I borrowed my friend's cell phone to call my mother to see if she was picking me up. This was at lunch. One of the hall bouncers tells me "Hey, give me that phone!" I turned to him and said "Unless you're going to ask my mother if she's picking me up, I think you can find your own." He told me "Get into the office, NOW!" And I'm like "Hang on, if you really need me to make you a call, I will. Don't get your panties wound up." So anyway, eventually he says "I'm going to have you removed from class." So sure enough, I get into class with a pass waiting for me. Get down to the office, and he brings me into the vice principal's office. She asks "What'd you do with the cell phone?" I said "What cell phone?"
In the end, they searched through all of my bags, I emptied my pockets, and they searched my locker. When they couldn't find a cell phone, they couldn't do a damn thing to me. I finalized the convorsation by saying: "Sorry to disapoint you. Next time you need to make a call, wait till I'm done and I'll let you use it then. You're a little late asking now." and I left. Now he always asks me if I've got that cell phone on me. Narharharhar!
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