You know how much I don't care when it looks like crap?
Now Bill, you see, you act like if it isn't perfect, it sucks. So yeah, please, forgive me for not taking your opinion seriously at all for more than one reason:
1) Okay, so just because he makes an adaptation the way he wants it, I don't have to like it? I mean, that doesn't mean I WILL like it or it WILL be good, but for god's sake, if I like it and think it was well done, let me think that. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it wasn't good. Maybe what the public wanted was indeed just a 100% adaptation, what have you.
2) You just compared Frank Miller and Rodriguez to Uwe Boll
3) Frank Miller created the comic, he created the movie, so it's not like it's a horrendous adaptation. In fact, as you said, it's extremely accurate, and very well done. The fact that it doesn't deviate does not hinder its goodness.
In conclusion: LotR was great, at least the movies. This is coming from someone who hates the books.
With a passion.