I've decided that purchasing consoles is utterly sensless when you can play everyone elses. The closest to a console I might ever buy is a portable due to my constantly being on the road.
If console games ever go down in standard price, I might suddenly be inclined to go back to consoles. But as of now, I can't be bothered to pay 50 dollars for a game that'll be 20 dollars in 2 months because it's not worth the 50 dollar price tag. I rarelly replay games, either. There are few games for PS2 which are worth more than a rent, and those I own I only keep due to the nastalgic factor, such as MGS, or THPS. There's no sense in spending 50 dollars on a game which they can make a profit selling for 30 dollars, and you barelly play more than enough to beat, then resell. A PC game is worth 50 dollars due to the fact that, you know, it's got extended gameplay possibilities due to mods, not a monthly fee for those mods, etc.
X-Box Live pisses me off, because it CHARGES for MP. Were it an MMO with consistantly changing environments/enemies/scripts, I could see the reason. But no, I have to pay to play football with someone else. Not cool.
When internet consoles are as open and free as the internet itself, and I can download user made mods, and even make my own, I'll get a consol- oh wait, I already have one of those. They call it a PC.
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