Originally posted by Ictus
And Social Security is fine for another 35 years. Eliminating the payroll tax cap would extend that deadline by, um, forever.
And Social Security is fine for another 35 years. Eliminating the payroll tax cap would extend that deadline by, um, forever.
but then what? 35 years isn't enough to help me. it would still crash when I would be about 10 years away from retirement. I would probably do fine (or waaaaay better than fine) on my investments and assets, but a lot of other people my age that worked 9AM-5PM every day w/o investing would be totally screwed.
You can't rely on savings anymore, b/c savings in an IRA or 401K won't keep up with inflation by the time you are able to tap it. You would have the same ammount of cash on paper, but it would be worth a hell of a lot less.
Eliminating the payroll tax cap would be a terrible option. details: