[19:19:59] <~Brad> http://waxy.org/random/images/weblog/dr_mario_winamp.gif <- load image all the way, then drag image into winamp and play
[19:20:06] <~Brad> FRICKEN SWEET
[19:20:06] <~Brad> FRICKEN SWEET
Brad speaks the truth... so I made my own for fun.
![http://images.mzzt.net/drop_in_winamp.gif [http://images.mzzt.net/drop_in_winamp.gif]](http://images.mzzt.net/drop_in_winamp.gif)
How to make one of your own
- Use this http://downloads.mzzt.net/mp3gifgen.zip .NET 1.1 proggie I made.
- Make or get a GIF file to use. Other image formats may work as well... experiment.
- Make or get a MP3 file to use, generally a small one. Other formats will probably not work, depends on the tolerance of the media player you are testing it on.
Next open a console on your system (run command.com/cmd.exe on windows systems) and use the following command to make the file:
- Linux users: cat file.mp3 >> file.gif
- DOS/Windows 9x/ME users: copy file.gif + file.mp3 destination.gif
- NT/2K/XP users*: copy file.gif /b + file.mp3 /b destination.gif /b
* - This definately applies to XP. If the /b flag is invalid just leave it out. It doesn't seem to work on XP without it.
The command, in effect, tacks the MP3 on the end of the GIF.
Why it works
Browsers will ignore extra data on the end of GIFs (possibly other image formats?). The MP3 is "discarded" by the browser.
Most media players (like Winamp in this example) are tolerant of unknown/corrupted data and just discard it. The GIF gets discarded by the media player as garbage data.
Sooo CREATE YOUR OWN AND POST THEM HERE. Only if you get it working. :p
[Edit: No songs with offensive or derogatory lyrics kthx
Also if the file size is a bit on the big size, link it, don't use image tags. :)]