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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Hot: yay / nay ?
Hot: yay / nay ?
2005-05-03, 7:28 PM #81
Oh Em Gee

Some of you people can be really retarded. She is NOT fat, she isn't even chunky! From what IS visible, she is in perfect condition.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-05-03, 7:47 PM #82
Ok seriously, anyone who thinks she is fat just leave this thread right now ok?

There is more to a girl than just weight, and just because she doesn't weigh 100 lbs and have 36D breasts and a smooth flat stomach doesn't mean she is fat.

And after 3 kids I guarantee she won't have that body.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-05-03, 7:54 PM #83
Originally posted by Jdogg0403
I posted this just to see how you guys felt about her, i think shes quite attractive, and has a great personality, she is very tan now actually, and goes tanning quite regularly.

I hope she, like the majority of tanorexics, gets skin cancer.

Tanning is worse than smoking. And besides, what girl wants wrinkles when she's 27?
2005-05-03, 8:04 PM #84
Originally posted by THRAWN
Ok seriously, anyone who thinks she is fat just leave this thread right now ok?

There is more to a girl than just weight, and just because she doesn't weigh 100 lbs and have 36D breasts and a smooth flat stomach doesn't mean she is fat.

And after 3 kids I guarantee she won't have that body.

my mom had 3 kids and is at the low end of her weight catagory; and any girl who is 100 lbs with D brest is short, who was fat at one point, or has gotten fake brest. and had there spleen taken out to reduce their weight.
Laughing at my spelling herts my feelings. Well laughing is fine actully, but posting about it is not.
2005-05-03, 8:12 PM #85
Originally posted by Elana14
and had there spleen taken out to reduce their weight.

Wow, wouldn't it be scary if there actually were girls who did that? Man, I'd run as far and fast away from that girl as I could.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-05-03, 8:13 PM #86
DEFINITELY not fat. Wouldn't even put her on "healthy", would put her on the quite lovely looking side of things.

What he said.

And there is nothing whatever in that pic to suggest she is fat, or chunky, or anything else. Grow up.
My blog!
2005-05-03, 8:13 PM #87
Originally posted by Compos Mentis
I would tend to agree with you but recently I've met 3 or 4 people with "fat" or "chubby" faces and intensely hot bodies.

Forgot to mention that this doesn't necessarily make a person "ugly" though
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-05-03, 8:34 PM #88
Originally posted by drizzt2k2
Dude, guys, shes definetaly not skinny. And by skinny I mean healthy and by that I mean how a person is supposed to look , maybe not super model skinny but im thinking Eva Longoria is about right. Shes not obese, I think the word is chunky. Post another picture and you will see that we who agree are correct.

I'm sorry...but if I'm thinking of the same Eva Longoria, she's still a super skinny girl. Where did the skinny = healthy thing come from anyways? My pilates teacher has had two kids and has a bit of a tummy, but you know she's uber healthy and is one of the more beautiful people I've met. In no way is this girl chunky or what have you. blarg...I'll stop ranting here. :mad:
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2005-05-03, 8:39 PM #89
Actually, when I said healthy in my earlier posts, I meant it to say that she had meat on her bones, so to speak.

I generally find women who don't look starved more attractive. :p
2005-05-03, 9:41 PM #90
Originally posted by Ruthven
i'd hit it, she's quite cute and looks like she needs some Ruthvin`Luvin

"Ruthvin 'Luvin" I like that quote, I need me ome of that hehe ;) :p :em321:

And that girl is cute and she's not fat
2005-05-03, 10:03 PM #91
I had a feeling this thread would get funny after a few pages.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2005-05-03, 10:18 PM #92
Geez guys, are some of you blind? You're calling her fat based on a photo which clearly just shows her face and her upper body, you can't say squat about her weight based on that.

PS. The girl is a honey, love the smile.
Rock is dead - but I believe in necrophilia.
2005-05-03, 10:55 PM #93
Originally posted by quesadilla_red
I'm sorry...but if I'm thinking of the same Eva Longoria, she's still a super skinny girl. Where did the skinny = healthy thing come from anyways? My pilates teacher has had two kids and has a bit of a tummy, but you know she's uber healthy and is one of the more beautiful people I've met. In no way is this girl chunky or what have you. blarg...I'll stop ranting here. :mad:

Skinny people generally are healthier then fatter people. That's where that "crazy notion" came from. Sure, fatter people can still be healthy if they have a good diet and exercise (and if they did they probably wouldn't be fat), but many of them are fat because they eat too much fatty foods etc, dont exercise, so yes they are not as healthy.

You consider Eva Longoria super skinny?? You MUST live in the US. Where I live, that's considered normal. And the girl this thread is about is definitly somewhat chubby.
2005-05-03, 11:23 PM #94
Originally posted by Wolfy
She's cute. Hot? Eh...
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2005-05-04, 4:11 AM #95
Originally posted by drizzt2k2
Ok, how can you not tell? I'm not the only one so its obviously something multiple people recognize. So we can tell a damn thing.

No, you assume it. So shut up.
2005-05-04, 4:27 AM #96
Only way to settle this is to get a photo of her nakid.

Hey I tried.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-05-04, 5:17 AM #97
She looks normal. Any other statement on this thread is wrong.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-05-04, 8:23 AM #98
I think she looks attractive and a normal weight. I know tons of people of different weight groups and she is not fat, at most she'd be classed as chubby.

