Sorry if this is truning into JK vs. JO post but I would just like to throw in my 2 cents.
First of all JO's story sucked because they made Kyle seem like a wimp. He gets thown around all the time in game. Now in JK Kyle is a real Bad*** on the first level Kyle flips over a guy with a gun to his head that was right behind him. Also the 7 dark jedi were sooooooooooooooo much better than Desann and Tavion. Also where the hell did Kyle get a blue lightsaber? He was supposed to have yellow. Oh well
Anyway why dont you try to pay attention to JO alittle more because it said in the book that it was 9 years since Kyle defeated Jerec and in the opening text it says it was 8 years. Atleast JK had everything organized in its story. Why dont you pay more attention to JK's story then say that JO's is better.
Now enough of this JO vs JK because it is going no where.
Now to change the subject............
Anyone here play starcraft?
I should have aimed for your head when I had the chance....
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