A. GUI isn't too hot.
B. The grasslands isn't exactly anything. It's like the default box of JK.
C. Where is this "temple" you said you could make in one day?
D. If not that, how about that Rancor and that small battle you promised?
Frankly, here is what I see:
Standard GUI ingame. Standard setup. Random variables changed to fit star wars theme (Mana to Force, etc), the default level ground that you probably get when you compile, and a new character sprite.
So, knowing all that, all you have done so far is:
A. Made a sprite (which was heavily improved upon by someone else)
B. Changed a few variable names around.
C. Made a clashing, blindingly bright, and hard to read with main menu background.
D. Added one (1) item, the lightsaber. Probably replaced a default sword, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
At the rate you are going now, you might have 3 new sprites, maybe a GUI to fit, and maybe 3 new items. Maybe.
B. The grasslands isn't exactly anything. It's like the default box of JK.
C. Where is this "temple" you said you could make in one day?
D. If not that, how about that Rancor and that small battle you promised?
Frankly, here is what I see:
Standard GUI ingame. Standard setup. Random variables changed to fit star wars theme (Mana to Force, etc), the default level ground that you probably get when you compile, and a new character sprite.
So, knowing all that, all you have done so far is:
A. Made a sprite (which was heavily improved upon by someone else)
B. Changed a few variable names around.
C. Made a clashing, blindingly bright, and hard to read with main menu background.
D. Added one (1) item, the lightsaber. Probably replaced a default sword, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
At the rate you are going now, you might have 3 new sprites, maybe a GUI to fit, and maybe 3 new items. Maybe.