Now, if that smile was aimed at me I'd definetley say hot, the picture isn't of a high quality but I can make out that she has a nice face.
2005-05-04, 10:58 AM #99
Originally posted by Raoul Duke
Skinny people generally are healthier then fatter people. That's where that "crazy notion" came from. Sure, fatter people can still be healthy if they have a good diet and exercise (and if they did they probably wouldn't be fat), but many of them are fat because they eat too much fatty foods etc, dont exercise, so yes they are not as healthy.
Riiight. I consider myself relatively fat at 200 lbs (at around 5'9"). That's a BMI of 29.5, honestly just on the brink of obesity. I don't exercise or have a regular diet. Yet I'm probably one of the healthiest people you'd ever meet. I haven't been sick in years. Not on any medications, almost never need asprin for whatever, etc.

A normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9. That's the healthy range. It's a medical fact. Deal with it.

I can tell from the picture her BMI is nowhere even remotely close to mine. Which goes to show that most of you are full of it.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-05-04, 11:25 AM #100
BMI's not great because if you're exceptionally muscular, it labels you as obese.

Anyway, picture's eh. A bit heavy on the makeup, methinks, and the earrings are not good.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2005-05-04, 11:28 AM #101
I don't think either of us are particularly muscular.

In either case, there's other ways to prove my point.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-05-04, 11:41 AM #102
She looks quite cute, has a nice likeable face.
2005-05-04, 11:48 AM #103
Originally posted by - Tony -
BMI's not great because if you're exceptionally muscular, it labels you as obese.

Anyway, picture's eh. A bit heavy on the makeup, methinks, and the earrings are not good.

People who are exceptionally muscular ARE considered obese.

Even then, they can't keep those muscles forever, eventually they'll get old. And the muscles will turn to fat.

Those body builder guys, tend to have some pretty serious health problems later on in life.
2005-05-04, 11:57 AM #104
Muscle never turns to fat, it atrophies and grows smaller.

Body builders tend to be unhealthy because it isn't healthy to have a body-fat percentage around 1-4. Then there's the whole thing about getting all your protein from foods that, over time and in large quantities, aren't good for you.

And I think she's very pretty.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2005-05-04, 12:00 PM #105
Originally posted by Bounty Hunter 4 hire
Muscle never turns to fat, it atrophies and grows smaller.

Actually, no, in old age, muscle does turn to fat.
2005-05-04, 12:31 PM #106
Cells don't generally change type. ;)

They can atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, dysplasia, or neoplasia. You may be confusing it with how fat is deposited within muscle tissue as you age, but muscle definitely doesn't change to fat. If muscle is lost, it may be replaced with a tougher tissue. That's why older animals' meat is tougher than younger ones.

BTW, muscle changes typically start as early as 20s for men and 40s for women. :(

Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-05-04, 12:33 PM #107
Notice I said "turn" and not "change."

Though, I could have said "lead" to fat.

Arnold Can'tspellhisnameyagermiester is a pretty good example. :P
2005-05-04, 12:37 PM #108
Right[/Dr. Evil]
Pissed Off?
2005-05-04, 12:39 PM #109
Originally posted by Rob
Notice I said "turn" and not "change."
Notice they mean the same thing in the given context.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-05-04, 12:42 PM #110
Originally posted by DogSRoOL
Notice they mean the same thing in the given context.

I was about to point that out.
2005-05-04, 1:03 PM #111
I'd accept that, if I had said "turn INTO."

But I said "turn to." As in, not literally change structure and what not.

I sometimes forget that not everyone lives in my head..
2005-05-04, 1:05 PM #112
Post a link to a scientific article about how this happens and people might know what you mean.
2005-05-04, 1:06 PM #113
Originally posted by Rob
I'd accept that, if I had said "turn INTO."

But I said "turn to." As in, not literally change structure and what not.
Too bad "to" and "into" have virtually the same meaning, too. :p

Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-05-04, 1:16 PM #114
Meh, 1 and 3/4.

You said they're not the same still. :P
2005-05-04, 1:28 PM #115
You can't turn fat into muscle, and you can't turn muscle into fat physically. It's impossible.

Some people know this, most do not.

I use it as an expression, but nothing more.

Most body builders, have a specific diet, which when exercersize isn't sustained tends to make them into fatties later on in life. You can't sustain that kind of activity later on in life. Also note, that it's pretty damned hard to up and stop doing something you've done for 40, 30, 20, or even 10 to 5 years. (I'm talking about their diet here) THIS is where the common misconception comes from.

That, and skin doesn't remain as elasticy as when you get older. Did you think it was just going to remain loose, tissueless skin? :P
2005-05-04, 1:32 PM #116
Ok that makes more sense. Why didn't you just say that in the first place. :p
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-05-04, 1:38 PM #117
To be honest, I TRY to avoid putting any kind of effort into message board arguments, being as they are pretty trivial.

However, I think it is sorta funny that so many people get offended on here OVER A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION, on the internet no less.

THEN THREATEN that your credibilty is gone.

Yay.. my cybar-cred is gone.. I am hurt. Nothing is keeping me from registering a new name or going somewhere else at all. Because cybar-cred is THE ENDS ALL of credibility.


I'm not pointing fingers at this post, I just mean in general.
2005-05-04, 1:45 PM #118
Sorry I brought it up.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2005-05-04, 1:47 PM #119
This is one of the creepiest threads I've seen for a while.
Massassi's Official Chatroom: #massassi
2005-05-04, 2:11 PM #120
(and if they did they probably wouldn't be fat), but many of them are fat because they eat too much fatty foods etc, dont exercise, so yes they are not as healthy.

That's an all too common misconception.

There are alot of overweight people who exercise two or three hours a day and eat very healthy. While on the other hand, there are alot of skinny people who are very sedentary, almost never exercise, and eat junk food every day. My brother, for instance. He can eat a whole cake, or a whole pack of cookies at one time, and does so frequently. He never gets fat.

Diet and exercise is one factor down the list, but it's far from being the dominant one - that would be genetics.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.

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