I'm hoping, and I do believe the members on BWG staff (who are making an Silmarillion based game), don't want PJ to do a Silmarillion movie. The main reason for this is so that we are able to do our version of Tolkien interpretation (otherwise art, music, videos w/ the game etc) do not come under legal implications through Tolkien Estate, and other big companies like The Saul Zaentz (one must remember, that ever since LotR hit the big screen, these two single companies have been capitalizing on everything that is related to the movies; this includes mods, and other online-based projects as well).
Also, I do believe you may be waiting a while for your "Silmarillion movie". Why? Because the rights were given to Christopher Tolkien before the Professor died, and imo, Chris is reluctant in allocating the creation of a Silmarillion movie. However, I do believe that once Chris dies, than developers / companies like TE, and TSC, will find ways to get what they want.
*sorry if this ended up in a flame* :p
And, I voted, they're OK, books are better.
Black Water Games | Project Leader and President
Historical Conquerors | The Lays of Middle Earth