This is what sane looks like.
Posts: 4,794
This is pretty much just a copy and paste of what I wrote elsewhere.
The beginning rocked to an extent. It was more a way to show off the visual effects more than anything else. But as much as it rocked, there were still lame scenes. The Buzz Droids on Obi-Wan’s fighter. I’m sorry, but that entire sequence felt stupid. The overly absurd and stupid comedy shifted from Jar-Jar (who THANKFULLY only showed up twice and never said a WORD) to R2. I found that disappointing. This is R2! He’s got a hell of a personality, but he’s not stupid like that! Still… some of that WAS ever so slightly funny. The battle with Dooku was short. TOO short. Honestly, he kicked Obi-Wan out in seconds, and Anakin had him pinned in another 20 or so. And Palpatine just sitting there the whole time? Meh… that felt awkward to me. Yes he’s being held and locked to the chair, but the fact that he didn’t seem to really CARE didn’t make sense. Yeah, you’re behind EVERYTHING that’s going on, but please, at least ACT like you aren’t so the good little Jedi’s here don’t think something is up. That said, the setup for here was cool as it resembled RotJ a bit. Some of the dialogue during the first part between Anakin and Obi-Wan was actually surprisingly GOOD. It felt like stuff you’d hear in the original trilogy. Ditto on some of the events. Lightsaber battles overall though seemed… wrong. They were quick, exciting, and fun to watch, but it didn’t seem like there was any real form behind it. It seemed more like desperate flailing of swords then learned fighting techniques. The fact that a lot of it was closeup shots didn’t help much. I wanted some of the same type shots that we got in Ep1 and in RotJ.
Greivous was interesting, but odd. He’s a droid. Why on EARTH is he coughing and hacking all the time? He also seemed to feel more like a minor enemy that served no real purpose as opposed to some major guy you had to care about. Since we’re on the subject of the droids… What was up with the whole droid army? They honest to god reminded me of the Grunts from Halo! I kept expecting to hear a Grunt scream when droids were being chopped up, or “RUN AWAY!!!!!” in classic Grunt fashion. They went from being these monotone emotionless killing machines to monotone killing machines with an annoying personality.
Anakin and Padme? I just wanted to shoot them both whenever they shared screen time.
Palpatine showing his true self after being put under arrest was WONDERFUL. My only gripe? They narrowed it down to just him and Mace Windu WAY too fast. I mean, comeon… if he’s currently the most powerful sith lord in existence, I think he could EASILY take on four jedi at once without a major problem. Longer would’ve been better. His facial transition after Mace pinned him down was perfect. From there though, it seemed to go downhill. Anakin walks in, and the awesomeness dies. His character couldn’t figure out what was going on, and the actor had ZERO idea how to accurately portray that, or was given CRAP in terms of direction. His switch to the darkside was insanely fast. I saw it and went, "That's it? He's officially bad now?"
“Initiate Order Sixty-Six.” This was, by far, the BEST part of the movie to me. It was dark. VERY dark. And thus, ****ing awesome. Though, after hearing the order, I expected something more like “Order Six, Six, Six”. >.> But I suppose, for obvious reasons, that wouldn’t have worked out well. Anyways, the way Cody INSTANTLY attacked Obi-Wan without hesitation was just… Wow. Yes, I know the clones were designed to follow ANY order given to them, but that was just… Wow. How quickly, and unemotionally he complied. Anakin going into the Jedi Temple was by far the most disturbing part. Especially right after they cut away from the younger Jedi in training. However, looking back on it, that scene just doesn’t work for me. A few minutes earlier, he didn’t feel evil at all. More like a completely confused little brat still. Yet suddenly, here in the temple, he is now a completely evil monster. It's a sudden change that doesn't work for me at all, and makes little sense.
The sequences on Kashyyyk? Nice, but also something of a disappointment. For one, Lucas SHOULD have gone with the EU version of Kashyyyk. ie: A massive forest planet with trees EVERYWHERE. All of which are about the size of buildings on Courscant. That would've looked ALOT cooler. For two… they were too short. Yoda suddenly kicking Clone Trooper *** though was AWESOME. Don’t mess with the short man.
Yoda vs Palpatine = Awesome. Walk in, slam the troopers against the wall. Badass. The dialogue was kinda corny though. The fight was pretty good, up until the end. Then it felt like poo.
And then the final battle: Obi-Wan vs Anakin. The way this ended up working was actually kinda brilliant in it’s simplicity. The actual battle itself? VERY much so like ESB. Between the speed of the fighting, the aggressiveness, and the danger of where they were fighting, it all felt VERY much like ESB. That didn’t stop there from being awkward pauses in the fighting though. Overall, it was good though. And the way it ended? Ever so typical of Anakin’s character thoughout the last three movies. “Don’t do this Anakin!” “I’ll do what I want! *scream as he realizes Obi-Wan was right… AGAIN*” That ending dialogue though… MUCH better than the way it looked from the trailer.
The birth scene was… well… kinda lame. Necessary, but lame. Anakin becoming Vader? Pretty good. When the helmet went on… dead silence… then… WHOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSHHHH… SHHEEEEEE-THUNK. That sound is one of my all time favorite parts of ESB. And then that first breath. That was perfectly done. PERFECTLY. However, all was ruined once Vader actually got up OFF the operating table. Yes, he has to adjust to everything, but all the movements were completely wrong. Totally UN-Vader. The following dialogue? Even MORE UN-Vader. A huge letdown to me. I was expecting lots of voice awesomeness from James Earl Jones, and instead, I got dialouge lameness… *sigh*
Tarkin's appearance at the end? Gah. WHY!? Even from that far back it just looked… ever so wrong. A nice touch, yes, but wrong… He just didn’t look right. Yeah, he had to look younger, but jeeze… they made it look like as he got older, he actually became MORE attractive. Even from that far back he looks ugly.
The final conversation between Obi-Wan and Yoda = WTF? I was actually quite giddy for a moment thinking something awesome was about to happen, BUT IT WENT NOWHERE! GAH!
So… my final opinion? It was good. Better than Ep I and EP II. BY FAR. Those two PALE in comparison. However, it still wasn’t as good as the original three movies. My official ranking would have to be ESB, RotJ, ANH, RotS and the other two would have to rank several spaces lower. >.> I hate them that much. I honestly cannot STAND to watch them now. I'd rank it maybe a 6 out of 10, with the Original Trilogy movies ranking higher.
Now, when the other two came out I initially thought they were reasonably decent too. You can see how I like them now. I can’t say for sure how much I’ll like EP III a few years down the road, but it’s position won’t change much in my rankings simply because the other two movies are far worse.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand