Incidentally, your 'question' was not a question.
Deadly force is not just a gun. A knife, a screwdriver, a baseball bat, etc, are all forms of deadly force.
My understanding of this law is that it expands the area in which one is authorized to use deadly force. If you can cite an authorized source (ie not some misinformed and biased reporter who thinks we're going to have daily street shootouts) that says otherwise, feel free.
You may be surprised to find that most CCW permit holders are actually sensible people, and wouldn't escalate your hypothetical situations if the situation didn't justify it.
With the current law, you could still be sued for shooting someone in self-defense, and the prosecution could say that you didn't try to escape as hard as you could have, etc.
I can't believe how much you argue on criminals' think that someone who pulls a knife on someone should be better protected (legally) than the individual who is legally (and morally) entitled to defend himself? If so, you're really, really messed up.
Contrary to what appears to be popular belief, American gun owners aren't constantly looking for an opportunity to blow somebody away.
Let me make a scenario in which this law could apply:
I'm halfway to my car in a dark parking lot. An unknown individual places himself between my car and I. He pulls a knife when I'm approximately 30 feet away, and starts walking toward me. I draw my handgun and slowly back up. He's 30 feet away, outside of effective knife distance (within 21 feet, you can be mortally injured by a knife-wielding assailant if you have a holstered firearm; even if you draw and shoot in time, you may not stop the individual before he can inflict serious harm). Now..current law says I should try to run away. This law says I can stand my ground. If he's stupid enough to run at me with a knife, I can legally shoot him.
Even by drawing my firearm, I have used deadly force. By the legal definition, there is no need to pull the trigger to have employed deadly force. If I were to walk up to some random guy and pull a gun on him, I have just committed aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, even if he doesn't get a scratch.
*shrug* If you have such a problem with this law, then don't assault CCW holders. They're not the easiest targets.