Soon to be banned via neo-conservative conspiracy
Posts: 3,241
Obi_Kwiet, read the book. The book carries the theme of the Anti-Bush. I am not saying I support the anti-Bush in the movie, and personally it disgusts me. Hell look at the old Star Wars trilogy, it carried alot of the Vietnam War theme. The poorly equipped, vastly outnumbered and outgunned Rebel Alliance (The Vietnamese) defeats the incredibly large and powerful Galactic Empire (The American War Machine) who thinks there way of running things is the best. Again not saying I agree or disagree.
But when you watch the movie, look how they treat Chancellor Palpatine. Palpatine is supposedly played incredibly well, but every other character thinks he is too powerful politically, gaining too much influence over everyone too quickly in the name of peace and justice; taking away the rights of the citizens and personal security in order to "protect" everyone. So who does Palpatine sound like?
The formation of the Galactic Empire scene is the most sickening anti-Bush moment in the story from the book. And odds are it'll be almost identical to the movie. The movie starts off with a giant ship crashing on Coruscaunt, destroying lives and buildings and causing large amounts of devistation. The Jedi Temple looks like the WTC when the smoke is coming out of it. There really is alot of Anti-Bush stuff in the movie, and it's not "OMG TEH BUSH IS EVIL" but it's subliminal. Hell I didn't even SEE IT until a guy I know told me. I went back and looked and sure enough, it is there.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.