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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Massassi MMORPG in game screenshot...
Massassi MMORPG in game screenshot...
2005-05-09, 7:37 PM #41
A. GUI isn't too hot.
B. The grasslands isn't exactly anything. It's like the default box of JK.
C. Where is this "temple" you said you could make in one day?
D. If not that, how about that Rancor and that small battle you promised?

Frankly, here is what I see:

Standard GUI ingame. Standard setup. Random variables changed to fit star wars theme (Mana to Force, etc), the default level ground that you probably get when you compile, and a new character sprite.

So, knowing all that, all you have done so far is:

A. Made a sprite (which was heavily improved upon by someone else)
B. Changed a few variable names around.
C. Made a clashing, blindingly bright, and hard to read with main menu background.
D. Added one (1) item, the lightsaber. Probably replaced a default sword, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

At the rate you are going now, you might have 3 new sprites, maybe a GUI to fit, and maybe 3 new items. Maybe.
2005-05-09, 7:43 PM #42
A. GUI isn't too hot.
B. The grasslands isn't exactly anything. It's like the default box of JK.
C. Where is this "temple" you said you could make in one day?
D. If not that, how about that Rancor and that small battle you promised?

I said I'd rush it, so all these will be fixed in tommorrow's screenshot.

I also have a blaster in it, will show it tomorrow with force heal.

And the sprite you see right there in the screenshot is actually mine, the one that was heavily modified is on page one. This is a Padawan/Jedi Knight sprite, I have to use the same due, but there will be a difference in them. Any how, in a few minutes I might show me fighting my dad. Although thats up to him, so no promises on that one. The temple is done, I just haven't added it to the tiles section. The grass is temporary, for now. Anyhow, I know all this that you show me Matty, and I promise, I'll try to fix as much of it as I can by may 19th.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-05-09, 7:54 PM #43
I'll tell you guys something: I need some one to host the game, before May19th, if I get one, that person and 5 others will play that game before any one else. So, some one please host the game! I need a host, pm me if you want to help please. Thank you.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-05-09, 8:17 PM #44
You are much further along than I suspected. I hope you can understand my previous skepticism. While you may have embelished your project in the past, please accept my apology for being so hard on you. Now that the proof has been laid out on the table, I'll be a little more receptive to this project in the future.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2005-05-10, 12:40 AM #45
Hahaha I love you guys. You constantly poke SF to post ONE screenshot that would prove he's actually making something. He finally does it, and now you bash him because it doesn't look very good?

I'll admit I was sceptical in the past, but really, does it actually matter? If May 19th rolls around and SF doesn't release anything, what have you lost? If May 19th rolls around and SF releases a rubbish game that has no redeeming features, what have you lost? If May 19th rolls around and SF releases a game that's actually quite fun, and is an enjoyable time waster, what have you lost?

SF: just remember one thing - you're not going to make money off this thing, so have FUN making it, okay?
2005-05-10, 3:50 AM #46
Originally posted by Evil_Giraffe
Hahaha I love you guys. You constantly poke SF to post ONE screenshot that would prove he's actually making something. He finally does it, and now you bash him because it doesn't look very good?

I'll admit I was sceptical in the past, but really, does it actually matter? If May 19th rolls around and SF doesn't release anything, what have you lost? If May 19th rolls around and SF releases a rubbish game that has no redeeming features, what have you lost? If May 19th rolls around and SF releases a game that's actually quite fun, and is an enjoyable time waster, what have you lost?

SF: just remember one thing - you're not going to make money off this thing, so have FUN making it, okay?

The point is I could download the source code and produce a screenshot just like that.
2005-05-10, 4:12 AM #47
Yeah... ANYONE can download a free game engine, change some stuff and call it a game.

I fail to see why this is at all special, or even a game for that matter.
2005-05-10, 4:28 AM #48
Originally posted by Cool Matty
The point is I could download the source code and produce a screenshot just like that.

I'd say the point is that you haven't.
2005-05-10, 4:33 AM #49
If I commented on this thread I'd be banned.
2005-05-10, 4:38 AM #50
Dear SF bashers and negative people...

I'm pretty sure the idea behind it is just to have a little fun with other masassians. It's a game which pretty much already exists, but it has been modified to a star wars theme to interest most of us (after all, we're here because this is a star wars game editing site). The idea of walking around in a fun little game and meeting other massassians in game chatting and going on little adventures, rather than just replying to posts on a forum, sounds fun in an innocent/cute sort of way. It will probably be just another fun way to interact with the massassi community.

SF is just trying to do his part in making Massassi a more enjoyable and closer community, which is a lot more than I am doing. I say good on him, and best of luck.
2005-05-10, 4:44 AM #51
Dear Chuclkes,

You grabbed a bucket of gasoline INSTEAD of water and threw it on the fire.
2005-05-10, 4:49 AM #52
I have no idea why that would be so.
2005-05-10, 4:55 AM #53
Telling the majority of people to more or less STFU and that their opinion is wrong... is usually how it starts.
2005-05-10, 4:55 AM #54
Would you mind telling us what your relationship to Israel Angell is? Just curious.
"The solution is simple."
2005-05-10, 7:34 AM #55
I'am Israel Angell, thats my name in real life, also I got by that name in TF.N. Full name how ever is:
Jesse Israel Angell Acuña. My step grandmother was related to the Wallaces, all the way back to Willaim Wallaces, while on the other hand, my real grandmother, from the Bowes family was friends with the Earps. Talk about a small planet eh? How is this you may ask? My father was adopted by the Angell family, and so, he got that last name, yet his real last name is Bowes, he has not changed it.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-05-10, 7:39 AM #56
Oh, by thw way, should I make a Sith NPC? And any one who want to make custom characters should plan on doing it now.

