now I'm able to spread my creative wings and make a brand new Engine from scratch. And best of all, this new engine is going to be written entirely in QuickBASIC! IT's already in Super Ultra Double Beta (Right, Brian?) And don't question me me: my dad, Al Gore, invented the internet! Why just last night my old man found a way to transfer over a thousand bytes of data in a 1Kb packet! He did this by changing all the zeros to ones and vice versa.

Everyone get your hopes up for t his amazing new game! And don't worry that I don't have any screenshots, list of features, development timeline, etc. all that stuff is secondary to the cloud of hype that I'm going to generate. More to follow!

I snorted pop through my nose laughing. You sir, are funny.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-04-06, 7:36 PM #44
2005-04-06, 7:42 PM #45
So this guy thinks that he's making an MMORPG based on massassi? OR he's lying as would appear to be the case. NOw if you were making a game based on a forum and it's inhabitants, don't you think you should ask the inhabitants if they would let you use their likeness in the game?
2005-04-06, 7:47 PM #46
He's pretty much lying...unless he can show some real evidence of his superior "work"...
2005-04-06, 8:03 PM #47
Hey matty, I didn't make my dad's site, for one thing, and one other thing, you can all just go to hell, cause I don't give a ***** whether you believe me or not, and I din't mean bomb literally.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-04-06, 8:25 PM #48
It's cool man. I'm not carrying any judgements based on this onto anything else you'll ever say or do. Not that this matters to you or anyone else but you're fine in my book, and I'm sure in most people's, so no hard feelings...
2005-04-06, 10:05 PM #49
/me joins the fun

Off with his head, hang him from the highest tree, feed his eyes to vultures and his intestines to hyenas!

I'm going to bed while you guys do that.
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-04-06, 10:27 PM #50
*gets out guillotine*
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-04-07, 12:38 AM #51
What the heck is "NeS"? I've seen that, uh, abbreviation (what is it even?) a few times since I popped back in here at Massassi and can't figure out what the snot it stands for.

The MMOG thing isn't even worth talking about. I found the MMO abbreviation quaint though; Massively Multiplayer Online... nothing? Gotta tack the G on there so we know it's a game. Or is it? :eek:

2005-04-07, 12:59 AM #52
NeS = the Neverending Story
2005-04-07, 1:01 AM #53
NeS, or "Never-ending Story", is an Interactive Story here. Careful, though, it's been ongoing since before the turn of the millenium, so there's a few pages to read through.

Gebohq will fill you in on the rest, and possibly try to recruit you.

Make that definately. Definately try to recruit you.

[Edit: curses, beaten to the punch!]
So sayest the Writer of Silly Things!
2005-04-07, 1:41 AM #54
Never Ending Story... yes, I wish that nonsensical collage of waste would end sometime soon. Too bad it's the only thing that is active in that forum.

Really, read it sometime. I can assure you, you won't make it past page 5... maybe. I got there through sheer endurance. War and Peace went at the speed of light compared to each page of that acursed creation.

Just kidding... it's not that bad. But I want to see how bad the wrath of the ISB community is. Will I survive the night? To be continued!!!!! Your turn, whoever...
2005-04-07, 3:26 AM #55
Originally posted by Lord Kuat
Never Ending Story... yes, I wish that nonsensical collage of waste would end sometime soon. Too bad it's the only thing that is active in that forum.

Really, read it sometime. I can assure you, you won't make it past page 5... maybe. I got there through sheer endurance. War and Peace went at the speed of light compared to each page of that acursed creation.

I really wouldn't want to be in your shoes when Geb sees this thread.

Originally posted by Lord Kuat
Just kidding... it's not that bad. But I want to see how bad the wrath of the ISB community is. Will I survive the night? To be continued!!!!! Your turn, whoever...

You really think that'll save you from the wrath of Gebbxorz?
2005-04-07, 4:05 AM #56
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01
Hey matty, I didn't make my dad's site, for one thing, and one other thing, you can all just go to hell, cause I don't give a ***** whether you believe me or not, and I din't mean bomb literally.

Well you should, since apparently we are your target audience.

/me shrugs
2005-04-07, 6:10 AM #57
NeS might be nice, but it's no ANS.
The answer is maybe.
2005-04-07, 7:15 AM #58
Whatever happened to life in the massassi temple? I want an ending kak damnit!

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