There's a little bit of harmless misinformation going on in this thread.
Last I checked, women cannot register for Selective Service. Easy to verify if any female here cares to goto and try. I'm sure the card asks for sex to ensure that a woman does not.
The Selective Service is not the same as a draft. It is a tool in case one is needed as explained earlier in the thread. I personally doubt one will be needed even though our force needs higher numbers. That will happen through congressional approval and higher enlistments. Not a draft. Hopefully.
Woman cannot serve in "front line" grunt type units. Now we do have woman assigned to our infantry brigade and there are woman that may be assigned to units attached to infantry units but you won't generally see them on the front line. Although, the front line is a term that is getting blurred.
'Nuff said. I'm tired.
Have you forgotten ...
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16