EDIT: If you dn't believe my previous story, then go here and look at the last link in the nav bar.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-05-10, 8:17 AM #57

(Copy & Paste)
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-05-10, 8:25 AM #58
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01
was related to the Wallaces, all the way back to Willaim Wallaces,

May I just point out that not everybody with the name wallace is related to william wallace in some way, and he never had a wife or children?
2005-05-10, 8:42 AM #59
Have you ever played any of the old D&D dos games? It'd be cool if you could set this up in that style. PM me when you get a chance.
"The solution is simple."
2005-05-10, 11:47 AM #60
Well, my dad said the Wallaces part, and said that we could have been related back to William Wallace, according to him and my step grandmother, but I'm not quite sure since my step grandmother died before I was born, and so did all my grandfathers, so I only got two grandmothers :( .

EDIT: No I haven't played those games, although I might look into it, thank you for your suggestion.
Nothing to see here, move along.
2005-05-10, 12:30 PM #61
If you fail horribly, I'll convert an engine I've got into a good one. It's got a map editor and is easy to customize.
Sneaky sneaks. I'm actually a werewolf. Woof.
2005-05-10, 2:08 PM #62
The massassi temple is round?
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-05-10, 2:15 PM #63
On the Main Logo thing up there ^ it's square.
2005-05-10, 2:34 PM #64
That was the first building he found to colour it green
2005-05-10, 3:08 PM #65
Yes, Massassi Temples can be round.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2005-05-10, 3:09 PM #66
Evil_Giraffe, you bring up a good point. However, I think the reason so many people are bashing him was just his complete naive I-can-do-anything attitude in other threads. That doesn't give anyone the right to treat him like they are, though.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-05-10, 3:36 PM #67
uh, sure it does.
2005-05-10, 3:55 PM #68
Originally posted by Emon
Evil_Giraffe, you bring up a good point. However, I think the reason so many people are bashing him was just his complete naive I-can-do-anything attitude in other threads. That doesn't give anyone the right to treat him like they are, though.

Ditto. I admit I was wrong in thinking he wouldn't do it. I'm actually kinda glad that he did--it at least knocks everyone who isn't stuck up down a notch. Hell, he's contributed more with this one project than I have, and I'm sure it applies to most of you out there too.

But of course you'll never admit it because you 'could've done it in 5 minutes'.

Thing is, you didn't
2005-05-10, 9:57 PM #69
I've been paying attention to this, but haven't said anything, because I was skeptical. As the saying goes, "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."

These screenshots have me much more interested. It looks like it might even be fun to play. I'll definitely be playing it when it releases.

I don't understand some people's negativity towards this project, on this site, of all places. Maybe it's just a mod of a current engine, but isn't that what this site is all about?
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2005-05-10, 10:31 PM #70
I cant stand that massasi temple your using, so im making one. 512x512 pixels.
2005-05-11, 3:57 AM #71
I think the grand massassi temple that housed the rebel base was like 10-sided, so pratically round...
Math is infinitely finite, while the universe is finitely infinite. PI = QED
2005-05-11, 6:15 AM #72
It's a nice building and all, but it reminds me more of the mound in the battle with Jerec than it does the Massassi temple. I remember it being big and square-ish with little parts to fly in and land an X-wing.
That was the Massassi temple, wasn't it? And then there's the one in battlefront, and I think JO had a massassi temple, too.

Don't get me wrong, it's a nice temple you've got there, but I suggest something different. I like how this project is coming along. :)
2005-05-11, 1:43 PM #73
Originally posted by Evil_Giraffe
I'll admit I was sceptical in the past, but really, does it actually matter? If May 19th rolls around and SF doesn't release anything, what have you lost? If May 19th rolls around and SF releases a rubbish game that has no redeeming features, what have you lost? If May 19th rolls around and SF releases a game that's actually quite fun, and is an enjoyable time waster, what have you lost?

Their dignity. :p

But I agree, just go for it. I'm looking forward to the release!
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2005-05-11, 3:18 PM #74
I'm glad you people are actually liking it, thats what I've always wanted to do, make things that people like. I tried to base the temple off of the one in Battlegrounds. Any how, Overlord, I'll be happy to see your temple, and we'll let the public pick the one they like best. Well, I'm off to do some home work, and work on the game engine until I go to sleep. I will post more about the development of the game. I'm nearly finished with cave level, I its interesting. I already fixed the default grass with another one, but I havn't posted a screen about it yet. I might post another screen to night.
And the force powers seem to work, will post on them too. fare well.
Nothing to see here, move along.

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